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  • Location
    Northern Virginia
  • College Major/Degree
    George Mason Univ / International Affairs
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Theoretical physics


  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello, newbie here from Washington DC, no background in physics or higher mathematics, but very curious about theoretical physics nonetheless. I've been reading various articles about the speed-of-light and I came across a statement that intrigued me: Everything travels at the speed of light. Now, I realize that most of this motion for everyday objects is diverted in both the time and space directions, so that theoretically an object at rest is travelling through spacetime at light-speed through the time direction while light travels at this speed through space. But my question is this: "objects at rest" that travel at the speed-of-light through time DO NOT apply to me sitting here at my desk, correct, since I am moving with the orbit of the earth? These "objects at rest" travelling at 100% lightspeed though the TIME DIMENSION ONLY only apply to hypothetical objects in a vaccuum (like empty space), and not anything here on Earth? Please tell if I am right or wrong on this. And if I am wrong, please elaborate objects at perfect rest and give me an example (all travel is done through time and none through space). Thanks!
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