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Everything posted by AzurePhoenix

  1. I love snakes, i mean, is their anything cooler than a Gaboon Viper, or my personal favorite, Golden Lanceheads? Awesome. I hate the damn desert. every rattler looks basically the same. i'm bored, i need to go somewhere tropical. although i did have a real nice ringnecked snake, very pretty, and rainbow boas show up around here from time to time, though i've never seen one
  2. what would you deem as worse, a sandy desert (sahara), or a rocky one (Death Valley) i mean, it matters not when your a dessicated corpse, but maybe the preferred aesthetics of one over the other might soften the blow of your death. Hey, technically, isn't the anarctic a desert in some context, considering that it doesn't get rainfall, and is devoid of liquid freshwwater?
  3. um, do you just mean little baby organisms? or some non-country music band that I would be unfamiliar with (seeing as I'm a dweeb who listens only to country.) If it turns out to be the first, offspring are simply the progeny of an older generation of organisms. If i have twins, they'll be my offspring. When an amoeba splits, the resulting two amoeba are the offspring. Every spore that a fern drops is an offspring. The billions of eggs sprayed by a giant clam are its offspring. If you're ever lucky enough to find a girl who'll let you canoodle with her, maybe you too could one day have offspring of your own. That's all it is really. Hope that helps
  4. hail Australia the anonymous venomous snake capital of the world
  5. i just wish we had eyes that combined the intensity of a bird of prey's and amantis-shrimp's color-perception, lungs as efficient as a bird's, capable of keeping us clear-headed even at Everest-height altitudes, arteries that didn't clog, slimmer, denser musculatures, lighter, more flexible bone-structures, and maybe even a prehensile tail (hopefully with some fur on it.) The problem is, i'm good with the concepts of the final organism. I'm not well versed in the physics and chemistry of all of the various living tissues, and so cannot devise the answers that i seek. i'm sorry if i seem overly persistant, desperate, stubborn and blunt, but i suffer from bone-headedness and acute-cynicism coupled with severe anxiety. ignore my rantings and please accept my apologies.
  6. Sorry tycho, and whereas you are certainly on the right track, believing that evolution strives for perfection is a severe oversight. Most problems that arise in humans occur after peak breeding potential. The body doesn't require a better form of blood, so it won't waste time creating it. What's the point of developing better lungs that won't affect who recieves them, since the inferior-lunged progeny were already spawned by evolutionarily-succussful parents. Evolution is about being adequate enough to create adequate children, which is why our elderly must suffer. If evolution were about the success of the individual rather than the species, then (pretending that all life wouldn't be extinct) our blood and other systems would be as perfect as you think they are. True, nature has done things with life that no human could comprehend, and evolution is a sculpture of unparalled genius, but that doesn't mean that in the far future, man won't find ways to improve the base model.
  7. I know that i might appear to be impatient; well, I AM!! Are there any anatomy-buffs out their who could lend me a helping hand?
  8. oh yeah, survival advice, suck on a cactus pad, they're a real bitch to de-prickle, but have a real high water content
  9. oh, and maybe it's jsut my field of study, but it's not so hard for other people to ID venomous reps is it? oh-well. keep in mind, in arizona, it's really easy to tell posion snakes from regular one. THEY ALL HAVE FRICKIN' RATTLES!! except for the arizona corral snake, but just avoid tri-colored ring banded snakes, and those damn rattlers, and maybe the occasional gila monster and you'll be fine. Oh yeah, avoid bark scorpians (rarely fatal,) tarantulas (harmless, but you might hurt him,) and Tarantuala Hawks (a really big, really awesome wasp with a sting worse than a Bullet Ant's bite.) Hey, if you stop by, gimme a call
  10. I live in Phoenix Arizona, desert central, named for a bird that immolates itself in a firestorm every 500 years. currently, we're in a twenty-year drought. temperatures reach 115 degrees regularly, in the shade. you can see heat waves rising from grass, for god's sake. But that's not all so bad. The venomous herps are cool (reptiles you perverts ) What sucks is how many people come to live here. sure, it's like a giant sprawling super-mega-ultra-suburb rather than a city, but still, i hate people. and that is why the desert sucks. people. in fact, that's why everywhere sucks. i really, really hate people. oh yeah, in arizona, the sun may be hot, but so are the people, and we all have tans
  11. mine (microsoft wireless optical 2.0) works on everything but leather. Might that be because of the dimpled/pebbled surface of the moo-moo skin? Damn, i liked that black leather mouse-pad.
