@ michel123456
I understand what you are saying, and am actually not too confused about your idea at all. It is simply a different way of viewing the subject of time as the "underlying dimension" in which all other dimensions exist.
@ swansont
I get it, perhaps I am not strictly referring to string theory, and I do apologize for the mis-labeling of this topic. My main point of thought is that time seems to be unplaceable in terms of spacial dimensions as it is (although related) not the same idea as spacial dimensions.
The point which I am sort of getting at is this:
Why would the strings need to vibrate in 10 dimensional hyperspace? We have seen in our 3 dimensional universe that the wavelength of energy determines its properties, and if energy and matter are interchangeable, why could the vibration of subatomic particles not determine the properties of that piece of matter? (certain wavelength makes a proton, another wavelength makes an electron etc [crude example, I know, but it communicates the point]). As you said, physically speaking, all we can observe and experience are the 3 basic spacial dimensions, so couldn't the solution exist simply within those dimensions?
I originally brought up my question of time as I wanted to further understand that before delving further into this matter.
I realize that with all these things being theoretical, a clear, definitive answer is not likely/possible. I just wanted to get others' perspectives on the subject.
Thanks again,