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Everything posted by Highball

  1. As I understand it, the scientific method turns upon the notion of the inductive translation of the results of an experiment to the creation of a general hypothesis or theory. A problem of induction is that conclusions drawn from observations, no matter how many, will always be demonstrated to be false, or as Popper illustrates the point, “no matter how many instances of white swans we may have observed, this does not justify the conclusion that all swans are white”, thus whilst scientific method can be used to prove the case in hand, while this cannot be used to prove the general case, it does enable the elimination of falsity. So, where does this concept of proof exist in the realm of original thought - yes experimentation is necessary to demonstrate false hypothesis, but the joy of science (for me) is the exception to the apparent rule that reminds us that reality isn't simple - after all its not that long ago that good old Sir Isaac thought that he'd wrapped it all up and he could give up and play golf! So, unless you have proof that Odin's lack of central heating isn't a contributing variable to the colour of the sky, then I say its a valid topic of discussion... or do you know that all swans are white? Btw... didn't Popper also say that a scientific hypothesis must be refutable by experiment to be valid...? I'm just thinking about all those poor social 'scientists'
  2. Thanks very much for taking your time to do the survey, and for the feedback. I indeed producing a masters dissertation, or at least attempting to! You're not wrong about the effect of online research.... scouring through the academic databases for relevant literature is a real art in itself - which I sadly have yet to master!! I'm trying to write up my dissertation so that it attracts no requirement for protective marking, if I succeed I'd be happy to upload it so that you can take a look.
  3. I'm researching the issue of the creation of activity and performance data through the use of monitoring technologies within workplace information systems. Specifically, I'm focusing on the potential for such data to be processed into biographical information that relates to the performance of an individual - and thus the potential for the breach of privacy outside of the normal legislative concern of 'personal data'. The context of my study lies within the military, who culturally have some interesting perspectives on the concept of privacy. The attached link is to a survey that would take about 4 minutes to complete. If this subject is of interest to you I'd be delighted to receive your completed survey and any additional comment you may have. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=9Eefg06dUMJN1CtqhytyQw_3d_3d Look forward to hearing from you!
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