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Everything posted by MonDie

  1. I have actually arrived at an even more interesting issue, that a self-ingratiating tendency can warp a person's reality in ways that may go uncorrected. The person with impulse control problems recognizes the failure afterward, but some self-ingratiating tendencies might correct themselves with a much larger delay, or never. The result is sustained self-fulfilling expectations and self-fulfilling perceptions/investigations/interactions that resemble an economic bubble except that the purchased is a perception of reality rather than a real thing. These what I'll call self-serving (bias) narrative bubbles might be more difficult to correct if there is no standardize measure of worth like the standardization of economic value. This is a problem because some people actually do profit from an economic bubble if they sell their stock sooner, and some people might profit from these narrative bubbles too. Ironically, these bubbles might actually be preying on pro-nepotistic processes that might otherwise promote positive family relations, and doing it in a way that temporarily exacerbates the negative side-effects of narcissistic, self-esteem-based reward systems. If the repetitions of the pattern are not recognizable, we might be in for a round of these bubbles. The good part is that the bubble depends on wide-spread participation to create a more satisfying illusion of reality. If the process of awakening is accelerated, a domino effect could result. December 14th 1:50 PM CST
  2. Here's a couple politically incisive shorts that I am thinking of. Secular Talk: British People SHOCKED By American Healthcare Prices Al Jazeera: Guterres warns UN may not have money to pay staff next month PS, Kyle Kulinski is apprehensive about a dilution of the potential charges, others progressives think Trump is (regardless) screwed. Mission (partially) accomplished... Secular Talk: Trump Keep Admitting War Crimes on Camera I should have spotted my double plural. Keeps!
  3. The problem is that both homosexuality and heterosexuality tend toward an exclusivity of preference. Your hypothesis would imply a normal distribution or a skewed distribution, but penile plethysmographs show a U-shaped distribution. I read Gould's paper years ago, but reviewing it I picked up the possible reference to Secret Mark via "St. Mark's Chapel". If the structuralistic concept of a spandrel is theologically relevant, it might contradict the religiously conservative denial of the naturalness of homosexuality. For you see, one could argue that Gould's structural approach emphasizes an opposite logical principle, namely the positive rather than the inverse (A so B, rather than not A so not B), which might give God a role in establishing these structuralistic principles which involve natural facilitators of organic structure (i.e. with any luck, A so B, B so C, C so D, ...) rather than a universal mechanism for overcoming the limitations (with natural selection and the anthropic principle, not A so not B becomes B so A). Moreover, I would imagine that some structures which become contraining dead ends would be removed through group selection (A+...+D so no E (Dead End)). If homosexuality and other trans-gender variations are a byproduct of human structure and human sexual dimorphism, then either these were part of God's perfect human plan or else the human plan was imperfect or even a dead end. That is, if homosexuality is an inevitable manifestation of the human structural "plan", then either homosexuality is part of God's perfect plan or else the plan was imperfect or even a dead end. In any case, I actually posted because I forgot to include a third interesting observation, which is that phermonal attraction is genetically synonymous with immune function (the major histocompatibility complex) and inflammation is exceptionally strongly correlated with the male-biased autistic disorder (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS771US795&ei=fJ7uXcyhCJX_-gSxiKlg&q=inflammation+in+autistic+disorder+site%3Anih.gov). I suppose trans-gender variations could maybe potentially be the byproduct of some kind of anti-autistic, anti-inflammatory adaption that coincidentally tends to flip the sexual preference. I don't know, it's food for thought. 1:30 PM CST **synonymous or homophonic, or just, being literal, pleiotropy.** Another consideration is that we humans are accumulating mutations in genes involved in odor detection, but the waning adaptiveness of odor detection would not render heterosexuality non-adaptive. If anything, it is the reverse that waning heterosexuality would mean waning phermonal functioning to the extent that sexual preference depended on it, ... if it depended on it. 2:00
