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About Me
Musician, computer programmer, author, webmaster, and more, from Melbourne Australia.
Author of "The Hammar Axis: Precession of the Stars & the Changing North Star While Maintaining the Tilt of the Earth" 2010.
I've recently joined the science forum in order to discuss and examine the credability of the Hammar Axis theory. I've been curious about the 'precession of the stars' and the current theory of a 'wobbling' tilt of the Earth's axis for well over a decade.
As it was so long ago, and back then I didn't expect to have a need to, I didn't record the exact flow of questioning that started me on a quest to find the answers to what I thought were problems with the currently accepted theory. (here comes another one? just wait.)
I had actually expected to find the answers for my wonders from another source, anything, something that filled the 'holes'. A decade later I experienced what I can only call a true "Eureka!" moment. I've had "lightbulb" moments before but not like the moment the concept suddenly fell into place when I least expected it to.
That was two years ago and I've been studying it ever since so I think I should be able to satisfy any questioning.
The basis of the theory, by the way, is that not only is the galaxy rotating (current estimates say over 226 million years -1999) but the spiral arm are also rotating. This effects the view of the stars from Earth during our journey around the galactic arm causing the 'precession of the stars' while the tilt of the Earth's axis remains close to what is is today.
Of course, I intend to expand on this with much more information in my posts I hope you'll join in.
You'll find the thread here: Precession or motion? (split from Earth precession thread)
Thanks for dropping by.