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Everything posted by AzurePhoenix

  1. Well, we've only mapped chimps, humans, rats and mice right? Among the mammals? So besides them, it's really impossible to tell anything mroe than a percent for those two rodents, and even our relative relation to them can be questioned unless we can get a general idea of relation between a much wider sample of varied species. I'm just brain-storming here, but does that make any sense?
  2. Under the hypothetical imagining that such a pill was ever developed and created at an easily managable size, I really don't see what the actual benefit would be to normal people. It's clear that such a thing would be a boon to military units, survivalists in their bunkers, and hardcore and long-distance nature hikers, but I doubt it would catch on among the general populace. For one thing, I happen to like food, and enjoy eating. Sure, a few people would get caught up in it as a fad of sorts, but in my books, taste and satisfaction trumps efficiency any day of the week. And it wouldn't serve as a good source of nutrition for the homeless and destitute either (as friends have suggested to me), because (as brad already mentioned) such a pill would almost certainly be very expensive, too much so to distribute at homeless shelters. I imagine an overdose would be a real threat, especially in the early stages when a few idiotic people might think the pill is supposed to actually stem hunger, which it wouldn't do immediately, so the next thing you know they chow down eight or nine pills.
  3. AzurePhoenix


    I'm not sure. One group will say, "it seems pretty conclusive that neanderthal should be classified as blank, and most serious scientists will agree" and then the other side will come out and say the same thing from their point of view. We're still probably a little shy of enough evidence to say anything conclusively, such as more complete samples of neander-DNA or older linking fossils. Excuse me ""Homo neanderthalensis edit Here's soemthing from Wiki
  4. AzurePhoenix


    It would be Homo sapiens caucasoid. In modern humans, Homo is the genus, the first sapiens is the species, the second in the specific subspecies. The same taxonomic order is used in all entities. Neanderthal is classified as Homo sapiens neanderthalis by those who believe it's simply a subspecies of modern humans, while some who believe it to be an entirely separate species classify it as Homo neanderthalis.
  5. I'm always interested in what Dawkin's might have to say. Does he think that they couldn't, or simply that they didn't? What was his theory, and what was it based on?
  6. Not anymore. Fossil evidence suggested that they were indeed capable of speech, but that they would simply have spoken slightly slower and at a nasally pitch. Whether or not they did speek is the question, for they could easily have had a rich, complex language without ever leaving behind signs of it.
  7. It's not odd at all, considering the site it came from. Hit the home button and all will be revealed. I'm getting sick of these sites...
  8. or even "it does all those good things and doesn't cost me a dime? What's the direct benefit for me? Nothing?! I'm outraged! How could you be so heartless to do something like this to me?! I won't rest until this travesty is brought to an end!!"
  9. We already cycled through our new episodes of SG1/Atlantis, and won't get more until the first of 2006, dammit to friggin' Hell and back, then to Hell again, and back once more, to be damned one last time.
  10. I'm going into zoology because it's always been what I wanted to do from a very yong age, and it's what i know best. Couldn't handle a job analyzing petri dishes and slides, no matter how fun such things are for me periodically. I need activity.
  11. I was taught that as we shifted to bipedalism, the bulbous genetalia used by chimps in estrus would have been a hindrance to our new mode of walking, whihc resulted in the need for new forms of advertisment, AKA, robust breasts and buttocks.
  12. 96... terrific, I'm already senile at 19
  13. I agree that Surface rocks, and I really like Threshold, except I was initially hoping for a bit more actual alien-involvment, not just a bunch of "infectees" running around trying to make more infectees. I might be naive, but I'm hoping that they're just going to build up to the cooler stuff, like mutant alienified rats and fish. Even so, it's marginally better than Invasion, which is also good, if not a bit slow. That seems to be the theme with these new sci-dramas (inlcuding Lost) that being long, drawn out issues that could easily frustrate less patient viewers, which makes sense, because they're taking ideas that would normally be wedged inot a single episode of x-files, or at most a three episode mini-series, and are instead turning them into a multi-season television show. I find it thrilling. That might just be the sugar I so recently consumed.
  14. Far too small to ever notice, even astronauts who spend alot of time in space going at immense speeds don't notice it; it takes two very accurate clocks (one in the shuttle, one on earth) to detect the difference at all, which is generally fractions of a second I believe.
  15. You don't understand... I'm a gecko
  16. Crichton... personally, I don't know how I feel about his, several are awesome, particularly J.Park and Eaters of the Dead, but others are rather lacking. Each is built from great ideas, but I think his climaxes and endings are bland and unengaging. The Lost World was just utter crap, just giving Malcom a chance to rant for however many hundred pages..... when did I become such a bitter critic?
  17. oh god, my eyes, my poor defenseless eyes!
  18. I was actually considering following the path of the mantis, no matter how reluctant my boyfriend might be....
  19. I'd be the first to agree entirely, but that's not what they're doing. They just say, hey, here's a bird we don't even care about anyway that shares some of the values we want to push on others! If this one bird does it, it must be the one true path! I know, I'm being a bit rash, but I loathe political propaganda.
  20. So... if the movie was about lions, the polygamists would have hijacked it for their agenda? These people are idiots. Why don't we just make a documentary highlighting the beautiful traditions of parthenogenisis among whip-tailed lizards? Males suck! It's in the animal world, so it must be a politically vallid argument!
  21. So far, I am alone in my little state of gun-toting liberal hicks. .... You have angered the Gods! Prepare to have your eyes whisked out by righteously pissed simians!
  22. forget it, i withdraw my comment
  23. Yup, bouyancy, it's sort of an alternative to the bony fish's swim bladder. Quite a few larger, deep sea squid apparently have ammonia throughout their flesh, most notably the Giant and Colossals. Most squid used in kalamari are smaller and from the surface, so don't have it.
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