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What defines 1 and 2 in the Schrodinger Equation " PLEASE"
Steven Hawkins replied to Steven Hawkins's topic in Speculations
What does the Schrodinger Equation have to do with my topic????? My topic is on the Doppler effects, and the wave function??? And why does this forum not allow for deletion on post by me???? -
What defines 1 and 2 in the Schrodinger Equation " PLEASE"
Steven Hawkins replied to Steven Hawkins's topic in Speculations
what are Diesel powered Bibles ???? I was asking what keeps humans alive, how did bibles come into the picture?
I think my grammar must not have made the proper sense. What is energy??? Where does food get this energy from? What is the strong nuclear force of energy, within the scientific terms?
Hello everyone, what keeps a human alive?? Since the human body has heat, and works much like an external device to move around with on this planet, then what is the source of this energy? Metaphysical And Or Spiritual: Is it the soul? Scientific: Is the human body "plugged" into an invisible machine, much like a radio, or tv? And if so, where does this energy come from? and where does this energy get recycled as per E= mc squared as energy conservation when a human being dies? If this energy is thus conserved does this mean humans can be: Scientific: Recycled? Metaphysical And Or Spiritual: Re-incarnated? Thanks in Adavnce...
Science may not know "size" of anything around us.
Steven Hawkins replied to Steven Hawkins's topic in Speculations
No, my "thoughts here" is based on fact for the manual tweaking on GPS, here is the video, i have been studying time and precision now for about 25 years since I was a child : http://watchdocument..._eda079a64.html This video is really good, somewhere within half of the film, navy officials tell how they manually update GPS about every 15 minutes or so, give or take, this still does not change how GPS, would work relative to earth on "other celestial bodies" not following earth. About the fine structure constant, here is the scientific facts: http://www.motionmountain.com/ The pdf in-titled "Quantum Theory The Smallest Change" on # page 166 States this: The great physicist Wolfgang Pauli used to say that after his death, the first thing he would ask the devil would be to explain Sommerfeld's fine-structure constant. It goes onto to this which I would love to see others prove: The problem of the fine-structure constant is so deep that it leads many astray. For example, it is sometimes said that it is impossible to change physical units in such a way that ħ, c and e are all equal to 1 at the same time, because to do so would change the Challenge 139 s number α = 1/137.036.... Can you show that the argument is wrong? Personally I think that anything dimensionless should be further investigated because their may be more usage to them, since it is a dimensionless unit, this means that all that represents it, must also be dimensionless...I think of this like a counterfeit bill with no value.. But mind you, "we all" may be wrong because no one still has no idea what the "strong nuclear force truly is, let alone what Special Relativity is, in relation to my later question: RELATIVE TO WHAT????? I assume something like pi ratio then right? but what does this ratio represent within it define dimension? This is almost like asking what is the absolute decimal representation of pi ratio? Surly not all the numbers in pi ratio are used though. -
Science may not know "size" of anything around us.
Steven Hawkins replied to Steven Hawkins's topic in Speculations
Yes this is very true indeed, in fact i think geometry can also be used for precise measurements on lets say a relative system referencing another relative system, in this case when I say system here I mean a system such as earth and GPS. Hence, GPS needs "manual" upgrading every " I think" every 15 minutes or so, not sure, but I can look this up later. Now imagine placing GPS on lets say the planet Venus.. Geometry can be used as a system of measure of which can track other subsystems pertaining to the main relative inertial system of systems" within both geometries of both, like paralleled dimensions, hyper planes slopes etc. Each system then is tracked with the "again" systems virtual time keeping system " "within its precession" the circles of movement. In this we have location and length as 1 for both systems! This would be h unified for both systems, a dimensionless union like the fine structure constant, only for BIG SYSTEMS FOR OTHER BIG SYSTEMS. That may sound pop science, but geometry and length hold the key to what math formulas and constants do not allow due to the laws of algebra... I have often wondered what the quantum of action truly is here in relation to what I just mentioned. h quantum of action is = to 1, but there needs a reference to this 1 because 1s are vertually copies of the same things " I ASSUME" 1 then [1+1] = 2 [1+1+1] = 3 and etc... could this explain integer spins as 1/2 = 0.5 and other fraction of particle charges?? making them all as again: 1 then [1+1] = 2 [1+1+1] = 3 I believe Unification can be possible once we know what 1 defines and the fine structure may have wayyyyyyyyy more usage!!!!!!! I think the fine structure defines relative positions of very very big systems, like that of our own planet and everything in it, people, computers, math, cars, houses, economies everything in it. This is why GPS as it follows earth works as it does i am thinking but not sure of yet. Thanks! I think my grammar must have been wrong: what I meant is if it has no dimension, does this mean its values is also dimensionless? including what it "represents" in any form used as any type of length used, and or usage? Like a bond with no money value, or a counterfeit copy of one, i think that's a better example. And come to think of it, can this fine structure constant, be scaled to fit proportionally within larger scales lets say planetary geocentric systems? yes i know that was a weird question, but if it is dimensionless I think this can be possible.. Thanks! -
