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I always get diagnosed with dry eye, as it feels like I have sand in them at times, at other times they are fine. But, I go to the beach where it's humid and they are still dry - sometimes, I go higher in elevation and they are fine - sometimes.....then I found something.....on days when a storm is coming and while the storm is here I am in pain and my eyes water, just prior to the storm leaving I start to feel better, and when the weather is wonderful my eyes are great. So, there must be some correlation between eyes and bormetric pressure.
Actually the biggest problem is the over hype of the diesease, as most men die with it, instead of from it. It is a very slow growing cancer, it takes more than 20 years to spread & become painful, that's why the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force) recommend men don't even get yearly tested, it instills fear and when the test is postiive men rush out and get surgery, which most often leaves them in diapers &/or with erectile dysfunction, and it doesn't even insure that the cancer is gone, some have the cancer reappear, then it's deadly....when if they had waited they may have died and never known they had it. The other biggest problem is the money in it, if we had HIFU like the rest of the world, men could get treated and not worry about incontinence or ED.
This thread was in my inbox like there is a reply, but I don't see one, anyway I thought I'd say hi....another year has gone by and my husband is still in great shape. We are very grateful that we found out about HIFU and had the nerve to go to Mexico for treatment. We have several friends who also chose to go to Mexico for treatment and they are happy about it. I read that in India and China they are treating almost all cancers with ultrasound (high intensity focused ultrasound). It's the future but America is stuck in the "make more money" hole.
Well, I guess what I believe now is that the guy peddling this MMS isn't a chemist and he really doesn't know a whole lot about the chemistry behind it, but he is an old guy and he says he has watched many people get cured from all kinds of stuff, the fact he doesn't sell it, another company does that has nothing to do with him, they sell it to purify water ~~ makes me wonder, maybe it does work..? Here's something from his letters: Chlorine dioxide does no damage to the human body: The next argument was that chlorine dioxide goes forth and kills everything in its path including good and bad bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungus and also damages human body parts. But that is not so. There are thousands of industrial corporations listed on the Internet that use chlorine dioxide for the very reason, because it can be very selective in what it destroys (oxidizes). When properly used at low levels of concentration it can select pathogens and not affect body parts. For a list of companies using chlorine dioxide because it is selective, Google “chlorine dioxide selective.” Here is a quote by the US Gov EPA Http://www.epa.gov./ogwdw000/mdbp/pdf/alter/chapt_4.pdf 4.1 Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry: Chlorine dioxide functions as a highly selective oxidant due to its unique, one-electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced to chlorite (ClO2-) (Hoehn et al., 1996). 4.4 – Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and disinfectant. Its disinfecting mechanisms are not well understood, but appear to vary by the type of microorganism. 4.4.1 – In the first disinfection mechanism, chlorine dioxide reacts readily with amino acids cysteine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, but not with viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) (Noss etal., 1983; Olivier et al., 1985) It was concluded that chlorine dioxide inactivated viruses by altering the viral capsid proteins. Do you See? These quotes and hundreds of other quotes I didn’t have room for prove conclusively that MMS can be selective and is indeed selective. Now one more thing: www.lenntech.com/index.htm#ixzz0wGcRVcfM This data written by Lenntech is often quoted around the world by universities and in scientific papers. This company, along with others, proves that chlorine dioxide does not harm the human body in low concentrations such as those used by MMS. This is the quote: “As an oxidizer chlorine dioxide is very selective. It has the ability due to unique one-electron exchange mechanism. Chlorine dioxide attacks the electron-rich center of organic molecules. One electron is transferred and chlorine dioxide is reduced to chlorite (ClO2).” Then the chlorite attracts four more electrons which rips a hole in the side of the pathogen, killing it. There is no dangerous liability to ingesting chlorine dioxide over an extended period of time. The next argument was the concept that taking MMS might be dangerous when taking it for a few days. But that has also been proven not true. Back in 1982, the National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC conducted an extended double blind clinical trial to determine that very fact, whether there is a liability in taking chlorine dioxide over a period of time. They also tested the chemicals sodium chlorite, and sodium chlorate at the same time. The tests were conducted with humans and not with rats, thus one does not have to try to extrapolate to show that rats can equal humans. The tests conducted showed that no adverse conditions resulted in human bodies. Here is the link to the report. Read it for yourself and decide. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/article ... 3-0059.pdf
The cheapest HIFU that I've found is in Italy where they have socialistic medicine, $6,000. HIFU is the government's gold standard. They also have HIFU in Russia, Iran, Malaysia, Turkey, China.... everywhere but here and Isreal. We'll get it once everyone knows about it and demands it.
