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Everything posted by ACG52

  1. What we have done experimentally is place an upper limit on what the mass of a photon could be. This is not to say the photon has mass, just that to be best of our measurements, we have not found any mass.
  2. And it seems you don't bother to read them. No surprise there.
  3. Nonsensical Numerology.
  4. Show it.
  5. The day alpha learned how to use Paint was a sad day for us all.
  6. You didn't bother to read the articles, did you? Because the first says that they have found a large concentration of Dark Matter, but it's not behaving as the theories predict, and the second simply ruled out specific WIMPs. Both articles support Dark Matter.
  7. A Texas veternarian has captured Bigfoot? Why didn't I see this in the National Enquirer?
  8. I find this to be pretty well unreadable.
  9. Simple delusional nonsense.
  10. That does not say that magnetic field have mass. That says that magnetic fields have energy. The energy is equivalent to the energy contained in 10-9 grams (E = mc2) Equivalent to is not 'is'.
  11. Neither light nor magnetic fields have mass. If you have any credible sources, i.e. not Aliens, for your position please provide them. If this is just your 'reasoning' from ignorance, then
  12. Nope, the day was a waste for you after all. Wrong.
  13. E=mc2 is not the whole form of the equation. The full equation is E = sqrt((mc2)2 + (pc)2) where p is momentum. When the momentum factor is zero, the equation simplifies into the familiar E = mc2 When the mass factor is zero, as is the case with photons, the equation simplifies into E = pc, so p = E/c. Well, then, you've learned something new, so the day isn't a total waste.
  14. Is it time for this thread to hit the trash?
  15. No, photons have momentum, not mass.
  16. Hopeless.
  17. Showing again that you have no understanding of physics. The solar system is a gravitationally bound system. It does not all crash into the sun. In terms of glactic groups, a gravitationally bound system is one in which the gravitational force is greater than expansion. The group remains roughly together and moves in a common direction. Able to leap tall conclusions in a single bound.
  18. Quite a lot of nonsensical word salad.
  19. Andromeda is accelerating towards the Milky Way at a rate of 3.0 x 10-12 m/s2. Andormeda and the Milky way are on a collision course, so no, they're not orbiting each other.
  20. This is just another way of saying 'I don't understand' without admitting you don't understand..
  21. Do you have any kind of citation for this piece of nonsense?
  22. This is about the most ignorant blather I've seen in a while.
  23. While not 'proof', evidence would be something physical and measurable which occurs in contradiction to the laws of physics and causality.
  24. Lovecraft is pretty much unkown outside of scifi/fantasy fans.
  25. So you're saying that if something way in the future is found, you're right. Until then, if ever, you're wrong.
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