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Everything posted by noradetzky

  1. I don't have a first year physics book. But finding that Wiki subject was immensely helpful. Thanks! Oh. Right. What's this "definition" you speak of? Political sciences certainly don't need any, so why would physical sciences?
  2. The equation was presented to me as a simplified version of the delta method. I was confused since there were no covariances. I have no scientific background. I am a first year undergraduate student in mathematics and statistics. I'm hoping to find research specialization in the stochastic process, but that's another question.
  3. Under what conditions does: \sigma_f=\sqrt{\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x_1}f\sigma_{x_1}\right)^2+\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x_2}f\sigma_{x_2}\right)^2+\ldots+\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x_n}f\sigma_{x_n}\right)^2} Hold true, where \sigma is error? edit Darn, I thought the TeX environment was integrated such that I didn't need to specify "\[\]" and stuff.
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