  12. yeah, great suggestions, but does anyone who intimately knows anatomy have any full suggestions (along with explanations.) For example, would red blod cells work better if they had a greater surface area for their size? Or is their another elemental base that could theortetically work better in blood than iron? Would a six-chambered heart be feasible, and how might that be an improvement, if it would be at all?
  13. Okay, i wasn't sure if this belonged in evolution, anatomy, or psuedo-science, and i don't expect a very thorough response, but here it goes; Say you were a geneticist in about a hundred years or so when we have a better foot-hold in recombinant engineering. How would you improve the heart? The lungs? They eyes? Digestive track? Maybe even the brain, bones, blood or musculature. Nothing major, but are there any simple fix-ups that natural evolution over-looked? Or even major ones that you might believe are feasible? I'd really appreciat3e a response.
  14. get a bunch of really cool gems and use them in a newly invented lightsaber, then go chop things up oh, and discover the pheremones required to enslave all furbies and create a grand army with which to enslave the universe, with my lightsaber at my side
  15. anyone else have a clue on a site from which i can get help? i'm also getting "Knights of the Old Republic" soon, ans i hear it has the same freakin'-damn problems
  16. hahaha, i found the image of frank sinatra in one of my tortillas, how much could i get for that? Gotta be worth more than some pathetic girl who couldn't even get any from her boyfriend so had to resort to getting knocked up by the Intergalactic Furby (my idea of god) .... no offense to you Christies out there
  17. Please, i'm desperate, i want to play "Jedi Knights; Jedi Academy," but i have windows XP and it won't load or operate on OpenGL (isn't compatible) yet many sources tell me XP users are able to download a directX variation that will let me...... please, oh dear lord please, where can i go to fix this, and when i get there, what do i have to do..... i can't stress this enough, i'm a huge starwars fan and have had the stupid game for a year and a half, i just really need help, geez, i'm actually crying right now
  18. Kay, i'm putting this here because it's simply totally based on my curiosity, and has no practical application that I'll ever be part of, if any exist... so, if there was a pipeline that carried high pressure liquid oxygen, and it ruptured spewing the substance into the air (say it's about 88 degrees f. outside) would the liqid O2 revert to gas instantly, or would it remain liquid for a little while? If you were in the way and got splashed with it, would you be "wet" with it for a few seconds, or would it just be like getting hit with deadly-cold vapor? I guess to narrow it down, if you took a glass of liquid O2 out of your superfridge, for how long would it still be the glass? I'd really appreciate an answer
  19. Hah! Mokele, i tip my hat to you sir.... i can't believe i had the poor vision to compare tha slime-mold to the beauty of a gaboon... even a ferret deserves better than such a lowly comparison... aw gee, now i have to apologize to the slime-mold
  20. Is it possible that, given the proper situation, flores-man culd have been "smarter" than humans, but just didn't develop the corresponding technology and society we usually associate with high-intellect simply because of the small size and isolation of their overall world? Limited to an island, cut off from the pressures thrown at other humans, maybe they just weren't motivated to stretch their mental muscles. As far as i can tell, the only real predator they had to look out for were those big lizards (unless the big rats were carnivorous?) or maybe some large bird of prey. As long as their niche didn't conflict with those of the other large predators, and as long as they were protected against those predators, would the species really need to develope the way we did?
  21. damn... my hopes are finally raised on a flagpole of truth, then they're hit by a meteor, typical
  22. jdurg, you are my god, i worship you a thousand times over... if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask... i knew platinum would be the tough one
  23. kerry was a combo gaboon-viper / ferret
  24. damn, i've searched everywhere, and got plenty of info on how it works and why, but i can't find the visible color emitted by gold, silver, platinum or cobalt!!!! I'm goin' crazy!!!! The problem is that some metals, like the ones i''m most desperately looking for, don't vaporize at the temp. available to a common lab-rat like myself, so noone bothers to log the flame test results one might get if they had an ultra-hot super-high tech blowtorch... maybe i can hold someone really important hostage, and force the government to find the answers i'm looking for. And I don't mean their spectral signature, i mean the actual color a human would see if that light were made visible (like the mercury-vapor thing, or flame-test)
  25. I love this!!! I'm Going' nuts, I've been so excited overthis story since last night i nearly bust!!!! The thing that troubles me most is that natives having been telling stories about the "ebu gogos," if these stories are true, and these hominids actually did survive to as recently as five hundred years ago, it means we just missed um!!! I'm so dissapointed!!! I'm going to have an aneurism!!! http://news.google.com/nwshp?hl=en&gl=us&ncl=http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/10/28/1098667906170.html
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