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About bellbottom25

  • Birthday 08/13/1981

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    planet nebulae
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  1. And i say again shut up very nicely you all low caste foreigners! ------------- eric
  2. No i didn't! ---------- eric
  3. Do you know what i think, its like convincing blabberheads! I used to ask many many rankers in my time when their result came out! The physics theorems...etc.etc.... but they were all blank! Many said i would go home and came with all the formulaes !LOL I see that you all are just the same! ------------- eric
  4. I am always absolutely correct! ----------- eric
  5. Then please stop the crap about jews! ------------------ eric
  6. Sorry for interrupting foolish people discussing! But i still say that there is no friction between the rails and the wheels of a locomotive! Imagine the wheels of an boeing of metal, and you all stupids would still be discussing about friction? -------------- eric
  7. My name is kunal...u do know me very well! ---------------- eric
  8. ...interrupting psychosis! Might be that some atmospheres separated by geographical distances might be having different gravity! ------------------- eric
  9. Let me state it clearly, metal over metal in case of metal wheels of a locomotive over metal rails never produce friction! --------------- eric
  10. What should i say physics is loved to be imagined! -------------- eric
  11. What you'll again reply with such absurdness if i even restate my question! Might be that i should compare you all just like my class-mates who were such boring , pathetic, book-worms!(even brainless too) -------------- eric
  12. Listening to documentaries again and again about jews, it makes me feel awfull. Not knowing people who they are and still jews given sympathy. And also being disliked and even liked! I don't know whats the problem with the media and the nations who once said that they despised jews! I am myself a brahmin, but i don't know what should i make out who and why are jews! I should have been knowing better! And as for wobbleheads, its the term i have defined for the young generation with some ol' included! Neither craving for the past, and even acting to be self-ascertained for the future! With even vibrating head-skulls! I feel like the world is a constant! Just like the breed of dogs never cease to change their looks over ages, neither the world changes its! ------------ eric
  13. You are just trying to reason out with your calculations! What i am trying to ask is perhaps way over your type of heads! --------------- eric
  14. I have been thinking too much about generalised concepts! Equations in physics might be solving every querry. But ask yourself a huge metal wheels of a locomotive if turned by the axil of an engine, then the force might have been produced with accumulating weight which combines with the momentum of the locomotive! Then when it comes to stopping the train, might be that the axils were applied pressure for lowering down the speed! But if not then the locomotive should be going forward on its own weight! Might be that the friction that we are discussing would be even negligible! Then how come the locomotives stop and even start so smoothly! ------------- eric
  15. Huh, but not the required friction to stop a huge locomotive! The wheels would need more than friction to even start rolling on the metal rails, then how come they stop that easily! ------------------ eric
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