A common misconception is that larger voltages are more dangerous than smaller ones. However, this is not quite true. The danger to living things comes not from the potential difference, but rather the current flowing between two points. The reason that people may believe this can be explained by the equation V = IR. Since V is directly proportional to I, an increase in voltage can mean an increase in current, if resistance ® is kept constant.
This is the text from the first paragraph of that same website. It is the Amperage, or current that is deadly, not the voltage. From a conversation with a friend of mine that deals with electrical circuits, it is my understanding that the process of stepping up the voltage will actually lower the amperage.
Eventually I would like to have a sustained arc, but because I am new to circuits and short on funds I want my first prototype to be "like a very small lightning flash."
It is my understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the sustained arc would be more complicated and more expensive to create as well as have a larger power source.