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Everything posted by ACG52

  1. Taygeta -proper name of 19 Tauri, a triple star system in the constellation Taurus, 440 lys from earth.
  2. Yildun- traditional name for Delta Ursae Minoris, an A type main sequence star in the constellation Ursa Minor, about 172 lys from earth. Ninjad Garnet star - proper name of Mu Cephei, a red supergiant in the constellation Cepheus. It is an M2 1a star,one of the largest and brightest stars in the Milky Way.
  3. Frank is well known for posting the exact same gibberish on multiple forums over several years. It has been found that the most efficient way to deal with him is to lock the threads and ban him. There is no way to reason with him and his response to all questions is to ignore them or just repeat his nonsense.
  4. Upsilon Andromedae - a binary star approximately 44 lys from earth in the constellation Andromeda
  5. Messier, Charles -published the Messier catalogue of nebulae and star clusters in 1774.
  6. Taurus -a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky.
  7. NGC 1300 -a barred spiral galaxy about 61 million light‑years away in the constellation Eridanus. The galaxy is about 110,000 light-years across; about 2/3 the size of our own galaxy, the Milky Way.
  8. Lesath - proper name of Upsilon Scorpii
  9. Nekkar- The Arabic name for the star Beta Bootis in the constellation Bootes
  10. Solstice - the time of the year when the Sun appears furthest north or south of the celestial equator. The solstices mark the beginning of the Summer and Winter seasons.
  11. This has been spammed over different forums multiple times. It's simply nonsense.
  12. Libration- an effect caused by the apparent wobble of the Moon as it orbits the Earth. The Moon always keeps the same side toward the Earth, but due to libration, 59% of the Moon's surface can be seen over a period of time.
  13. Oort Cloud- a shell of comets that is believed to exist at the outermost regions of our Solar System. When given a name in the form of Tombough,C.W.do we key on the h in Tombough, or on the W?
  14. Radiant- a point in the sky from which meteors in a meteor shower seem to originate.
  15. Starting letter was 'F',not 'I' Cepheid- a pulsating variable star.
  16. Apastron- the point of greatest separation of two stars, such as in a binary star system.
  17. Superior Conjunction- a conjunction that occurs when a planet passes behind the Sun and is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth.
  18. White Dwarf- A very small, white star that is the remnant core of a star that has completed fusion in its core.
  19. Transit- the passage of a celestial body across an observer's meridian,also the passage of a celestial body across the disk of a larger one.
  20. Retrograde -the orbital motion of an object in a clockwise direction when viewed from the north pole of the ecliptic.
  21. Seyfert Galaxy-a main-sequence star which rotates rapidly, causing a loss of matter to an ever-expanding shell.
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