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Everything posted by fresh

  1. yes, you can change your job. The most unfortunately thing is you can not change who your father is. He is a tyrant and jerk.
  2. The easiest thing in this world is getting fat .
  3. Frankly speaking, no unhappy things is quite a happy thing. Unfortunately, there are some very unpleasant / troublesome things we have to face, and the problem is i can't deceive myself.
  4. Why the unhappy things are always more than happy things in life ?
  5. Noun can be both used as an adjective and a verb. https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/nouns-adjective.htm
  6. Is ' a grammar mistake' a grammatical mistake ? are you sure ?? 10 Common Grammar Mistakes Even Smart People Make https://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/10-common-grammar-mistakes-even-smart-people-make.html 20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makeshttps://litreactor.com/columns/20-common-grammar-mistakes-that-almost-everyone-gets-wrong
  7. haha, thanks ! thanks. it is a silly mistake. I seldom made that kind of mistakes in uni...i should practice more.
  8. ‘I was used to eating it everyday.’ in OP, edited to ' I used to eat it everyday.' a grammar mistake. sorry. Is it true McDonald can be left there for months or even years without any fly near to it ? it is unbelievable !
  9. why people say McDonald is junk food ?
  10. My dad is an incorrigible heavy smoker. Nobody can help him.
  11. junk food costs little. why our self-control ability is poor ? Are there scientific reasons ?
  12. how ? why my dad can not give up smoking even though he coughs a lot ? smoking is much worse than junk food. it is another kind of addiction.
  13. I stop eating potato chips for 3 years. I was used to eating it everyday. I know it is not good for health, so I gave it up. Unfortunately, my dad falls in love with it recently. One day, he bought 3 bottles home with different flavors , and we shared it. It tastes so great ! Since then, he can not stop buying it. I addict to it again... besides that, instant noodles tastes not bad too. How do you resist those delicious junk food ?
  14. i didn't fail anyone who cares about me. what's the problem ?? How many people care about you in this world ? you guys think twice. For those who don't give a shit on you, you care ?
  15. because people we care failed us many times? i see lots of unhappy couples.
  16. how many in % ?
  17. I find most of people are busy with taking care of kids and kids' kids......all for next generation.... is it the purpose of life ?
  18. what's kind of job you did ? why you got paid for doing nothing ?
  19. fresh

    Broccoli lab

    nutritionists say vitamin C will be destroyed during cooking, which is what i learned for years....
  20. fresh

    Broccoli lab

    why you want to boil vegetables ? vitamin C is heat intolerant.
  21. why Matt880 is not interested in who drugged him ? isn't it strange ?
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