  4. I really wanted to note: I recently learned that birds and mammals independently evolved their sex-linked chromosome systems. Mammalian gender is only as old as mammalia and the mammary glands that distinguish mammals (if they're female). That was a bombshell IMHO. Anyway, I know about the sexually antagonistic selection and kin selection hypotheses, but the presentation does seem slightly PC. I guess it's that they are trying to show that homosexual genes could be equally adaptive rather than being these subpar genes that still lead to a sufficient, though reduced, level of fecundity that allows the genes to persist in the gene pool at a stable, but low, gene frequency. Moreover, there might be an assumption that homosexuality is 100% genetic/heritable, but it might be closer to two-thirds or three-quarters heritable. AFAIK the best measure of sexual orientation is the penile plethysmography, which rarely identifies middle-of-the-road bisexuals but does seem to often show some, umm, measurement unreliable and/or low-level bisexuality. This is speculation, but if the gay gene(s) don't always result in homosexualiy, then the non-homosexual counterparts might have their own advantages. I read that both women and gay men are diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at a higher rate, and both women and BPD patients do statistically score slightly higher on the Reading The Mind In The Eyes Test, which I know isn't supposed to be a personality trait. We also have the historical evidence of castrated men who lived into their eighties or so (and I wish the same for BPD sufferers). Anyway, if the non-homosexual counterparts were healthier, more social, or even more appealing, then it could be another explanation for the persistence of these genes. Out. Spandrels are an interesting concept in this regard. But I might be proposing some kind of adaptively conflicted phenotype rather than a spandrel. After all, that is why we have diversity, unless you're into eugenics.
  5. Although I appreciate this topic's importance, I worry that a wrong approach could do more harm than good. The Damage Report: Florida Officer Caught Planting Evidence (planting drugs in cars with impunity) The Young Turks: Why Aren't People Outraged at This NYPD Cop Planting Weed? (and so on and so forth...) Perhaps it is the witnesses who really need to know how this works, if the cops already know, and I would be excited to find that a witness outwitted a lying cop. I know that you, Moontanman have been critical of religion, and I am realizing how religion is intertwined with power. Some kind of ancestral spirituality seems natural, but throughout history people have claimed to be god-kings or to have divine mandate, which is one alternative to a more democratic concept of legitimacy that involves a grass-roots or bottom-up consensus. Is it any coincidence then that both our spiritual leaders and our police forces have attempted to dupe us? They often did or said things we couldn't see personally, and used their supreme authority to make us question our what we thought we saw, what we knew. They gave us the narratives through which we interpreted and understood the language of reality and encoded into memory its supposed meaning -- see the role of 'elaboration' in the levels of processing model of memory --, so that we would thereafter correctively remember those important things as we were supposed to understand them all along, or not at all. Dual processing models -- you remember Norenzayan's research on analytic thinking and belief in god, right? -- might have a crucial role in disentangling the process I have described above. How was that? Too abstract? 12:17 PM CST December 12th 6th Bezos aside, I liked this Al Jazeera on India's media consolidation by the Ambani brothers. Ah, the future. 12:36 PM
  6. How much I run is abnormal, but what I am saying might be so important for the older people on this forum. You stop building bone density in the latter part of your life, so you have to maintain it. I don't know kinesiology, but I I was running ten miles per day until I ran fourteen to fifteen per day for a week before our move. I learned that the vertical legs of a foot stool can be used for the stretch I described above, but I still strongly prefer the chair with the horizontal bars. Also, I injured my foot on the day after we moved. After I was running along the inclined grassy hill beside a sidewalkless road, I immediately noticed the soreness on the pavement. Four days later, I avoided irritating the sore foot by adjusting my style, extending the sore foot farther than usual and compensating with a "springing" push from my other leg. I just did a test run through the hallway, and I am deducing that extending the step in this way puts pressure on the fleshier parts of the foot. The soreness is inbetween my heel and the ball of my foot, and moreover it is on the outer side of my foot. I guess my tendency was to run by lifting my feet over and over, but extending the step seems to undercut this tendency so that I am landing on my heels and pushing ("springing") from my balls. Alternatively, I might be directing more pressure to the inside side of the foot that has more padding, but intentionally redirecting the pressure toward the inside side had little benefit. Also, the drawstring bag can be tied more easily, if one is wearing a jacket that provides cushioning below their neck, by simply twisting the strings around eachother. I prefer the other tying method, which is more symmetrical via being more stable, if it isn't too tight. I seemed to have less joint pain when I was attempting to meditate during my jogging. This might be coincidence, for the meditation significantly slowed my pace. Anyway, fighting with your HPA axis in this way has some unexpected consequences, if you don't close your eyes and trip and fall. Without closing my eyes, I try to consciously detach from the visual stimuli. One might enjoy this if they have a nice view. Don't run along any inclined hills! If you start extending your steps in that way, you will probably find that you are running more quickly. The paradox might be that a faster jog is healthier. I also jog at that leisurely pace, Airbrush, but for much longer distance.