There was a Mexican doctor who was at my husband's treatment, he has been at all of Scionti's treatments--for 6 years, our receipt says that he was the performing doctor and that Scionti was the technical assistant. It's Mexican law that a Mexican is the doctor, but who knows except them who was actually the treating doctor, we don't. However, after meeting him I thoroughly trust him, he was wonderful, and I just heard from a girl whose husband was treated by him in Puerto Vallarta. His name is Carlos Garcia MD, board certified urologist, he charged $15,000. (he doesn't need to pay into the American system--we are funding the clinical trials). The hospital was happy to take Visa. Her husband is doing perfectly and they know a guy who was treated 5 years ago by Dr. Garcia and he is also doing perfectly. You can reach him at: (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) 52-322-221-2777 e-mail: drcgarcia@gmail.com
The guy seling this stuff, it only costs $4. so he isn't trying to get rich quick, wrote this: And now one small point of layman technical data. Oxygen is an oxidizer. But that also makes it bleach. Oxygen oxidizes things in the body which creates heat and life. Oxygen is powerful and thus the body generates antioxidants to prevent oxygen from doing damage, none the less, it does a certain amount of damage. MMS is an oxidizer. It is a bleach as well, but it is a weaker bleach than oxygen. MMS will not bleach or oxidize as many things in the body as will Oxygen. The fact is MMS is less damaging to the body than is oxygen, but MMS cannot keep the body alive with oxidation like oxygen can. Each has its job, but the fact is, MMS cannot damage the body with oxidation as it is a weaker oxidizer than oxygen. There is one other thing that MMS can do in the body. It can oxidize heavy metal compounds. Please understand this as it overcomes many of the objections now being voiced.
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whoops, it's not lemon juice that you mix it with, it's vinegar, let it sit for 3 minutes then add water and apple juice. I hope that you respond...sorry for the mix up
thanks for the scientific answer, I'll try it out on the nuts
Newbie's kid, If the saliva does work it won't be straight out of the gecko, it will - most certainly - be a stronger solution. MD Anderson is in China studying a particular frog, they think the venom is a cure for cancer, when they prove this they will give it to the drug company that is sponsoring their study and they will reproduce it in chemical form at a much higher potency. I hope you guys aren't killing off your natural treasure - the gecko - he is valuable.
It took the doctors of this country 12 years to tell people with ulcers that they don't need surgery, a simple antibiotic will cure them. Australian doctors had been using antibiotics for ulcers and tried to tell us, but we wouldn't listen, so I am not so sure about our honesty when it comes to $ Thing is, everyone is like you, very few people have tried MMS. There are some who have, I know three people who work for not-for-profits who live half the year in Africa, they took it, all the villagers take it, they say it cures malaria. However, I am skeptical, but I don't say absolutely no way until I personally know. I was hoping you guys had some scientific reason why a controlled dosage wouldn't work, afterall chemo is poison, but it doesn't kill the person until the dosage is too much. Melanoma isn't always deep within the skin, it starts on the surface.
