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Everything posted by Ladeira

  1. I'm sure there's nothing compared to Earth in solar system... We're damaging Earth so much as it's damaging our health, it's time to be worried how to stop the excess warming or at least make it go slower. There's much CO2 and less trees... People are annoying nature and hurricanes (and other disasters) are just getting more often than never before.
  2. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    I understand perfectly what you mean. I used to think this way abou Good Charlotte, but they're just so weird currently, they used to be like rockers who were making fun of idiot people of highschool and now they look just like them...
  3. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    I like ''Starlight''. But I guess they wouldn't come to Brazil though.
  4. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    I don't know what is it, but it scares me.
  5. I believe in global warming. Maybe it's too late to save the Earth so we could prepare Moon and make a global warming on it to turn water liquid.
  6. Ladeira


    I'm new, so I don't remember you. But anyway, welcome back!
  7. Good rules, when I've read "Einstein's Wrong!", I thought the next words would be something like "If you say that you'll find yourself banned! Don't blaspheme about our Eternal Professor! Never and Never and Never!!!"
  8. It sounds good. I've tried to learn how to play guitar but I failed. I'm getting used to electronic music. So, maybe I'll look forward to that.
  9. I'd like to have some talent. But I don't know how to play any instrument. I can do something like screamo and that's all.. maybe some backin' vocal. I'd fit well in some band like a completely fun crazy band which no one knows how to play any instrument and just keep fooling with electronic songs.
  10. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    I've listened! It looks pretty cool... but, sorry, what's "cupcake"?
  11. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    There isn't good stuff in Brazil, except those who makes crazy music. And I'm really addicted to those. Like CSS or Bonde do Role (not much). By the way, I also like Coldplay (even though it makes me sleep sometimes). But Evanescence is the highest in my Music Hierarchy with amazing lyrics and incredible voice.
  12. Yeah... I understand you. But sometime those moral questions must disappear... or we'll be going through this doubted way forever.
  13. it looks very philosophical, and makes quite sense. but if it sounds real? i don't think so.
  14. I can't, but I can't figure out how would we simply disappear... of course our body will be dead. But our feelings? Isn't death time to rest... to be free? I don't have an opinion about after life. But however, someday we'll know (or not, if we become just food for plants)...
  15. I understand.. here he government were giving financial support to those researchs, including with blastocysts, but it wasn't legal nor illegal. So, they 'got together' to discuss this topic. I guess it was like 6 (YES) x 5 (NO).
  16. I believe it's not going to be a immediately destruction... Not something like the earth exploding or imploding.. Maybe it might be something slow... like airplanes falling down, ships going under, and other bizarre consequences (can you imagine microwaves (device) overheating like bombs?)... Those are just idiot examples. I hope I die fast when November, 2012... So, I'd have time to watch all destruction with sunglasses 8D By the way... We can't expect it like a religion.. Apocalypse looks very interesting and also the perfect way to end up with Earth.
  17. Yesterday, the Brazilian Supreme Court accepted the embrionary stem cells research as legal. And again, the Science wins... and I can't understand why all those religious groups can't figure out that we're not killing people, just saving them from death. More one point to Brazil
  18. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    That is an unusual taste in music, it must be cool though.
  19. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    I love them and they don't make any concert here ;.; I love bands which make some kind of "non sense" music... like crazy bands
  20. I'm not an expert at all... But I think that we're only seeing a way. As you can imagine an elastic. We're seeing it in expansion, but sometime (in the future) it might torn or regret (when the universe can't expand more). I think Big Crunch is a good theory.
  21. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    Have you ever heard "CSS"? It's a brazilian band which is making much success abroad... specially in U.S. You should check it out.
  22. it'd be strange to see bacterias with breast cancer...! by the way it's exactly what insane_alien said.
  23. Ladeira

    Music ;D

    What do you think about music? And what kinds of music do you like? I don't know the style of music I like, but my favorite bands are Evanescence, Good Charlotte, CSS, The Used, etc. and also some songs of Mozart. I'm really addicted to music like I can't get through a day without listening to one song at least.
  24. Corporal Punishment isn't, absolutely, a good idea. I mean, can't a sincere talking solve this? You might think he's too old for a simple talk. But I guess that if his family is close, things were supposed to be fine. "For an inappropriate joke in the middle of class?" It's something that must be treated about at home. I don't think school will help you anyway. I know sending home is an absurd... but punishment is something very unusual nowadays. IMO, the best you can do is trying to repair it at home... try to talk to your son and show him it's not right and he can do "jokes" when he's going out with friends and etc. (always showing the edges of "joke") I'm a teenager of nowadays. So, that's just what I think.
  25. I did. And I haven't found something interesting, and can't understand what happens yet. Can someone help me?
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