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    thermal physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. arki

    Thermal physics

    Imagine a house in a cold climate, where the conventional insulating outer wall is divided into thinner less insulating concentric layers with habitable spaces between them. The inner core has a heat source and the highest temperature, and accommodates activities with a high comfort temperature as relaxing, laying down etc. The following layers have room for more strenuous activities where a lower temperature is tolerated. As I understand it, heat loss is less when the difference in temperatures is smaller. Is less heat lost to the environment due to the comparably low temperature in the outer layers? Will this system reduce the heating needs for the house in general? Is it an efficient way of saving energy? Could the heat loss from the inner layer heat the other layers sufficiently? Thanks in advance! Jan-Egil Pettersen, Norwegian architect.
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