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Everything posted by MonDie

  1. To Aristotle, virtues were traits that disposed one to do good. Why? Barring their entrance doesn't make them any less virtuous.
  2. My blunt understanding of the research is that it's usually harmful to their development to have mid-teen persons sexually involved with much older people, even though, as with alcohol, adults aren't legally bound. His thoughts aren't hurting anyone and shouldn't be punished, but while they may be the norm, they're still unvirtuous.
  3. I didn't mean authoritarian in their feminism, but authoritarian generally. The point is that feminism is pervasive among women. Good counterexample, iNow. Clearly too fat. Okay! Have fun with a borderline girlfriend!
  4. About all women are feminists these days. Some are second-wave; some third-wave. Some are evil authoritarians, and some are flexible progressives. But they all think women could run things at least as well as men, which is a sort of feminism.
  5. The school is probably profitting from the games, thus the cheerleaders are like fundraisers for the school. Is, and will remain so until we begin to artificially adjust our endocrinology.
  6. I think we can learn more efficiently because of writing and specialization. A baby mammal learns general skills from its mother, and the rest by trial and error. A reader can learn 30 different skills from 30 different specialists. We use our synapses more efficiently than we did in the past.
  7. I'm trying to transition to C++ for the math, but I can't embed a bash script. I contemplated asking the user to copy and paste the entire longitudes list, but the list could get really long. I'm trying unsuccessfully to embed a small script that will execute the bash script from a separate file ( $HOME/astr/pr ). I found this forum thread, and I'm attempting Yoda's advice. http://www.unix.com/programming/216190-putting-bash-script-c-program.html I'm about to read this for more info. http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/13519/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<sstream> #include<string> #include<cmath> #define SHELLSCRIPT "\ #! /bin/bash \n\ $HOME/astr/pr \n\ echo \"Testing testing!\" \n\ " int main() { double x = 1.2; std::cout<<x; } The last part is just to test the C++ include statements, and it works, but nothing in the bash script works.
  8. People murder eachother in videogames!!! If suicide is mentioned, a problem perhaps is making suicide seem like an acceptable option, or simply priming them to be more salient of that option.
  9. You can't get around it completely, and there are ways to accelerate the learning process: (a) use the info command, (b) use sources like ubuntu.com and die.net, © rely on Linux more, (d) avoid GUIs and other frontend programs
  10. And I was all like, "Are you paying?"
  11. Then it's answered. Oxygen toxicity will occur at 6.66 atm (98 psi) with normal air. The partial pressure nitrogen gas is 0.78, and nitrogen narcosis occurs at 4 atm nitrogen gas. That comes out to 5.13 atm (75 psi), which is even lower.
  12. Could increasing the air pressure result in oxygen toxicity? I know hypoxia occurs at high altitudes due to lower pressure. At 1 atm (15 psi), the partial pressure of oxygen gas is 0.21 atm (3 psi). Oxygen toxicity occurs at 1.4 atm oxygen gas (21 psi). Tunnel vision, muscle twitching and convulsions.
  13. The leading cause is ... drum roll ... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131016213223.htm traumatic life events, at least for depression & anxiety together, so maybe go with #2. Anxiety would make a better story line IMO. Make her paranoid.
  14. Didn't read it all. Hallucinations are okay as long as they don't interfere with your life.
  15. IMO if you want to learn Linux, start relying on it as more than a frivolous virtual box app. Get something really really cheap and used, and Lubuntu it. Maybe you have been wanting a laptop, or just a spare comp to fall back on. There you go. I am skeptical about whether it imitates the Linux firewall (iptables) and device mounting, or falls back on Windows. Tell me, are the hard drive stats accurate when you enter: sudo fdisk -l You should get your harddrive size by multiplying the sector size (usually 512 bytes) by the "total xxxxxxxxx sectors".
  16. We were probably naturally selected to hunt in our natural environment (at least when we had fire), but we no longer live in our natural environment, so these "instincts" might find expression in new ways. They result from gene x environment interactions, and our environment has changed A LOT since prehistoric times. Perhaps we stopped hunting beasts, and began hunting criminals; stopped strategizing to capture of beasts, and embraced football strategy; or stopped desiring pretty animal furs, and began weaving silk fabrics.
  17. Thank you double! You might want to install vim and learn to edit files with it. Vi is less sophisticated and not completely the same, but comes preinstalled. sudo apt-get install vim When screwing with the firewall, remember that 22 is the default SSH port. You won't notice a difference, but it's part of the security of https. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VimHowto I confess: I have not learned vim yet.
  18. May I ask what sort of jobs you were applying for?
  19. True, it's old. Andrew George gives an informative introduction. The poems of Bilgames are "known almost entirely from eighteenth-century [bC] copies", but George says these aren't the same as the epic poem written later in Akkadian. Nonetheless, George says the Deluge myth contained therein was itself derived from a poem of Atramhasis, 'When the gods were man'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atra-HasisFor comparison, the events of Exodus occurred around 1300 BC, and Genesis and the Hebrew Bible were being put into writing shortly after 1000 BC. Jeesh, Genesis alone is probably longer than Gilgamesh. :\ ..and the writing is so bland!
  20. Robots will make your job easier. The guy next to you takes your job now that his is too easy.
  21. Thanks, but can you provide some formulae used for such analyses? I think I can handle degree differences after all. I will just have it change the math whenever the linear difference is over 180, so instead It'll add to the lower value the distance from the higher value to 360. I could have it calculate, for each longitude, its distance from all points and record the least value (LV), after weighting some points more strongly by dividing the distance from them by a constant. The program could generate a random dataset for comparison by simply grepping the ephemeris randomly. This would eliminate any potential effect of the time range. Suppose they choose a year where Mars happens to retrograde over their hot spot, giving the illusion of accurate guessing. Generating a random data set could prevent this. To normalize our data, we would convert each LV to a p-value by counting how many of the randomized LVs fell above or below that value. Some of the randomized LVs will be equal to it: half should be distributed above and half below because, assuming the null hypothesis, this is what would be true on average if we could request more precise values. After that it's very simply. I believe it goes like this, but I'm unsure whether we want the z-score or a t-test. Where [math]\bar{x}[/math] and [math]n[/math] are the average LV p-value and the sample size, and [math]\sigma[/math] and [math]\mu[/math] are the standard deviation and mean of our random dataset: [math]z=\frac{\bar{x}-\mu}{\sigma/\sqrt{n}}[/math] Then we just convert the z-score to a p-value.
  22. Thanks Acme. Look up the word "deluge" or you'll miss the flood references!
  23. So I'm almost done with Andrew George's translation of The Epic of Gilgamesh. It might not be the most up-to-date translation, but it is cheap. Missing scenes are yet to be uncovered. It's nerdy, but a quick read. Tablets IX, X, and XI are a bit touching. I haven't read the Genesis flood story yet, but I just read its parallel in tablet XI. It's similar.
  24. You don't have to be in the root directory. Just enter sudo [-R] chmod +0777 /var/www (R = recursive) You never really need cd, but it can help if you don't want to type out a long pathway repeatedly. If you want to see those permissions you changed, enter ls -l /var | grep www r = read w = write x = execute 1 = --x 2 = -w- 3 = -wx 4 = r-- 5 = r-x 6 = rw- 7 = rwx 7 being the most lenient, granting all three. You can read about any of these utilities easily. info chmod info ls info grep
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