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Everything posted by ACG52

  1. Then why are you?
  2. Completely incorrect. Any impurities in the fissionable material will act as a neutron damper, and a fission reaction will never be able to sustain itself. Given that we've been building atomic bombs for over 65 years, this is not a matter of conjecture.
  3. So all you have in the way of explanation for the nonsense you make up is the nonsense you make up.
  4. From Wiki: Not anything having to do with gravity, the strong force or electromagnetism.
  5. Which is what?
  6. I'd start here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_expansion_of_space and in the section Is the expansion of the universe felt on small scales, follow the hyperlinks. Also information here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_Greatness#End_of_Greatness
  7. The distance at which expansion overcomes gravity is about 200 million light years.
  8. You have a definite talent for understatement.
  9. Would it be too much to ask for a link to this alleged evidence? Hopefully something real, and not a crank site. on edit: I see that you'd already linked to forbiddeninfo.com. that's the definition of a crank site.
  10. Sure. The year Yasar Arafat was given the peace prize. How about Henry Kissinger? The peace prize is political sham.
  11. Same nonsense as before.
  12. You submit your theory to a reputable journal and they do the peer review. You don't go out and find reviewers.
  13. Which government? How will 'they' prevent lectures?
  14. It's not an opinion. It's a well established fact. We have an entire civilization built on our understanding of electromagnetism, and it works very well.
  15. Except that light is not a fence post. The speed of light is invarient in all inertial frames, regardless of their relative motion. You do not seem to have heard about Relativity.
  16. The ozone layer provides NO containment.
  17. The ozone layer filters ultraviolet rays.
  18. The ozone layer has nothing at all to do with containing the atmosphere. It's gravity that does it.
  19. It's not an opinion that electrons do not have both positive and negative charge.
  20. No. An atmosphere are the gases surrounding a planet. Whether that atmosphere can support life is irrelevant.
  21. The different FREQUENCY of the light relative to the observers, not the speed.
  22. 377,000 years, not three seconds. You couldn't see any distance at all. A uniform fog of ions means that photons could barely travel any distance before absorbtion. There was no 'clearing'. It happened everywhere at just about the same time, as the temperature of the universe dropped below a 3000K.
  23. Why don't cranks ever realize that Dark Energy and Dark Matter are two completely seperate things, and the only thing they have in common is the word 'Dark"?
  24. You have an amazing ability to completely misread statements in order to conform to your nonsense. The statement was tectonic activity supplied the heat which allowed an atmosphere to exist on Mars. The statement was also made that if Mars could move closer to the sun, the tectonic activity might restart. There was no implication that Mars was closer to the sun in the past, just that it was tectonically active. Your reasoning seems to be along the lines of A = B, and B = C, therefore A = D.
  25. Your 'theory' applies to what universe? Because it isn't this one. This is complete and total nonsense.
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