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Everything posted by AzurePhoenix

  1. Even 80% way too high. When my class did the math, you would get a % with a 70% or something way less. Unless we were using the wrong formula.... I hate my teacher
  2. Either he did it, and is a perverto sicko freako, or he didn't do it and is a whole new brand of wierdo creepo freako. I know it's hard to tell, but there's a difference. This wouldn't haave happened if the government would just commit to using robots on juries. I'm more worried about how many people were convinced of his innocence simply because of who he is (or at least who he was, four or five noses ago).
  3. I guess overpopulation is partly a matter of perspective, and what your willing to accept as tolerable. Me, I hate people, like my space, peace and relative solitude. Thereby, for me, six billion is mondo-mega overpopulation.
  4. But as it's been said, evolution would crawl to a standstill. And we already are overpopulated; do you see many Martian colonies? And many science fiction fantasies as well as a few Gameboy Games have shown us without question that immortality eventually leads to the entropy of the desire to continue to succeed or push ahead with any real vitality, thereby undermining the possibility of exciting new sciences. Death is necessary, giving room to a new generation of people with the energy and will to explore new fronts, break new boundaries, and risk failure for glory. And, you can be certain that over the years family and friends would be slowly whittled away by everyday freak accidents.
  5. Did I mention that whereas the most intelligent should be given immortality, the most obnoxious should be dragged out into the street and deep-fried with high intensity Tazers?
  6. I was attacked by a betta. I know, not a member of chondricthyes, but it's pretty darn close. And in case you're sick with worry, I made it out fine, all limbs intact.
  7. He must be, because I'm a total math idiot, and even I know that that's nowhere near to true.
  8. It's certainyl a possibility. The problem is, without the ability to study life on any more worlds than our own dirt-clod, we can in no way imagine what routes life might take. After examinging a few more living worlds, it might be easier to determine the range of forms life might take, as well as the likelyhood of similar beings, or it just might blow us away witht the sheer unique alieness of it all. BUt at the time of course, we have no other lifeforms to study and compare with.
  9. I've heard physics is very, very hard. I took environmental bio AP, that was a cinch, and regular Bio AP, of which the class was relatively simple, whereas the actual test was infuriating.
  10. This site goes into some details about the gaits of dinosaurs (and consequently, hip structure, mostly concerning bipedality) http://microlnx.com/dinosaurs/Bipedality.html
  11. Crocs and such are related to them, but aren't dinos. They either are archosaurs, or are closely to them (I forget), from which dinosaurs evolved. But, birds are evolved directly from dinosaurs, and I think might still qualify as such (toothless, beaked dinosaurs, most modified for flight).
  12. There's a giant crater in the yucatan I believe that coincides with the extinction of the dinosaurs, and was probably the source of the iridium that defines the KT Boundary. And such a drastic extinction was probably caused by a drastic event. As someone in some book somewhere once said, the most important changes happen in the blink of an eye. But it's unlikely they'll ever be able to prove it.
  13. What technology permitted you to get here? Is there anything we can do for you? What do you know regarding biology, evolution, and the emergence of life? What do you know regarding the frequency of life in this galaxy? Are you here to eat my liver? Or in any way harvest our tissues, life energies, or eternal servitude?
  14. I think it's already out in hardcover. Yes, yes it is, I almost bought it.
  15. Your right about the "Absolutely", and the "certainly" too. What I meant was more along the lines of "whatever doubt there is is insignificant." And the evidence I've seen seems to point only one way, especially now that all these new fossil discoveries are coming to light, on top of all the old arguments.
  16. That was my guess. Plasma is a bunch of ions and free electrons. Excessive amounts of electrons from the plasma ball somehow... I don't know, rendered the activator in the lamp non-receptive?
  17. Yes. Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. They are more than worth it. They are a reading experience that will impact your pleasure centers in ways you couldn't comprehend.
  18. This site talks about how they (touch lamps) work. I don't have a clue, but maybe you can use their explanations to build an idea. http://home.howstuffworks.com/question42.htm
  19. I'm just wondering if there's really any large amount of science-based opposition towards the theory of birds evovling from dinosaurs. I'm a faithful supporter of the theory, and the evidence seems to be pretty conclusive, but I'd like to know how many evolutionists still disagree, and why. (I don't mind getting sidetracked if the thread logically leads to some similar or related topics, or just plain funny ones)
  20. Those books are complete genius. Well written, dramatic, make you think. But the Ender's Shadow and following books are definitely better than Speaker of Dead and its sequels. A movie. I can't decide if that's a good idea or a bad one... I always have the fear that a bad theatrical production of a book might cause potential future readers to avoid the book itself. Might I suggest books by Dean Koontz or James Rollins?
  21. http://rednova.com/news/science/154168/dolphins_seen_using_tools_while_foraging_for_food/index.html Here's something interesting.
  22. And yeah, the book was Xenocide
  23. Actually yes. Brilliant author. The catholic theme gets a little irritating at times, but Ender's Game was pure gold. The books do well to show the kind of suprising forms intelligence might take without us even recognizing its existance. They really make you think.
  24. It's semantics. Like Aard is saying, humans as a whole only ever evolved once from a single ancestor. Different forms evolved and diverged from that human ancestor, but human-form creatures never again evolved from a non-human ancestor. A similar form never evolved independently from an alternate ancestor, the way shrews and shrew-like marsupials evolved from different families.
  25. Edit: sorry, got confused, compounded by computer error...
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