  7. Does anyone like a YouTube channel that frequently discusses the scientific process, i.e the procedures, math, and analysis involved? Maybe it is a channel about rationalism, or merely a science channel, but it explores how ordinary people and/or scientists analyze the world or their data. I am sending this entangled particle into the future. Please give me a reply back, if that is possible. Is it possible? Can the future determine the past via the observer effect? Well whatever. reply back.
  8. That makes it a top-down consensus rather than a bottom-up consensus. See #2. If nobody respected a law, nobody would uphold it. See prohibition. P.S. I might have included this link about another way to manipulate consensus: Trump Jrs NYT Bestseller Scam Confirmed I think you might have been onto the same idea with "consensus of representation." Again, this top-down influence is upheld through bottom-up support, and we might defy it if we learned that what we accepted by default was actually deeply flawed. In reality, our low-level social affairs tend to be guided by why a thing was wrong, whereas we will accept that lawfully illegal behavior is wrong - by default - without any reason why it should be wrong. P.S. you might not have seen this if you're watching mainstream media. MSM'S Embarrassing impeachment Coverage. Oh, and Bezos and Amazon making the faulty facial recognition tech used by ICE (Beyond The Valley). ... Wrong video link...
  9. Thinking right/accurate about an affair is a means to controlling/optimizing that affair. The nice thing about sensory perception is that the feedback is really very in your face. Internal control would be more ambiguous, however. Anyone who searches themself for a state of mind will probably find something that will seem like it might be that same state of mind, and there might be little feedback to correct them from being wrong. An incorrect search and find procedure could yield a circular feedback loop that creates a now erroneously recognizes that new state as the same state as the old state, and this error could become cemented without any kind of correction for who knows how long. Thus the person is given an illusion of control rather than real control. *now erroneous recognition* In the real world we conduct open-ended searches, and I guess the equivalent would be mindfulness.
  10. Here is a battle plan. 1. We rule by consensus, and we have consensus goals for society. 2. Influential people have influence by consensus, and appeal to influential people is meant to be a cognitive shortcut toward what the consensus should ideally be. 3. The consensus will inevitably be that statecraftsmen should have certain skills, education, and goals. Any other attempt to manipulate consensus is akin to shooting steroids before the big game. 1L32 PM CST November 24th See: tactical framing What is the date? I miss having my computer. 2:01???
