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Everything posted by MonDie

  1. I don't believe he's honest. He seems intent on irritating us and wasting our time.
  2. The most non-allegiant among us may fail to mention their theistic orientation.
  3. MonDie

    Paris attacks

    Although I don't have historical evidence for it, I could provide both philosophical and psychological evidence that an ethic of inquiry could promote peace, and it's easily demonstrated that this ethic must precede all others.
  4. MonDie

    Paris attacks

    They were watching Eagles of Death Metal, a member of which was involved in Queens of the Stone Age, which I recall hearing of in highschool several years ago. Maybe they wanted to get young people.
  5. A lot of seemingly useless knowledge could potentially be combined with a more ubiquitous skill. Linguistics... meh... Linguistics and programming... Hey! We're developing a translator! Voice-activated car gps system! et cetera
  6. And black people have lower incomes. You need to start providing or quoting your sources. *kisses*
  7. You must assume that your reference for length won't contract or expand, so again there are assumptions involved. However, a coherentist might say that it is corroboration from various measurements that exalts a claim.
  8. Dang it you're right. As he rises, he'll have more PE but less weight. *embarrassed* If it can't be measured directly, then why is it your example? If something can be measured directly and your measurement is reliable, then the value will be absolute. How about heat? I suppose I might get a different reading if I move the thermometer quickly enough through its substrate (because heat is kinetic energy?). This is only because I've changed my measurement, but it does challenge whether heat (or temperature) is an absolute property of the substrate.
  9. Alas, Earth is always falling into the Sun.
  10. The pull of the moon is distinct from the pull of Earth. Anyway, ydoaPs thinks PE is relative, but can't I obtain an absolute measure of Coyote's PE by placing a scale beneath him? Suppose Earth is falling into the Sun with Coyote at midnight. My scale won't read Coyote's fall toward the Sun because that's kinetic energy. If my scale has wings to keep Coyote afloat, then my scale exerts a force as it raises him, causing it to give a higher reading as Coyote's kinetic is converted into potential. One way to avoid this is to place the scale beneath the lift, but then I'm measuring Coyote and his lift, not just Coyote.
  11. Is 0 meaningful in this instance? In Kelvins (ratio level), 0 indicates no heat. In Celcius (interval level), 0 is arbitrary. Would it make sense to speak of Wile Coyote as having negative potential energy, sort of like below zero Celcius? Perhaps a proper 0 would be the center of the earth.
  12. Nevermind, nobody cares why I wasn't Christian in secondary school.
  13. Reminds me of this thread. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/89022-fun-with-how-old-do-i-look/ my comment:
  14. You're wrong. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14789940903174188 It's unfortunate that there is no cure yet. I'm not familiar with The Church's document outlining the procedures for handling molesters, but basically when a molester preist was reported, they put him through some kind of ineffective "treatment", then moved him to another church. In doing so, they affected even more kids/people, and probably delayed progress by keeping these individuals out of the mental health system. Nobody knew it couldn't be cured, but they might have known it sooner. One effect is hypersexuality. Religion only seems to be good for making people feel guilty.
  15. Molesters pretty much either have pedophilia, a personality disorder (like sociopathy), or both.~1/3 have pedophilia, higher for non-incestuous and/or repeat offenders. I've never seen data regarding sexual repression. Probably hoped God would fix them, then figured God made them that way. :\
  16. Beyond the aforementioned concerns, the topic question is uncontroversial and inherently biased. Of course religion gets picked, it's agreed. If we're to sit here providing examples, that's confirmation bias. How about: Is religion picked on disproportionately? Why? or Are atheists unusually critical? Why? It's like using a biased, one-tailed statistical test, and failing to report contrary results.
  17. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but sickness wastes medical resources, and death is a waste of human resources. If they make you an apology cake, don't eat it!
  18. No, they aren't made of cells. Molecules: fatty acids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, (poly)peptides (proteins), and of course the cytoplasm, which is just water and various solutes. The membrane a lipid bilayer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipid The Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) also have membranes. In fact that's how things are transported through the cell. There are small membranous sacs called vesicles. If something in the ER needs to get to the Golgi, a vesicle pinches off from the ER's membrane and fuses into the Golgi's. The cytoplasm consists of H2O and various solutes and the cell structures suspended within it. Ribosomes consist of peptide subunits and ribosomal RNA. Nuclease, ending in "ase", is an enzyme. Enzymes are proteins. Microfilaments are made of actin, another protein. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actin
  19. Reiki, astrology, and crystal healing aren't scientific precisely because they haven't been shown any more effective than placebo. It's like asking whether transparency is being unfairly excluded from the color wheel.
  20. We're all system failures because we continue prioritizing ourselves and our own reproduction while the entire group, nay, entire species, and probably some higher-order clades too, are about to *poof* into nonexistence thanks to the failure of us to cooperate. What does this have to do with suicide?
  21. I can still remember the pro/anti- Santa Claus factions that we formed in elementary school. It was a passionately divisive issue! http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195396607/obo-9780195396607-0177.xml "However, according to reviews of existing researchwhether based on a method of traditional literature review, systematic review, or meta-analysisa majority of studies tend to confirm significant negative associations between religion and crime and drug use. The negative associations have been found in research conducted at both micro and macro levels." I think the more specific review I read was "Religion and its effects on crime and delinquency", but I'm no longer sure I downloaded a unaltered, peer-reviewed document. It basically said that only the link to juvenile delinquency is well established.
  22. From a gene view, it's adaptive to benefit the group when one can do so at a small enough cost to themself. Perhaps suicide fit the bill when one's circumstances were dire enough. Perhaps some research on suicidal ideation can give us some idea of how deeply entrenched this behavior is. Do other animals do it?
  23. A sort of nostalgia for the 60's. Sex is certainly uplifting. Maybe abstinence is overrated. Anthropologists love the bonobos.
  24. Deterrence is a matter of available options or means. How many options does the potential criminal have for achieving their end, and how can we reduce their options to discourage that action. One approach is restricting acces to guns, but this is yet another example of how this will not always deter. I think anything more elaborate will require us to understand their motives. Perhaps we could also consider positive options that aren't available.
  25. Stolen Babies (♥) - Show Case
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