If it can be used on skin, would it maybe kill melanoma? Sisyph, Yes, I was aware the FDA doesn't like MMS but I hadn't read that page you posted from the FDA. The MMS folks say that MMS is supose to cause nausea, vomitting and diarrhea, but not bad....you see, they say that when one of these happens then the formula is working, it is killing the critters (for want of a better term), then you are supose to back off and use less drops, this is "your dosage". Clorox bleach just says to drink water after you injest some of it's product. I am skeptical of the FDA, as I have first hand experience that HIFU works (see my post: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/51782-cure-for-cancer/ ), and the fact HIFU was invented in 1941 and still isn't approved makes me look at them with a sideways glance. The MMS folks say the FDA doesn't want to look at their product because it would put drug companies out of business, and we all know that - if MMS works -- they are probably right. Guess though, I was looking for medical science mumbo jumbo why it wouldn't work or some convincing formula proving it hokus pocus. I would only drink some if I had a week to live and no where to turn, but I wanted to tell others some facts. The internet sure opens up other worlds! Thanks!
Hi, I thank you all for your help....(I put this is the wrong section, so I'll try it here) There is a man on the internet saying that drinking three drops of his Miracle Mineral will cure us of 95% of all diseases, including cancer, malaria, etc. This "miracle mineral" is sodium chlorite that he says to add lemon juice so that it turns to chlorine dioxide. I noticed that my household Clorox says it is sodium hypochlorite, so I asked what the difference is, someone answered: "NaClO is household bleach. Sodium chlorite is NaClO2 Table salt is NaCl all very different substances.. and in the end how they compare makes not one hair of difference because you activate miracle mineral (sodium chlorite) and change it into chlorine dioxide anyway which is ClO2, which is not chlorine anymore than NaCl is chlorine. Just because something bleaches does not mean that it is the same a chlorine bleach (this "miracle mineral" bleaches). Bleaching is the result of an oxidation process." Can you help me figure this out? Is what he said true? My Clorox says it is sodium hypochlorite and his Miracle Mineral says it is sodium chlorite, are they different? Do you think there could be any validity to his claim of curing diseases? The Clorox site says that bleach helped the soldiers in WWII beat infection ~ topical ~ I'm guessing.
If this were true I would simply be the sickest girl on the planet with a red face. As I am always constipated, I excrete rabbit size turds that float in the toilet. However I am well, nice complexion, 60 years old, no wrinkles, no rosacea, no acne. My sister had rosacea, she wasn't ever constipated. Actually, as of the last two years - I am no longer constipated, I eat 4 prunes a day and it works! But I spent my life constipated. I hear that lazer treatments work on rosacea.
However, there is a cure that is "one size fits all" that isn't drugs, it's cooking the cancer using high intense focused ultrasound. It was invented in 1941 in the USA, but when the doctor died so did his idea. The Chinese found it and have been treating people for 30+ years having great success (30,000 breast cancer). Then the French picked up the idea and started some 20 years ago. Two years ago my husband was treated with it for prostate cancer, it's non-invasive, no pain and is a two hour treatment. The Swiss used it to treat 10 people with brain leisons and later that night the doctors and patients went out to dinner. It was in clinical trials in the USA, the trials are finished, but no word from the FDA, doctors are saying it's fantastic, they leave the country to treat men for prostate cancer....but it can treat all cancers except lung and small intestine, as soundwaves get lost in air. Europeans are using it for breast, liver, kidney, pancreatic, cancers.
Natural way to grow taller than your potential height?
333 replied to 6431hoho's topic in Medical Science
40 years ago I went to Japan, I was a giant in the countryside (I am 5'6" female), I was much taller than the men and women. In Tokyo they were a bit taller, but still I was as tall as the tallest of men and taller than the girls. Today I am average for the girls and the young men are tall. 40 years ago they did not eat meat at all. They only had Kobe beef, and a small steak was $100.+ For the last 20 years they've been importing meat from the USA. So, it ain't science, but it's experience, and it appears to me that eatting meat while growing up makes you taller. -
Oh, I should have said, "Alkalize or Die" is the name of a book, a best seller, a friend told me she is glued to it....I had a feeling it is all scare tactics to sell books, so I came here to ask. I got great answers, thanks guys!
