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  1. Does anyone split time from anything? I thought a lot. I could not image how time stand alone. So I suppose time is a property of object, which means time is created by object. Such as, a day means "one circle of earth self-rotation", means a day is created by earth self-rotation. A year means "one circle of earth orbiting sun", means a year is created by earth orbiting sun. Does this make any sense? Suppose earth self-rotation is a bit longer or shorter, will a day changes into one and a half days or half day? I don't think so. My point is "A day is the time created by earth self-rotation". After all, my viewpoint about time is that:" Every existing things creates its own time. " A funny viewpoint , isn't it?
  2. Discusses about time and space are always populate. Now I want to share mine. Once I tried to spilt time from everything. But I could not image time is alone without anything. So I thought time might be aggregated with everything. And then I thought in this way :" Time is created by everything. In another word, everything has its own time." Now it becomes the way I think of time. A funny view, isn't it? Can you share yours? I want to discuss it a little more.
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