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Everything posted by AzurePhoenix

  1. Woot Woot!!!!
  2. well, by the standards of some rhyming law, silver doesn't, but purple supposedly does, though I can't figure out what... DON'T YOU SEE?!?!?! THE END IS UPON US!!!! THE APOCALYPSE HAS COME!!!! THE FURBIES!!!!! THH FURBIES!!!! AHHHHH!!!! MY EYES!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL AZURINE EYES!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
  3. The answe to my earlier question is silver
  4. it does lend some support to the possibility that DNA could survive longer than we ever supposed, but almost certainly not long enough
  5. It's doubtful enough intact DNA could even be found and extracted from a frozen mammoth, a pre-KT Event dino's chances of having any intact material is immeasurably improbable. You'd need C-3PO to give you the exact figure.
  6. technically, nothing rhymes perfectly with it. There's another word english that has no perfect rhyme! Can anyone guess what is is?
  7. There's a dark underbelly to every society, especially in utopian types
  8. Silly old Phi, haven't you heard? Whips are "fun" this day and age . I think I know what to get you next year....
  9. It also serves as a big effin umbrella for his proprty
  10. Yippee-yay yah-hoo!! Cider and crabcakes for everyone!!!! Whoot!! How do you feel now that you're nearing death?
  11. The bio are one hundred multiple choice questions, with four free response sessay questions, which are normally made up of several sub-questions. Both sections take roughly two hours. You can never pedict what questions they'll give. They could be fair, difficult, or they could jut be screwing you over.
  12. I understand the physics totally, I have diagrams of the components and such, (something's wrong with me) all I know is that as far as we know, a self contained beam of that nature is not possible (as of yet) A diatium power cell generates power, which is translated into a beam parallel with the handle by a power field conductor. A series of the power vortex ring, inert power insulator, and energy gate guide the beam to the crystal energy chamber, where it generally passes through a primary crystal and a focusing crystal. The crystals convert the energy to plasmic arc wave energy, which takes place in the hollow, cylindrical blade enrgy channel, converted by cycling field energizers (electromagnetic coils.) The final beam passes through the crystal lens assembly and energy modulation circuits, and is emitted from the arc emmiter dish. The possitively charge beam, as you said, is drawn back into the blade by the negatively charged high energy flux aperture. s long as the beam is undisturbed, the energy is reabosrbed by the power cell. There are variations on this. And it's "Glavin", fool
  13. The physics of Lightsabers. Sweet Moloch they're awesome. And the Force. The the basic fake sciency stuff behind the newer version of Journey to the Center of the Earth, and disney's Atlantis.
  14. There are plenty of procedures that can be done to study a living animal. Wouldn't we be most interested in the hybrid's mind and genetic material anyway?
  15. Ahh jeeze Phi, a teletubby? That's sick on too may levels. It's fine to punish Dak with it, but you realize that all of us have to look at it now? How about baby bop instead? Or the wiggles? And Slush-for-brains, if you do that again, I will hunt you down, and upgrade your torture to a monkey wielding a CHEESE GRATER!!!!!!!
  16. Phi, you're awesome. And everyone knows peter pan had his nards bitten off by the croc, which is the real reason wendy left him.
  17. yeah, but at point the plant itself can absorb too much.
  18. Not what could be tossed, but when you could toss and where you culd toss it. The rules were mainly set into place by us girls (we fear for our hair). There are procedures to prevent severe mutilation, but the raisins are among our favorite ammo Has anyone suffered permanent damage from their eye wounds? .
  19. Yeah, a moderately low ph is important, but it has to be within a certain range. You can't just pump acid into a plant and not expect some kind of harm to be a result. Your graph shows the correlation. There might be a totally different reason, maybe even a beneficial one. Have you found anything hinting about it?
  20. That raisin was a blatant breach of the game rules . The offender was properly beaten, as according to woodland law. Yay for fireworks, exept, as a small child of three, I burnt my hand with a sparkler . I still remember the agony. Hmmm, a sparkler in the eye, that would really suck.
  21. Hehe, we always choose and open rocky space of about forty feet, and i personally smack anyone who throws too close to the border. I know it's probably very dumb , but with a pyro-cop and an equally nuts firefighter in my family and "freindly", we don't have much choice . Fire is like breathing. And we bring water pistols, LOL (we always have extinguishers, real ones) ---------------------- --------------- ---------- --- Has anyone ever gotten extinguisher foam in their eyes? That would probably hurt.
  22. he's sayin that he thinks quarks and leptons can be divided into even smaller bits. What is the quark group called?
  23. Don't worry, we were responsible, chased down every stray throw, then spent ten minutes or so searching for any embers before bed.
  24. A desert actually (a hundred and twenty thousand square miles of dry kindling ) We used the forests to play with an honest to gods flamethrower and grenade launcher, military grade on both counts.
  25. My dad and his work buddies were maced for police training. One passed out, half started bawling like babies, including a 250 pound ex-cage fighter. Damn right, Friends rocked, especially Chandler. That sitcom was the best of the best, ranking with Stargate SGI, SG Atlantis, Lost, and the Simpsons. Back on topic I also have caught an ember from a fire in my eye, and squished cricket juice.
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