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About guitaoist

  • Birthday 02/22/1987

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    Houston, TX
  • Favorite Area of Science

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  1. & the tree of life is again in the holy book of revelation as i quote
  2. havent u read revelation of the holy Word
  3. it draws life energy through the roots and if u eat the fruit it produces u receive the life force gathered from the planet thats why its called the tree of life
  4. all i said is that everyone i know in my town voted 2 allect newt gingrich i think hes a hero
  5. have u ever heard of the tree of might
  6. what r u talking about
  7. newt wanted 2 end the libtard bias of obama who can honestly b called a socialist
  8. dude ur a hater

  9. hey now i will point u all 2 a real proof of astrology there is a scholar from harvard named richard tarnas and he wrote a book that is like my bible called COSMOS and PSYCHE it is not refutable i will give u all the link - http://www.amazon.com/Cosmos-Psyche-Intimations-World-View/dp/0452288592/ u skeptics can NOT disprove this many have tried none have won
  10. actually astrology is a science as i have already shown though you all seem to hate me when i refer to my other thread actually ive read newtons principia as well as a book called COSMOS and PSYCHE by RICHARD TARNAS who has a degree from HARVARD and teaches at the california institute of integral studies in san francisco
  11. everyone in my town voted to allect newt gingrich
  12. Why does it look like you're wearing eye shadow?

  13. newt wouldve ended obamas african communist policys i already talked about this:
  14. im already educated in the science of astrology i already gave proof here - http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/64967-proof-for-the-skeptics/
  15. sounds like u dont know what ur talking about
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