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Everything posted by ACG52

  1. Galaxies closer together than about 200,000,000 light years are gravitationally bound together. Within that distance gravity is stronger than the force of expansion.
  2. But you don't know what the BB is, so how can you make any statements about it. The BB was not an explosion of matter and energy originating a a particular point. It the expansion of space, everywhere, in every direction. Therefore there is no center, or another way to look at is is every point in space is the center. Furthermore, the existence of the BB is incompatible with your belief that the universe has always been as it is. It is not the measuring devices which are affected by gravity, it's time itself, as is demonstrated by the extended life of particles moving at relativistic speeds. Again, this is confirmed by observation, experimentation, and very precise measurement. You seem to have started a thread dedicated to showing us what you don't know.
  3. Logic is what is used in place of scientific education. This is just a variation of 'I can't understand it, so it can't be. The balloon analogy only uses the SURFACE of the balloon as being analogous to the universe. There is no center to the surface. Its a 2 dimensional representation of 3 dimensional space. We know from observation that the universe is expanding and that it looked very different in the distant past,so the idea of an unchanging, static universe is a no go. Time dilation has been experimentally verified many times in many ways. If time dilation was not accounted for GPS would not work, so thats another of your erroneous preconceptions shown to be wrong. You could benefit from a basic science education.
  4. The moderators discourage the use of videos and links in the op without any discussion of their content. Use of links as supporting material is fine.
  5. The link in the second post answers the question.
  6. The chariot of Ra passes through the underworld to rise again in the east. Where did you think it goes?
  7. But he told us it's his 'friend'.
  8. It sounds your 'friend' has delusions that go well beyond flat earth.
  9. His answer will probably be that they are flat disks.
  10. Geocentrism. Again. Go here. http://www.geocentrismdebunked.org/
  11. That's your opinion. For a good part of human history, you hunted or you starved. There are still peoples, such as Intuit tribes who still subsist on hunting. Are they mentally disturbed?
  12. Not 40 years ago.
  13. Is hunting 'sadism'? The article speaks of torture of dogs and cats. Is this the same as hunting?
  14. Does it really matter?
  15. When I got my BS in physics (31 years ago) I went into mainframe programming.
  16. It's the classic story, Boy finds Girl, Boy loses Girl, Boy builds Girl.
  17. Reality being of course whatever jeremyjr believes in.
  18. I have now read every post in all the threads that jlindgaard has opened, and unless I missed something, he has not answered a single question put to him. In any other forum he would be labeled as a crank troll and banned. That he has not yet been banned speaks volumes for the patience of the very moderators he castigates.
  19. There are plenty of uncritical crank sites. I'm sure you'll find one.
  20. You have a right to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
  21. Patent clerk was not Einstein's profession, It was simply the only job he could get at the time. His profession was physicist. That's what he was educated in.
  22. Two stellar Black Holes, each with a mass of 10 solar masses will combine to create a Black Hole of 20 solar masses. Black holes gravity is no greater than that of the mass which created the Black Hole. If the sun were to suddenly become a BH (which can't happen as the sun's mass is too low) there would be no change in the gravity that we could notice on earth. It's only as you approach the event horizon that gravity becomes stronger, and that's due to the decreased distance from the center of mass.
  23. This is basically the same nonsense he posted in his gravity thread, which was shut down. This seems to simply be an attempt to circumvent the moderator's instruction not to bring it up again.
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