Hello fellow nerds and nerdettes,
I have recently decided to take on a the task of surfactant synthesizing at home that is safe and helps to give a very good understating of emulsion. However, there are not many sources that I am able to find dealing with synthesis. I know that I could theoretically design it by showing mechanisms, but I would like to have a vast array of scientific community input and experience so as to design a synthesis that would would be the safest, and most logical means possible. To do this, I need the help of all your brilliant minds. So far, I have looked at saponification using sodium hydroxide (lye/caustic soda) and potassium hydroxide. Interestingly, I found that sodium hydroxide can be produced simply by adding an electrical current to H2O and sodium cloride or salt water. As to the energy needed by the electrical current, I do not know. If you have any ideas, please share family