I am sorry to hear of your condition. I am not a professional, but it has been years since my husband was treated and all went well. I also have 8 friends who had hifu and all went well with them. The establishment is against hifu, surgeons & radiologists will lose tons of money when it is approved. My only goal here was to let people know that there is another choice, and as I said, when more of us know it will speed up approvals, and the more experience they have the better the results. The results when anything is new can be crummy. I would refuse to enter a trial too. I thought robot surgery meant a higher rate of side effects over open. Surgery is not the panacea you think, we have friends who were told the cancer was confined, but it spread after surgery, then they had radiation. I volunteer at the hospital and a urological nurse told me if her husband got cancer they wouldn't do anything, they'd rather wait it out as it can take 25+ years to kill and she has seen too much. Now, however, as she knows us and the other guys in town who had hifu & she tells everyone about it. Yes, I have read about side effects after hifu, but I do not know anyone, and I read that there's a 3% failure rate, I've even heard of a failure rate of 15%, that is why I said to make sure your doctor has had lots of experience. But you could do hifu again, when it's approved it won't be such a big deal to be retreated. They are doing trials on men whom radiation failed them using hifu, the success rate is 80%. You could still ejaculate after HIFU if you only had half of the gland cooked, we have two friends who had that done. You won't be able to ejaculate after surgery. I think the nerves are outside the prostate gland, not inside, yes they can be damaged with hifu, but not cut, so repair is possible. These trials don't list the stats months out after the nerves have healed. Nothing is a guarantee, we all know that. Ultrasound doesn't harm tissue that it travels through, my husband didn't have any pain at all afterwards. It only cooks hard tumors. It's a horid disease, and I wonder if you are going in for surgery too soon, I know we were in a hurry, as it's normal to just want it out of you, but my nurse friend says there's years to wait to be treated.
If you treat prostate cancer then there's no more ejaculation, if you live with it you can keep your cream.... Do you know the possible side effects from surgery or radiation? diapers (both ends), ED, and other things....I researched it when hubby got it, oh my, it's depressing to read what men go through. It's a crime hifu isn't FDA approved yet. I figure the more of us know about this (all doctors know as it is in clinical trials, but they won't tell you unless you ask, "what is hifu?"), the sooner it will be approved. Stop the suffering...
NO! and I think it great, no more mess, he said it felt funny at first, but it didn't take much to get used to, he still orgasms just as hard as before. The gland is still there, it's just a shriveled up prune now, which is why the blood vessels may get crimped, as they are attached, at least they aren't cut. .
Hi all, People around the globe know this, but Americans and Isrealis don't. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, called "HIFU". My husband got prostate cancer and we live in Colorado, but a friend told us about HIFU, so we found it on the web and booked it in Mexico with an American doctor who flies down there every weekend to treat men. We met the doctor the night prior to treatment, the next day hubby was put to sleep to prevent movement. It took 2 hours, no cutting involved, no pain, then I waited for him to wake up and we went to the beach and out to dinner. There are about 30 American doctors who fly out of the country to treat men on weekends using this, and local doctors everywhere use HIFU. HIFU is in clinical trials, but I didn't want to wait for the approvals, which will take another 2 years. We booked with Dr. Scionti, he's done about 700 men in 6 years, a real sweetheart. We've got several friends who have also gone to Mexico with him, all report being absolutely thrilled they found him and International HIFU. These doctors also take along an anesthiesologist, their nurses, a mechanic to monitor the machine, it's very professional and treatment is at a perfect hospital. My husband suffered no side effects, a little loss in the erectile dept. but it soon repaired itself with the help of 5mg Cialis for a couple months, the blood vessels can get crimped, but Cialis holds them open until they heal. Don't think this is an easy treatment for the doctor! It takes skill and lots of experience, only book with a well experienced doctor. The Chinese and Europeans are treating all organ confined cancers with this. The Chinese have treated 40,000 women for breast cancer....when will America, the land of the free and home of the slaves, catch up?
So, is it true ~ that you have to maintain a perfect balance ~ that you can manage your acid/alkaline balance?