... I hate you. But indeed, the non-direct hybrid route would take time, dedication and energy (money)... mammoths arent like mice in the breeding department.
I missed every one of those of you who responded and several others. But I've been relishing my time away from many others may they all suffer slow, lingering demises of something that produces lots of explosive gastronomic discontent
I'd bet a mammoth would be far likelier to pull it off with than some other extinct animals, like the thylacine. It's good to have a number of largely intact frozen adults.
I don't know what the recent developments are in regards to cloning using non-living material, if any, but one of the ideas was finding viable sperm, and using it to breed increasingly mammothy hybrid generations using asian elephant mothers. but still, the genetic material would probably still be degraded
You want something with a decent but practically short period before symptoms manifest, with airborn virulence. so yeah, flu? cold? Once rabies symptoms manifest it's too late, with some madness, so that's good... smallpox is a classic... ebola is bloodily explosive and equally fatal.... Yeah, those've gotta be my Top Five Pick for chimeric strain.
Is it just me, or is it a dismally pathetic reflection on the rest of you guys that apparently the most enjoyable and interesting member of 2008-9 hadn't even posted since 2007?
*Please tell me that newsletter is some sorta typo*
Yeah, and especially at that stage, there's really nothing you're saving (if cloning could even really save the important bits of someone, which it can't anyway) so why not just have another one? Less time consuming, less difficult, alot cheaper, alot more fun, and you'll never know the difference
I'm having some trouble understanding this... identical to the clone or not, the original died, it's just as dead cloned or not... seems to me the clone is just a misguided and naive sentimentalist attempt to pretend the original never died... like having twins, and when one dies, it doesn't matter cuz you have a spare that looks the same... doesn't make Timmy any less dead if Billy is still around...
Until you consider that we were not wiped out alongside them quite possibly specifically because of our ability to adapt, and then later forced the world to bend for us... as i see it, other than a cosmic event, we're the only power on earth with a chance of creating a situation we can't adapt to. Us and zombies. But i'll bet you the zombies will be our fault too!
save up a coupla years for a large boat and all the supplies i'd need to build a livable life on a deserted tropical island (library and media library included of course)... or isolated coastline if i can't find an island
i don't see how there could be the slightest ethical question... in fact, i see it as more ethical than just eating them... i mean, organ-donar sheep would be dying to save people rather than just entertain their tastebuds for an evening... but then again i put no moral value into human tissues just because they're "human". If the sheep start contemplating their existence, then i see a problem.
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