Science may not know size of anything around us, do to some un-known dimensionless unit called the fine structure constant. http://en.wikipedia....ucture_constant From what I understand it is a dimensionless unit that somehow allows scientist to be able to distinguish multiple copies of fine color spectra used in Quantum Electro Dynamics among other theoretical models. I also understand it describes the forces of electro magnetism, if this is so and I assume it is coupled with the fact that electrons are virtually copies of each other, then I think it is legal to question the science community as to why even use the fine structure constant in the first place? If it is a dimensionless number, this means it has some type of hidden unknown value right? if this is the case, then I think it is also legal to say that this unknown value is yet a fix value, which presumes that science does not know the color nor size of anything around us... How then can we rely on scienctist to explain what we have known to be as real, and expect any progress in our further evolution of the unseen forces of nature and the seen forces of nature.... Can this be why the h constant is a 1 unit quantum of action? Can this h constant be squared some how in relation to this fine structure dimensionless number in a cube? Would it be ever possibly to change constants and units in SI so that: h, c and e all = 1 The Theory Of Everything, Unification Higgs Field and etc.. or simply a way I thought of here?? 1/1508996212705581.8 = 6.62692186753095e-16 So that h in its exponent of ^-16 is a 2*8 cube matrices and matrix volume of time, length and demension, coupled with copies of the strong nuclear forces of both the e and p in precession cycles of 1/2 integer spins of inside and out = 720 degrees. Although hyper cubes may sound a little pop science here, at-least it is an attempt to understand what that fine structure constant means and may spur others to be compelled in thinking in terms of solutions here. dimensionless numbers, hence perhaps volume could be a better name than cube. But then there comes the very interesting question: What does that one in red represent??? Thanks!
Consciousness And Particle Distinguishablity.
Steven Hawkins replied to Steven Hawkins's topic in Speculations
This was probably the best answer I have ever heard in my entire life thanks! about "synaptic plasticity" does this also relate to lets say "subconsciousness collective" like "electrical" reactions to ones own environment? In other words does one inherit characteristically like particles do, in lets say the forms of "particle entanglements" ie love for example, much like thoughts in lets say quantum of action, in where remembrance of a certain "event" work much like quantum states that coexistence in the same "dimension" ie" place or environment again ie: to be "triggered" by other sources, ie, commercials, music, stereotypes and or "physiological" physical responses to an economy?? thanks! Very intriguing thanks! But relative to what???? I would like to answer your questions , however I am trying to stay away from any metaphysical explanations to avoid problems here with other members whom do not consider this as a science or something to consider a form as collective resources.. One thing I do know as per fact is that humans have free will use the frontal lobes of the brain, and can mimic music and harmony like nature. I guess my area of need is why are humans made up of atoms, and yet within the sciences of matter and electrons, we see they cannot fully be distinguished nor occupy the same states 'matter' ie fermions." However an Oprah Singer's voice can break glass if the pitch is right, it can also be recorded, and now even altered via digital processing. The music can also be played in cars, on a cd player and etc, and be randomly played on planet earth at different times. The Oprah Singer's Voice, is now in tangible digital form, with or without the invention of the computer, this was and never was possible but still is possible. It makes me think that perhaps the human mind is made of pure photons, ie bosons, because humans can: imagine and or in-vision creative art work then transform this into an actual art piece in physical reality now, literature, novels and etc all follow the same process including pregnancy and birth to creation of a child. Surly these are thoughts and or mental actions that travel out of this world and out of our existance as predefined as per cumulative genetics... Thoughts have also inspired great legacies like time and precession. I think in terms lets say about "temporal distortions" and other visionary ways to understand the quantum world and ask how do scientist "deduce" to perfect accuracy within our available technological advancements as humans which still question our intertial relative mind states, when we are all made of the same material.... But again I ask: relative to what???? There needs to be an asnswer to this somehow... Thanks! -
Consciousness And Particle Distinguishablity. Since it is not possible for particle distinguishablity, then how does science understand the nature of the human mind? We all know that the human body including the mind itself is made of electrical responses, some even governed by the rules and laws of the famed "Pauli Exclusion Principle." It is fact that two people cannot penetrate each other, unless circumstances are made for such. In this case the act of sex, personal physical attacks and other grotesqueness of human evolution. However, within the "general case" how would scientist "measure" what differentiates human "distinguishablity" via human consciousness governing: Human discrimations towards each other, wars, theft, hate crimes, and all other traits of the human mind, when humans "themselves" are a make up pertaining to the same orders and constituents of the "known" rules of 'matter" as we know it to be??? This also includes, human perception. No two minds think the same, which does follow the famed "Pauli Exclusion Principle." In simpler words, if humans are all made up of 'atoms" and atoms cannot be distinguished at all, then: Why do humans think differently? To take note here, let us not use any types of standard deviation models such census bureau, astrology and or other meta-physical topics, as I would like to know how this question is "formulated by a scientist." Thanks!