  11. November 23rd double post
  12. I thought about this question because I was thinking of how thinking about thinking might not be worthwhile. It seems worthwhile insofar that thought guides action, including right or wrong action. Shouldn't we want to understand thought then? As you dig in, the thinking about thinking seems to become the issue of the communication of the individuals' perspectives, which merges those perspectives into a more objective one. You might even argue that explicit memory and explicit thought is actually a kind of internal conversation. Unfortunately, our desires are part of our perspectives, so parts of our perspectives might not be reconcilable. However, I do think that most desires are context-dependent. You are always breathing, so breathing isn't contextual, but other, context-dependent desires seem to be mediated my both sensation and imagination and to modulate the responses within those contexts. The imaginative capacity is absolutely necessary if the seen item is now unseen, but the non-conscious force exerted by direct sensation can overwhelm the conscious control via the imaginative capacity. This is why there is a difference between attention and focus. Focus is an intentional modulate of intention (possibly via imagination, in my experience). So the likely answer iiisss... sorta but sorta not. Another possibility is that some social emotions are mediated by self-perception processes and are intertwined with desires that are also socially mediated. 11:06 PM CST November11 Again, I am no expert, and intention is not attention! Die, error! Alas, in the morel domain, I guess the three questions are: do we, could we, and would we. If we knew from our fuller perspectives that the behaviors were wrong, would we do what we could to change those behaviors? Would we change our surroundings, our schedules, or our livelihoods, or would we exercise internal awareness or will power? Some of us might make more effort than others would. Some of us might think we are too specialized to re-specialize at something else: we like doing things we're good at doing. 11:22 PM CST
  13. The new @#$% stuck in my head, absolutely. Last night I joked to myself that a new band will be God inc, and punks will think it's badass until they realize it is serious. pff
  14. Yeah, so I was listening to my ear's ringing. Trading a phlegmy allergy for cold fresh air, I awoke with a plugged ear. Intraotic saline released some pressure, and so did the room's temperature, actually. Grateful for basic chemistry. 5:12 PM
  15. Our current congressional body does not survive through integrity, but through tactful, duplicitous appeals to their voters and their donors. They have challengers, and Pelosi's primary challenger is Shahid Buttar (link to The Damage Report is transcribed below). "I have argued that the president should have been impeached from the first day he took office if only because, preceding his term in office, he was enriching himself at public [sic] expense. And there is no stronger ground for impeachment than calling out the president's attempt... and his ongoing practice of putting tax payer dollars, that is to say your money, in his pocket. And that's an issue that particularly infuriates the Republican base. It is the key to flipping Republican votes in the Senate, and yet, the impeachment inquiry that the speaker has supported, aside from being a year late, after she became the speaker, it also is unfortunately limited and we need to point some light at all of the president's acts of corruption, not just a single one." Oct 23 Moreover, "His acts that warrant impeachment extend beyond obstruction of justice, they extend beyond self-enrichment in office, they include lying to policy makers every time he opens his criminal mouth." Two days ago, "During which a number of incalculable costs have happened: families that have been separated at the border, mass shootings inspired by the president's rhetoric. She also has limited the process, artificially, to exclude any evidence of the president's corruption in the form of emoluments violations, that is to say his putting tax payer funds in his pocket. umm. My biggest concern about the impeachment inquiry is that at the same time that the speaker continues to rely on the findings of whistle blowers, she is unfortunately silencing others, and keeping members in congress in the dark about executive secrets that the public needs to know aaaaand I'm very eager to continue making that case as we run to replace her in the house."
  16. Do you have a satellite? The drone footage is clipped, but AP did well. If architect Joshua Wong is disqualified from running, I guess Hong Kong burns with Beijing. The Amazon too. Super justice minister...
  17. It probably won't get through the Senate. The important conditional seems to be whether the hearings will help or hurt Trump's popularity.
  18. I don't know Booker's justice reform proposals, but I know Harris supported civil asset forfeiture, which puts her on par with Biden and his support for the 1994 crime bill. I worry that this won't actually be a bad thing for her, but I don't know exactly how: TYT Breaks HUGE Pete Buttigieg Story The manipulation within buttigieg's police department doesn't seem so different from the conspiracy against Lula de Silva in Brazil. edited 5:36 CST
  19. Well then, you seem to have an observation without a hypothesis. The correlation=causation explanation is that african-american voters are an important voting bloc, and Republicans are reducing the effective size of this voting bloc. If they are successful, your discussion is moot. Bernie Sanders was arrested for protesting for civil rights, I guess Cory Booker ran into a burning house, and Andrew Yang will force african-americans to finally collect their welfare checks. The city of Newark, formerly governed by Booker, recently protested the lead in its water. The people drinking and breathing that lead are sure to be disproportionately black, and their districts are sure to be solidly blue urban districts. Somehow... *surely* to be (adverb form)
  20. My new observation machine really works and in so working proves that possible observations are endless.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ALine


      ….I am sorry, but I am a bit confused. What are you talking about? Have we spoken in the past about this subject? Have I made a post about this previously? 

