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  1. I cant be hypnotized. why ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      You can be hypnotized if you come across the right person. Anyone can be hypnotized, even if you are resisting it. Trust me, you don't want to be hypnotized, someone could literally kill you with their words.

    3. fresh


      you tried ? It is like witchcraft. don't you think so ?

    4. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      I didn't try to get hypnotized when it happened the first time. It's no joke in all actuality. People think of hypnosis as of when it occurs clinically, but that's really not the way it can occur. The craziest type of hypnosis will happen between someone who is 20 to 30 years older than you, but they're like the same person that you are.

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