Same state means the same place at the same time: First of all, particles are made of many constituents, meaning they have many parts to them: These can be: quarks gluons electrons photons protons neutrons etc. Now, we will focus on the electron. The electron has recently been re-named as a fermion. What this means basically is that fermions (electrons) repel each other meaning that they bounce off each other. A good example of this is when you toss a rock to the ground, the rock then bounces off the ground. Now, pure physics tells you that if the rock is made of electrons, then electrons ( now called fermions) thus bounce off each other.. As this is the case, to the atomic scale, electrons have been also coined as fermions, which cannot "penetrate" each other.. The Puali Exclusion Principle is a rule based on this simple explanation, and thus also means, "other" technical ""descriptions"" These are every important when dealing with fermions and their calculations within a "system." What this system is, is the "location" of measure within other "subsystems in empty space." Think in terms of a "hyper cube." I have never used the Puali Exclusion Principle rules nor formulas, however, from what I know about them thus far, science has yet to find the 'proper" math involved which pin points the "absolute" definition of a system within subsystems. Another example is this: How can a star become a super nova and collapse on its own weight, when the Puali Exclusion Principle rules also apply? As such matter as we know it to be, has many other areas of research not yet still to be considered a "science." The big hurdle and obstacle to this issue is this: Scientist still "today" combine "Quantum Theory" with "Classical Physical "formulas." I think it is very important that you know that an electron---> now called fermion has 1/2 spin. What this means is that it has a 360*2 = 720 degrees of a revolution. As believed to be the case, it still has precession and a angular "initial sub type system start as well." Hope this helps.
- 11 replies
are you accusing me of theft??????? what "chunk" are you referring to??? From what I know everyone here tells me that what I am writing is "junk", so I guess your "chunk" applies to this as well??? and, show me your evidence of "chunk" and be specific... I think I already know your tactics here... I think it is very obvious you have bias towards numerology and astrology when all they are, are mere concepts of math... I have already asked to be banned, since "tatle tellers here", feel threatened at that fact that their knowledge is under jeopardy..... This is an astrology topic as for the OP, you have no right to accuse me of falseness nor other types of assumptions in a public forum, everyone here has photos, of other famous scientist even you....... I know you feel threatened by my knowledge, so then whey not "talk" numbers instead of "mouth"!? .. If you have been "looking at my other post" why then not comment there??? BECAUSE YOU ARE AFRAID TO DO SO, You embarrass yourself, there are others looking at this thread to, looking at all your behaviors, grow up , talk like professionals, act like professionals, and stop insulting members here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also this thread is a good example of insults, it is filled with insults from senior members braking their own rules, which is why I am here to prove the math and science for the OP.... Seems to me you are unable, to take the challenge and prove your science is better than mine.. Which of coarse is understandable, you don't want to look bad in the public domain. And you can't anyway, its all about hidden variables..... Sorry but this is known all over the science world. Its not anyone's fault, but if you "resist change" then you are a problem in the evolution of science, its not going to stay the same for long, sorry but that is fact like it or not. Its not my rules, its "nature's rules." I think it is very obvious you have bias towards numerology and astrology when all they are, are mere concepts of math... I have already asked to be banned, since "tatle tellers here", feel threatened at that fact that their knowledge is under jeopardy..... This is an astrology topic as for the OP, you have no right to accuse me of falseness nor other types of assumptions in a public forum, everyone here has photos, of other famous scientist even you....... I know you feel threatened by my knowledge, so then whey not "talk" numbers instead of "mouth"!? .. If you have been "looking at my other post" why then not comment there??? BECAUSE YOU ARE AFRAID TO DO SO, You embarrass yourself, there are others looking at this thread to, looking at all your behaviors, grow up , talk like professionals, act like professionals, and stop insulting members here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also this thread is a good example of insults, it is filled with insults from senior members braking their own rules, which is why I am here to prove the math and science for the OP.... Seems to me you are unable, to take the challenge and prove your science is better than mine.. Which of coarse is understandable, you don't want to look bad in the public domain. And you can't anyway, its all about hidden variables..... Sorry but this is known all over the science world. Its not anyone's fault, but if you "resist change" then you are a problem in the evolution of science, its not going to stay the same for long, sorry but that is fact like it or not. Its not my rules, its "nature's rules."
