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Everything posted by ACG52

  1. Because you've been making this argument for months over on Physforum, to the point where you simply repeat yourself over and over. This is hardly the first time you've referenced these same guys.
  2. It should be noted that lettertonature is not a peer reviewed journal, but a blog by four theistic cosmologists, whom crispy bacon has already cited multiple times. There's nothing new there, just a repetition of bacon's posts
  3. You really think this is a source for a physics paper?
  4. Why? That's your position vis-a-vis your god.
  5. The same videos, over and over, the same talking points over and over.
  6. The name was given by a reporter. Higgs hated it.
  7. Here's a list of experiments demonstrating conservation of energy. They're designed for 5th graders. http://www.opg.com/education/teachers/studentmodules/D1.1%20Grade%205.pdf
  8. He didn't say that. He said laughing out loud at you.
  9. We're here, but I'm not sure about the op.
  10. Of course he is. It's a verbatim cut and paste of his posts.
  11. This belongs in the religion section, not in physics.
  12. Square wheels it was. Take a look at post #8 to see what was submitted.
  13. No. What makes the earth-moon system unique is the relative size of the moon to the earth.
  14. Then why was the USSR renowned for both the scarcity and the poor quality of it's manufactured goods?
  15. Earth is slowly moving outward, due to the transfer of gravitational energy from the moon via the tides.
  16. Please provide your calculations for this.
  17. Here's a simulation of the evolution of the outer gas giants. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LzQfR-T5_A
  18. Because the electron has both mass and electric charge, and the photon has neither. They are not at all alike.
  19. It's been explained to you why you're wrong. It's been explained how gravity works. It's been explained what a black hole is. It's been explained why cosmological repulsion doesn't play any role in stopping gravitational collapse. You are unable to understand or accept that. That's your problem.
  20. Be realistic. Only virgins can catch unicorns.
  21. This is a science forum. Try to include some science in your posts. Only in elementary schools.
  22. You seem to have missed the wave aspect of the experiment.
  23. It's obvious that trying to teach you anything is hopeless. You've been amply proved wrong. To quote Wolfgang Pauli, "you're not right, you're not even wrong". Your ideas are the kind of thing you'd think up drinking in your parent's basement. There's no scientific basis for anything you say.
  24. See, you've got that backwards too. Yours is the argument from incredulity. "I can't understand it, so it can't be so". Mine is the explanation from the physics of the universe. It's all well described by the math, but since you can't understand the math, you can't accept it. Be specific. What doesn't make sense to you? That the repulsive force of expansion is tremendously weak? That gravity gets stronger as the distance gets shorter, to the point where it becomes irresistible? That nothing, including light can escape from a black hole, and that's why it's called a black hole? This is all stuff that's covered in basic college level physics. You should learn some.
  25. So you're linking to another nonsense thread of yours which was locked because you wouldn't, couldn't explain your meaningless diagrams. End of story.
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