This might be a silly topic as a first post, but I would really like some well-informed and helpful advice. As my topic indicated, I am looking for real expeditions to join:
I have a degree in philosophy and am soon starting my PhD, and for various reasons and due to my somewhat versatile background, I am somewhat of a mixed soup of skills; from quantitative and qualitative research (social sciences) to philosophy and theory of science (both natural and social), some explorations in marine biology, archeology and earth sciences, environmentalist activism, to professional photography and writing as well as in proper development and humanitarian work in the South, and having travelled in over 60 countries in the developing world, I am thinking whether there might be a "small niche" for me to join a real-life expedition - not one of those where you pay 3000usd for an 'expedition' and get a photo of you on a canopy in Australia, but a proper scientific/journalistic/adventure expedition that would benefit from my mix of skills.
The motivation is no less a cliché than the classic thrill of truly off-the-beaten-track adventuring that I could do in a stimulating project with a qualified team of experts, and to a truly remote place otherwise difficult to access for normal travelers. I have photographed and written in a couple of dozen developing countries, and have already gathered the usual assortment of off-the-beaten track experiences from deserts to canopies and from scuba diving to mountain trekking, and am now looking for a road even less travelled.
Being a science nerd not unlike you all here, I am into all kinds of sciences from geology and botanics to archeology and anthropology, and would not hesitate to do research on anything from Amazonian caterpillars to remote indigenous communities in Papua. Having studied sciences enough to assist in e.g. collection and analysis of data or specimen, or simply documenting and reporting findings, or even just writing and photographing the expedition, I believe I would have something to offer to a team in an expedition. The question is: what? and where? and how?
I have tried googling some scientific societies, but many of the ones I found that do offer expeditions, cost thousands of dollars! The National Geographic occasionally invites people to expeditions, and you can apply for funding for your own project if you have the skills, the project proposal and a proper team of experts, but even then there's little chance you'd get financed, and it would be good to collect experience anyway in expeditions, prior to planning your own one.
So any tips? Any true expeditions where a bundle of somewhat useless and somewhat useful skills could be of assistance? It could be on a volunteer- or an employed basis, that is not the issue. I am just slightly skeptical of all those expeditions with a hefty price tag.
Sorry for the long opening, but any ideas? Experiences? Tips? Thank you!!!