I think you confuse the term "others to understand" with those in your preferred circles.. Here is my point of view on this subject: 1/1508996212705581.8 = 6.62692186753095e-16<--- This is the planet Uranus. Astrology is a practice that stems even before science got involved with whats termed " hidden variables" I am sure you all have heard this phrase before. They involve the planet Uranus in its precession with earth. Uranus and Earth have been entangled in their precision phases, much like particle entanglement, in where the 11th house in astrology stands for freedom and revolution among other things such as ^10 we see all over the "pre-made constants." They are merly loops and copies of scalers. This simple formula "proves" the precession of earth since the year 1998 as per astrological pheonemena. 1/ 1.91 = 0.5 - pi = -2.62*1.91 = 5.0042 = 1/ -5.0042=1/-5.0042 = -0.[1998]3214100156 This is a 1/2 particle spin as well. [h bar] 1.05509554140127e-33*0.19983214100156 = 2.10842000999416e-34 The twelve start constellation are base systems of 12 within the patterns and forms of the house system used in astrology so that: 299.792458/1508996214156381.5 = [1.986]70119373097e-13 1998-1986 = 12 as in 12 clock rather yet, MC as in the sun's apex squared, does this ring a bell???? E = earth= MC squared earth is a graviton??? This is also a [matrice A ^10 constant] and matrix B ^12 translation of time "sqaured"] So that: h 6.626e-33*299.792458 = [1.986]424826708e-30 all over again from 11 back to those bases of 10. As you can see your self their are "physical" units revealing where time reversals are located at, you just need to know where they are, and these are those hidden vairbales spoken about in "all the functions" used in today's science community. Astrology and numerology, should not be condoned, it should be understood and respected as their suggested form and style. Your doppler effect and lorentz transformations are mere illusion of a 30 , 60 right triangle, becuase after a 45 degree turn, time becomes fractions, there goes why classical physics, and quantum theory relate together "only" within their strucutres of math and formulas. 360/2 = 180 180/2 = 90 90/2 = 45<--- 45 degree angle 45/2 = 22.5 22.5/2 = 11.25 11.25/2 = 5.625 5.625/2 = 2.8125 2.8125/2 = 1.40625 1.40625/2 = 0.703125 Your plus 1 "deal" is wrong because 1 needs to be defined within the systems that measures this as in the following exmple of a mere squared number: 4 squared = 16 / 2 = 8 The house of Scorpio, Re-Birth And Transformation, "KARMA" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1+16 = 17 4+ 13= 17 2+15=17 3+14=17 6+11=17 7+10= 17 The reason for space time is becuase this 1 represents precession as the quantum of action in relation to time which techinicall involes the 12 start constallations within our modern day and age of time 12 hours , 12 star constellation or what have you. You should not fuss and or make fun of people over the idea of ancient wisdome versus round off computer errors, praise those whom like to share their thoughts, and further encourage them, we can teach you more than you know, But I think I will pass, and just prove science wrong for now on and have fun..... So why not call someone curious versus ignorant??? Do you have a video of that please? @guitaoist: This must be very frustrating for you. You have done some reading on the subject of astrology and found it both intriguing and convincing. You see a strong match between your character and the proposed character of Pisceans. You've taken the time and trouble to convey your ideas and your enthusiasm and your conviction to a wider audience through your videos. You are pretty damn certain that the reaility of astrology has been established. You want other to understand this. You join the science forum and seek to share this knowledge with others. What happens? Waves of negativity assault you. You are criticised for your writing style, for failing to write down what you've clearly said in the videos, for not providing evidence. They go on and on about evidence. And one guy even complains about being called dude. You must be pissed off by this time. Well, dude, here's the deal. There is something called the scientific method and it has been incredibly effective at allowing us to gain understanding of the universe. The regular members of this forum, for the most part, have great confidence in the scientific method because they have seen what it can do. A cornerstone of that method is evidence. That's why they keep asking for it. Now laypeople - people without scientific training - no matter how smart they are can have a tough time coming to terms with what evidence is. Evidence is not anecdotes. Evidence is not selective information. Evidence is not reasoned argument. Evidence is data that can be replicated that shows a statistically significant confirmation of or support of a hypothesis. You haven't provided this and until you do you will be assailled, rightly so, by doubters. And if you think they are being harsh you would not imagine how they would rip you limb from limb if they thought you did have scientific training, for your approach then would be wholly unacceptble. you are getting away with it, barely, because you are presently ignorant of the scientific method. You can change that.
