If you are the sum total of your experiences, those experiences diverge as soon as you step into the transporter. The arrangement changes, and you and the copy are now separate beings with different histories.
The single worst atrocity of WWII was committed by the Japanese Army during 1937-1938. Known as the rape of Nanking, it was the murder of 300,000 out of a population of 600,000 in the Chinese capital of Nanking
So Sensi, you should drop the holier than thou attitude. Japan certainly cannot claim the 'moral high ground'
The same nonsense you've posted time and again. You state your assumptions as though they're fact, when there is no supporting evidence for anything you claim.
Nobodies jesting, simply expressing ennui at having to deal with another crank.
Trion Re is a term invented by an artist named Michael Evens, and purports to be something basic in 3 dimensional space. It has no scientific meaning.
from an alchemy blog: http://alchemyeggaumniverse.blogspot.com/2012/01/understanding-and-radiating-cosmic.html
It's simply woo.
The collision of two massive eliptical galaxies.
Any number and any type of galaxies can 'collide'. It simply depends on their relative vectors. If they end up in the same space at the same time, they're colliding. And that's all dependent on gravitational attraction.
This really should be in the philosophy section. It doesn't have anything to do with science education.
on edit: I see that a duplicate of this post was previously posted and moved to speculations.
So there's so there's something there , but you can't see it, or detect it in any way, or measure it, or observe any effects of it. Sounds suspiciously like invisible subatomic pink unicorns. (as opposed to ordinary macroscopic invisible pink unicorns)
Red shift does not mean that everything is red. It means that all frequencies are shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. Ultraviolet will shift down into the blue end,so we still see blue.
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