    3. MonDie


      Your definition of knowledghe. 



    4. ALine


      ah, ok cool. So when I defined knowledge and the acquisition of it I was making the assumption that everything can be considered as a system which can be "placed in order" in order to give a sort of "path to follow." Or going back and forth through ones knowledge. This would allow for an easy interpretation .If that makes any sense. Also no expert as well :D

  21. The Voting Rights Act and supreme court cases like Shelby v Holder (now overturned) and Shaw v Reno address the issue of racial gerrymandering. It might be easy to gerrymander black neighborhoods, but it's also very unconstitutional. Stacy Abrams started the Fair Fight initiative after the Georgia governer's race was outright illegally stolen from her. Thomas Hofeller plotted similar mischeif (the citizenship question), and Donald Trump's deportations might have a similar motive. The importance of having their vote depends on how well we protect their right to vote. I don't think any other group's right to vote is explicitly protected by constitutional precedent, and we must hold the new appointees to the letter of the law, somehow. That is, if they aren't swayed by the inflation counter-argument. ... Or the OJ argument...
  22. Watching Al Jazeera will introduce you to plenty of third-world problems: vaccination and antiboiotic resistance, contaminated water and landfill landslides, collapsed buildings and dams, tsunamis and earthquakes, sand mining and The Great Green Wall, air quality in Bangkok and New Delhi, and smuggled firearms and the direct sale of firearms, armoured vehicles, and fighter jets. Yet some of them still find time to invent, like Sounthirajan Kumarasamy and his team did, and I want to see more of it. Our planet is accelerating toward a mass extinction, and India by itself has three times more heads than the United States. Although foreign leaders favoring the status quo will blame protests on foreign influences, they benefit from globalized scientific advances and in fact some of the wealthier countries will exert economic pressure on our corporate media. The members of this forum are not corporate subordinates who cannot freely discuss these foreign influences. Beijing (mainland China) seems to have effectively eliminated coverage of Hong Kong's huge, on-going protests in a globalized city as wealthy as any american city. Saudi Arabia has been buying american fighter jets, has bribed Trump via his hotels, and has bought information from Twitter employees. When they trade with us to fund their pro-government media, we are already an influence. The foreign influence seems to be in our direction, and not theirs, when they purchase or replicate our weapons or surveillance technology and when they actively suppress our coverage of their civil rights violations. At the very least, we are obliged to print a blank page in the Chinese section or the Arabic section, otherwise we are complicit. Moreover, when american companies buy, hire, or "move" overseas to avoid taxes and minimum wages, we lose out and our rich are advantaged by the privilege of overseas activity. 1:00 PM: The documentary reminded me of the report on the Falun Gong influence behind the pro-Trump Epoch Times that you were seeing advertised on YouTube. That's a wacky story. 1:15 PM: Actually, information on how Badger Sportwear's shoe materials were traced to the Uighur detention centers is surprisingly difficult to find, but it's more up to date. I forgot lobbying, an issue which is more prominent but also more complicated. Here is a Fortune 1997 archive on its Power 25 lobbying groups. I have long remembered that the NRA, the Christian Coalition and the National Right to Life Committee fall within the top ten, but what I didn't notice before is that AIPAC was actually no. 2. Although the Israeli issue is tied up with conservative Evangelical Christians, what might be more notable is that The Israel American Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) actually represents a foreign country. Of course, AIPAC had a very, very minor role in Trump's anti-Palestinian decision to recognize Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv, as the capitol of Israel... eek. To be honest, I don't fully understand how lobbying influences D.C. I do know that business firms and "the business lobby" are very powerful, and that being a lobbyist is profitable. AOC documented DC's ironic lines of homeless people who were paid placeholders for rich lobbyists. Moreover, it seems that Saudi lobbyists were exploiting loopholes to pay off our politicians over the war in Yemen. Another peripheral -- or not so peripheral -- issue was accidentally omitted. Chinese investors have hidden their money overseas by "parking" that money in american and Australian housing markets, artificially inflating the price of housing. This has exacerbated the homelessness problem in certain cities. I think the Australian government was doing something about it... It might be difficult to estimate the actual impact of this hidden Chinese money. In any case, we don't want our rich to avoid our taxes, and we don't want their rich to artificially inflate our housing markets. However, I would like to know the positions of lobbying groups like AIPAC on tax avoidance schemes and money laundering schemes. These issues might not be so peripheral after all. Cyprus and Switzerland are notorious money laundering locations, and Trump's (German) Deutsche Bank controversy momentarily made headlines. In years past, HSBC-US and Wachovia were convicted of laundering money to the drug cartels, but the punishment wasn't close to proportional. On this October 26th, Mexico's AMLO surrendered El Chapo's son to an unexpectedly forceful display from the drug cartels. Some important question ensue. Where is the Mexico lobby? Why couldn't central american lobbyists push for stronger fines against those banks? Why do the activities of foreign lobbying groups seem to undercut international law rather than uphold it? 12:24 PM CST, November 13th, 2019 12:30: I forget the specifics, but I think international corporations had a stake in the burning of the Amazon, an area which Brazil's Bolsonaro wants to economically develop. Lula Livre!
