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Everything posted by Anna92

  1. Well my results show that they do react together, so i'm guessing that the anti-bovine IgG contains antibodies that bind to the proteins in the bovine serum?
  2. Oooops wrote the wrong thing there, meant to say "would the anti-bovine IgG bind and react with the bovine serum? "
  3. Also....would the anti-bovine serum bind and react with the bovine serum? Sorry, I am beyond confused :S
  4. Ah right, thanks so much
  5. Ok thanks. But does the 'IgG' bit not also mean antibody, well immunoglobulin?
  6. Hi guys I am trying to understand and make sense of a report i have to write up, but am close to tearing my hair out, so hopefully someone will be able to help me Basically, it is about protein separation using gel-electrophoresis in order to examine antibody specificity. The substances used were: Bovine serum, anti-bovine serum, bovine IgG and anti-bovine IgG. Which out of the these is the antigen and which are the antibodies? Hope you are able to make it a little clearer for me Thanks Anna
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