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About AJS

  • Birthday 12/23/1988

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Mechanisms of Neurodevelopmental disorders
    Hormonal control of behavior
    Monoamine psychopharmacology
    Science fiction
  • College Major/Degree
    Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
  • Occupation
    Graduate Student

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  1. If you are looking for the most up to date and influential finding. Structure your search by publication date and impact factor of the journal they were published in.
  2. A free online Neuroscience Textbook. (for those of you to cheap to buy one) http://neuroscience.uth.tmc.edu/ A Great genome browser (requires competency in bioinformatics) http://genome.ucsc.edu/ One of my favorite podcasts http://www.brainsciencepodcast.com/ For those of you teaching undergraduate classes but do not have the resources for labs. (you will have to download software to make full use of these) http://mdcune.psych.ucla.edu/
  3. the P2Y receptor is found in various cell types throughout the body, and exerts its effects through an array of G-coupled signalling cascades. (most commonly through phospholipase C or adenylyl cyclase) --- To determine its function focus on what location you are interested in. --- for example in the pancreas evidence suggest P2Y may stimulate epithelial cells, whereas in the vascular system it stimulates vasoconstriction
  4. For the standard deviation. Just square root of the variance (you computed with the formula)
  5. For the standard deviation. Just square root of the variance (you computed with the formula)
  6. There is no appreciable difference between the two formulas you mention above. ---The first in the definitional formula --- the second is a computational formula (not frequently used thanks to advances in computational speed) The first formula can be worded verbally as: The variance is equal to the sum of the squared deviations around the mean divided by sample size. To use it 1. subtract the mean from each individual data point (this will provide you the deviation of that score from the mean) 2. Square each deviation 3. add them all together 4. divide by you total number of data points (if your class has talked about degrees of freedom, you should use N-1 as the denominator instead of just N)
  7. As you go about thinking about this case study, you should consider first the membrane kinetics of potassium. As I am sure you are well aware, K+ concentration is vastly higher within the membrane than without (and in fact near a factor of 10 higher). So the basic way of thinking of what would happen to neurotransmission is visualizing what would occur at the ion channels. When a neuron depolarizes, it is due to a quick influx of sodium through NA+ channels. as more sodium influxes it depolarises the membrane opening more channels. (this produces the peak in the action potential) (in other words the membrane approaches electrochemical balance for sodium. Now think about how the cell recovers after depolarization. The large influx of sodium has produced an energetically unstable concentration of ions within the cell. the high voltage produces an opening of voltage gated potassium channels. It is through these channels that the neuron effluxes K+ and stabilizes its electrochemical gradient. So what would happen to the rate of K+ efflux, if the membrane potential for potassium was in homeostatic balance? --- you should predict a decreased rate of efflux If there is no drive to move potassium outside the cell, after initial depolarization the electrochemical balance would stabilize much closer to sodium homeostasis.n (~+150 sodium, as opposed to ~-85 K+). --- a simple prediction to derive from this would be that cells are not firing at a quicker rate, but lose the ability to repolarise and slow down. To follow up from what you were concluding. In essence the neuron would skip the refractory phase entirely (the refractory phase is when the cell overshoots to close to K+ equilibrium) but skip the repolarization phase as well. ---- I don't want to mislead you by laying out additional mechanisms that may facilitate repolarization, but if you need clarification or elaboration let me know.
  8. decent psychology lectures http://www.psych.umn.edu/meehlvideos.php A wonderful compilation of interactive Neuroanatomy quizzes http://library.med.utah.edu/kw/hyperbrain/quiz/index.html MIT brain/cognitive sciences courses http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/ if you want lecture notes and, most courses have them available. A great way to learn the material. An in depth MRI imagery based Atlas http://www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/home.html
  9. see an optometrist and neurologist if necessary. Color flashes can be a sign of tumor
  10. We can start with good sheep brain dissection for basic neuroanatomy http://academic.scranton.edu/department/psych/sheep/newsheep/practice/ And a nice compilation of lectures http://www.utdallas.edu/~kilgard/lectures.htm More to come If there is interest for discussion
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