  23. Search and mini-seizure isn't quite operational, but I can suggest forms of realism other than three-dimensionality. Objective reality is 3D, and also exhibits emergence and its own chronology which further modulate the homogenous/heterogenous distribution of the information/variation that we psychologically perceive. Our experiences are spatially isolated and temporally isolated, but they are the interface with a personal self that translates a spatially heterogenous world into a chronologically heterogenous timeline of experiences, in the traditional interpretation of "wisdom." However, the space-wise limitations of being a "thing" are paired with the emergent-wise limitations that arise from the nature of vibration and electromagnetic radiation, the only non-chemical, non-toxic means for information transmission in this universe. These "limitations" are why we cannot see far away nor see the very small. These are the constraints placed upon the psychological development of the organism that, along with the functions to be achieved in psychological development, together guide the development of the sensory-response systems of all beings and the somatic nervous system in the human case. WARNING: Running for extended periods without defragmentation may cause system lag. 7:00 PM N9th 2019
  24. Mistermack, Obama advised Egypt's democratically elected Mohammed Morsi that he could appease the rogue military with political concessions. Morsi followed suite, making concessions, and the coup proceeded anyway. Similar revolutions are underway in Sudan (thank god!), Algeria, and Iraq and Lebanon. This thread is direly lacking in historical context. The Wahhabist-Salafist ideology of ISIS originated from the ultraconservative Wahhabism that legitimized the House of Saud in the 1700's. In WW1, The House of Saud ultimately gained control of Mecca and Medina, the required pilgrimage sites for all muslims, and the Jordanian dynasty was pushed northward. In 1975, the reformer King Faisal was assassinated. Fast forward. Saudis comprised the majority of the 9-11 hijackers, and the official religion of Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism, is linked to the religious ideas of ISIS. Fast forward again. Egypt, Israel, and Saudi Arabia (and Donald Trump) are ultraconservative allies (or ultra-militarized in Egypt's case), and they're arming Khalifa Haftar in Libya and loosely connected jihadi groups in bombed-to-hell Yemen. I would explore the complexities of killing an idea if that were a steadfast commitment. Ironically, Yemen was more populace and its port city of Aden facilitated British-Arabic cultural exchange, but the Saudis struck oil. Coincidentally, ultraconservative Wahhabists have the economic means to spread and enforce their ultraconservative version of Islam. Who wants to buy that hybrid car and let the muslims work this out? Those Lebanese protesters are ruthless!!!
  25. I forgot about it because I already put a total stop to it. DO NOT DO NOT sit cross-legged in what we american's call "indian-style." This half-ass version of how Guatama Buddha sits is actually the worst thing for your feet. Anyway, the peripheral point of this post was that these things might impact the actual speed of motion (e.g. improper stretching) or your perceived exertion vis-a-vis joint pain. You shouldn't experience any joint pain ever. 11:45 AM CST Oc 13 Go far!
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