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About Ladeira

  • Birthday 01/06/1993

Profile Information

  • Location
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Interests
    Electrochemistry and Arts.
  • College Major/Degree
    Chemistry Technician, Undergrad student.
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    Chemistry Technician


  • Meson

Ladeira's Achievements


Atom (5/13)



  1. Thank you John!
  2. Yes I tried! But I could only find it now. I think I can use a cold finger (see how it provokes the condensation of part of the vapor). I mean, the usual fractional distillation (image below) wouldn't give me the reflux ratio I needed.
  3. I don't understand why Lady Gaga doesn't figure on this list.
  4. Hey guys I'm looking for a nice drawing of a lab device for fractional distillation at low pressure with reflux ratio. I just can't find anywhere a reflux associated to a fractional distillation. I've seen Perkin triangle but I don't know how it gives me reflux ratio. Thank you! Antonio.
  5. This creationist park must be cool... I would feel like I were in a Harry Potter theme park. Well, I'm upset with elections in US, so no comments at all.
  6. Hey guys, seize the water and energy, they're all saying! Well, I stay in the shower for about 20 minutes... this is just because I live in a very hot country.
  7. So Mariah Carey FINALLY threw her babies out.

    1. Moontanman


      I am quite certain No one ever looked any better doing it...

    2. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      are babies used in this context some kind of euphemism?

  8. Ladeira

    My Poem

    so cute I'd place it on my wall.
  9. It's quite nice that you assumed now that you have lost opportunities. Your career is not over because of college. In college, you just have to learn. Joining a research or not, you learned somehow (as your friend said "you're doing well in classes") what was to be learnt. I'm almost sure you've got an urge for opportunities like those you've left behind. And that's the right time. Postgraduating will give you that no matter what happened - or didn't - in college. Focus on what's coming your way and look for what might come. Talk to some of your professors, I'm sure it is going to help. And you didn't waste your life! You're graduating
  10. My reply is too good to be written... lol ufo.bmp
  11. You say that cause they haven't raped you yet.
  12. Well embarassing photos are the greatest thing on Facebook. Childish is having other people checking your Facebook for your embarassing moments. Who never wanted to play jokes sometimes? I guess people need to set personal life apart from professional one. Embarassing things are real life. Isn't hiding it only convenient omission?
  13. Religious argument is always based on their belief that homossexuality is a state of mind, not a condition. That's how they try to say that it was chosen by the sinner. Really really disgusting, I hope I can marry someday soon. In my country.
  14. As everyone said, you should look for your professor. I have reports here, but they are in portuguese, I guess they wouldn't interest you.
  15. It really sounds like Discovery Channel speaker man. This paragraph you wrote made me laugh so, so, but SO much that I hope it is not so inappropriate to reveal it here. Anyway, for what we discovered by now, this theory is very weak.
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