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Everything posted by AzurePhoenix

  1. My gods, are you serious? I was being a wise-ass, but okay, I'll get on it.
  2. Maybe limit the trachea's path to the nose? Personally, I would enhance our vision. Just imagine seeing life through the colors of a Mantis Shrimp.
  3. Dw-40? Vegetable? Canola? Whale?
  4. Hmmm, urine-aid. I like cherry.
  5. I won't rest until Jackson becomes the sugar-baby of a four hundred pound 6' 8" Samoan serial rapist! And when he's gone, Down with Donald Trump's Hair!!
  6. I know a reliable test, based on the actual thing. I'll link it up as soon as I find it again. It's gave me a score of 128 twice, when I scored 129 three times on the one my psyche teacher gave us, so I think its rather valid.
  7. Hey, I know that, but I know some narrow viewed people
  8. good. I somehow picked up the psuedo-nickname "She-Hitler" among my friends, and must now be careful in what I say. And also, I agree. We need intensive breeding controls. That, is a fact.
  9. Just doin' a little research based on curiosity. Do you actually believe IQ correlates with intelligence? Or do you think it's all crap. Also, how do you think you'd score on one to ten in regards to social prowess?
  10. Naw, (I only listen to country) but he just radiates this sickening aura of disgust, similar to the one I percieve around such things as school administrators, vomit, and potato-salad. And his voice pisses me off.
  11. You sure it ain't just society doing too little to foster development of the brain in children? Look at the school systems. Curriculum (at least in U.S.) is devised not for education, but in an attempt to earn more funding, and thus stuff administrator pockets. That's what standardized testing is about too. It's so bad that I'm forced to rely on the internet, reading and television documentaries for my own practical education. Problem is, not many human beings find joy in learning of their own free will. I believe that we're innately designed for activity. Using the brain in a quiet setting such as a library just doesn't stimulate the pleasure centers that a hunt might trigger, or intense sports, skydiving, trekking through the woods, sex, or even getting high, robbing a house or mugging a lady. I feel that actually giving kids what they are interested in / capable of learning, along with the basics, as well as teaching them a practical, widely ranged education is the answer. After we get that staightened out, then we can move on to artificially selecting for humans as a first step towards "better breed". Please don't associate this last comment with any of that Aryan master-Race Crap (the first step to a healthy race, whether physically, mentally, or socially, is extensive diversity)
  12. I don't care whether he actually did it or not, I just want the jury to vote guilty for no other reason to see him go to prison in an attempt to sate my humor. Even Martha Stewart could make that little albino trog her biotch in the pen.
  13. I've heard that people who sleepwalk or talk are more likely to do so in their teens. Is this true? Or thirty years from now will my family still wake up to find me taking pictures down from the walls, plucking lemon leaves from the backyard, or yelling incoherantly at troublesome invisi-children?
  14. So, in my idiot terms, I'm right?
  15. I'm fairly certain the pterosaurs would be. They were several steps of modern archosaurs (crocs are these, right?) which were far more derived, with four chambered hearts and such, and I think that dinos (also archosaurs, or at least derived from them) probably obtained warm blooded traits fairly early on. The fact that pterosaurs evolved towards a highly energetic lifestyle would seem to indicate that they would also move towrds endothermy, or may have even started out with it by gift of some predisposed ancestor. Sorry, Mokele would know better than I. If only highschool offered courses in paleontology and herpetology.
  16. basically, it's the density of the object being spread across a greater volume, rendering the gravity as more diluted, yes? Or more like spreading butter over bread, the more area you spread over the thinner it is. So the moon's gravity is not related to the earth's proximity.
  17. The show was called "Dragons" an was shown on Animal Planet. It was done along the lines of the Walking With series, but in the end, I was dissapointed. They left quite a few gaps, jumped ahead too quickly, and drew out the final extinction too long. They could have made it much more intense and informative in the same amount of time. They needed more background in their evolution and ancestry, as well as more involved stories and biology about the specific species. Such as when it came to the water dragons, they just mentioned them as predecessors of chinses dragons and played a few seconds of footage.
  18. Even some sharks come close
  19. How difficult is is for a ectotherm to make the transition to an endotherm anyway?
  20. Sure their society was nice, but engineering wise and architecturally, they were mostly way behind.
  21. Do you mean pre colombus? For that matter, did anarchaus initially mean pre colombus or post to modern?
  22. Yeah, but the artistry involved and skill required to sculpt it was amazing, and flakes of the stuff are even used today as surgical blades. Too bad everyone's looking for durable durable durable these days rather than art.
  23. Happens in nature all the time. Ever spray for aphids? Been to certain parts of the Red Wood Forest? Seen a whiptail lizard? Anyone here have a twin? Clones. It's our responsibility as the most capable species on the planet to do everything in our power to restore the natural balance. Clone non-avian dinos? No way, their time is gone, but the thylacine, the dodo, the moas, Haasts's Eagle? We should do everything in our power to save the creature's we've hurt, and if ever possible (however unlikely), do our best to reestablish species that we've actually driven into oblivion.
  24. South Americans did some amzing stuff with architecture and obsidian schultping.
  25. Just to get off the ground, something that big would have to be warm blooded. And I've seen musculature digrams with a good amount of muscle at the wing-shoulders. Never did a great job though. They have a keel and all that, but they seem to forget to modify the arrangement to allow for the forelegs. Not that I know how to do so. Maybe I'll try. I am working on draconic anatomy at the moment anyway and will need to tackle the problem eventually....
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