Numerology Versus Science... Hello everyone, I would like to show using pure numbers that there is strong evidence that supports the hidden variables theory so spoken about in the science world in relation to The Quantum of Action. I will also show how this simple procedure can demonstrate a more accurate result, than the Schrödinger Equation itself, and will prove to find other hidden variables, within the structures of which scientist use today to measure Special Relativity among other interest. I have read the forum rules in which states that any claim must "show" scientific proof" so I chose the Schrödinger Equation replacing the structures of the function with numerology, which yields the same results. Please follow along, and I will explain as I get responses.. Thanks! This is the area of interest here: This is a link to the area of interest : http://en.wikipedia....iki/Spin-%C2%BD S = the sqrt of 1/2* 1/2+1 * h bar = sqrt of 3/2*h bar 1/2 = 0.5 0.5+1 = 1.5 0.5*1.5 = 0.75 0.75^(1/2) = 0.86602540378444 what I am going to find is this 0.866 beta. Below I am using "a number" with the h bar, this then is "spanned" so that: h bar = 1.05509554140127e-33*7659.869412663662 = 8.08189406501739e-30=1.68033009738001e+27=1218019.866102915 ......................................h*c = 19 86 What I did here, is multiplied the h bar by "7659.869412663662" spanned the resulting numbers, and revealed beta as "copies" of the h bar.. The trick to the matter is in the following: 1= [1,x] =The Speed of light as 1 1= [1,y]= matrix A 1= [2,z]=matrix B So that: 1= [1,x] / [1= [1,y] + 1= [2,z]=2] = 0.5 0.5+1,x = 1.5 0.5*1.5 = 0.75 0.75^(1/2) = 0.86602540378444<---- beta as in .866 Spin 1/2 is actually 360+360 = 720 degrees = spin 1/2, where 1 is the speed of light, just like it is written above. "Both" matrices and matrix also holds true so that: 1= [1,y]= matrix A , 1= [2,z]=matrix , and yes I know that is matrix z. I find it very interesting how simple numerology yields even better results. However, let us not forget that "every" integer of 1v+2v+3v... ALL MUST FOLLOW THIS SAME PROCESS.....If not they remain dimensionless copies of the h bar. thnks...
What defines 1 and 2 in the Schrodinger Equation " PLEASE"
Steven Hawkins replied to Steven Hawkins's topic in Speculations
You are very correct it is the "total spin quantum number." However, can another method that replaces this 1 and 2 also be applicable which also gives the same "total spin quantum number?" When I said 1 and 2, I mean the "integer numbers" thats all, plain ole one and two. But! using scalers as in the following is reason to believe this too also = "total spin quantum number" , so that: 1= [1,x] =The Speed of light as 1 1= [1,y]= matrix A 1= [2,z]=matrix B So that: 1= [1,x] / [1= [1,y] + 1= [2,z]=2] = 0.5 0.5+1,x = 1.5 0.5*1.5 = 0.75 0.75^(1/2) = 0.86602540378444<---- beta as in .866 I belive that 1/2 spin is actually 360+360 = 720 degrees = spin 1/2, where 1 is the speed of light, just like it is written above. "Both" matrices and matrix also holds true so that: 1= [1,y]= matrix A , 1= [2,z]=matrix , and yes I know that is matrix z. Reason: I belive that the units as in : 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ... all "need to be defined" within the system that represents the unit measure in this case 1 acting as the speed of light, and spin 1/2 as in 360 degrees + 360 degrees = 720 degrees / 2 = 1 spin = c = 1/2 c ....They are inverted! Again there is a very good reason why I am asking this from professional here. 1 and 2 again need definitions with other systems that represent their intial states within quantum of actions relative to ther initial states acting upon other "decoherent or coherent forces" withing a matrix systems working with "quantum numbers only." This is completely without any "detector usage at all here." The only thing that matters most here please, is understanding what that 1 and 2 represents to the science community, that is the most important of all that I would really love to know at this point, you can even show me an example of your own if you may.. I really thank you! Very appreciative I am! Hope you reply....