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Everything posted by Bjarne

  1. We know that mass is increasing due to speed For example try to Google "mass increase lhc" The same thing must happen , for example if a stone would accelerate towards a distant galaxy black hole etc. - Or when the Earth or any other astronomic body is moving (for example relative to a central observer) . This part is therefore not a new hypothesis,- but already a scientific fact. According to the prevailing understanding of the laws of nature the answer is YES. But the mass increase (due to speed increase) and therefore also what this theory call "Relativistic Resistance "RR", - depends on motion towards an absolute motion direction. The point here is that true motion through space is important. Let's say the solar system moves 300 km/s towards a certain direction, but the galaxy (Milkyway) moves 300 km/s exact opposite, - the "true absolute motion" of the Sun, - is therefore zero (relative to a central observer) – because both velocities cancel out each other. Thus does RR and mass increase of course also. So even though the Solar system (according to this example) is "losing" kinetic energy, - due to motion towards the RR direction, it gets it back momentary, since the influence momentary cancel out, due to the opposite influence. To make a long history short, nothing in fact happens, simply because there is in fact no (true) absolute motion. Half of an orbit, - an astronomic object can fall due to RR, and YES it is "losing" potential gravitational energy (converted to mass). But RR has the exact opposite influence as well, - when moving towards the opposite direction. It is important to understand that all what really counts is absolute motion – through space. So motion opposite the RR direction is "the source" responsible for an objects gains back the "lost" potential gravitational energy. Moving oppesite the RR direction simply means less RR. During centuries we have not been able to observe that something was wrong. Nowadays we discover that really many orbits, - not acts like we expect them to.. Even the orbit of the Earth cannot be an exception from the list of orbit mysteries, - so long Ice ages are fare from fully understood. A simple mathematical (already existing) equation can in fact account for all this. Sorry when this is not perfect English. I am doing my best…
  2. It convert to Mass We do
  3. Is the Interpretation of Cosmological redshift misunderstood? A growing number of professional doubt the Big Bang theory. This video deserves a closer watch, - It shows that the problem the prevailing understanding is up against CAN be manmade. Notices there are 9 parts. - If the so called expanding property of the universe is nothing but an unnecessary human invention, a consequence is that the universe must collapse. How would a collapsing Universe really looks like? Could that happen right now, without we know? What would happen with background gravity (space-time) during a big crunch? Would a collapsing Universe, or collapsing clusters of galaxies finally explode, due to larger density / tension on space, - and therefore be like a supernova on a larger scale? – And is this what Big Bang really is about? Are Big bang and Big Crunch always repeating each other? Is true interpretation of so-called cosmological redshift, - in fact gravitational redshift? Is redshift from distance stars in reality only the history about that background gravity always is either increasing during a Big Crunch? – or decreasing after a Big Bang ? Is so called Dark Energy therefore only evidence that shows that the Universe is a "gravitational wave" caused by a previous exploding universe? Could a collapse of our Universe happen right now, before the release of gravity (so called dark energy) have been completely released?
  4. Are Relativistic Resistances Misunderstood? Preface It requires more and more energy to reach diminishing speed increment. It has never been proven that resistance against motion only applies during the acceleration period. This theory claims that resistance also happens by constant speed. We will refer to this as Relativistic Resistance (Hereafter "RR"). Thinking of RR as a reversible process will solve all known kinematic orbit and trajectory anomalies and mysteries, - as follows; 1.) The Flyby Anomalies. 2.) The cause of the Pioneer Anomalies. 3.) The stars continue to be dragged into the galaxies' black holes. *) note1 4.) The long term (known) weak eccentricity anomaly of the moon.*) note2 5.) That Spiral galaxies can last much longer than the expected 1 billion years *) 6.) The Milankovitch cycle problem of 100,000 years, and all other ice age cycle mysteries *) note3 7.) How the dwarf planet Sedna come into orbit. *) note5 8.) The mystery of NGC7603 *) note6 9.) Stars in a dwarf galaxy swarm like bees in a beehive instead of moving in nice, circular orbits like a spiral galaxy *) note4 10.) It predicts a periodical short term, relatively large perigee / apogee anomaly of the Moon's orbit, still not discovered. The basic of the theory An object's speed increment is causing energy and hence also mass increment. Due to mass increment, the curvature of space near a moving object is also increasing. Space resists deformation, (e.g. the release of tension of space results in a gravitational wave). There are therefore several reasons to believe that the Lorentz transformation (whereby speed of an object converts to; mass/kinetic energy/ deformed-space) is a reversible process. Space must have some kind of "elastic" nature "woven" together with matter. The Lorentz transformation is therefore also an expression of the tension increase of space as a fast-moving object exerts. When the force (causing the speed of an object) stops, speed-related tension on space is automatically released. This means that the Lorentz transformation factor also is a deceleration factor. Relativistic resistance is a reversible process. Therefore, the Lorentz equation must reflect the magnitude of resistance against motion, and therefore also the magnitude of deceleration at the same time. Thus this article claims that "(y-1)" in the Lorentz equation; [where γ = 1/√(1 - v²/c²)], - on the one hand is the factor responsible for how much tension speed of an object is causing on space (due to M and E increase) - but on the other hand, the same transformation factor is also a factor reflecting the resistance against motion. It only requires a slight modification of the same equation to understand the deceleration aspect mathematically. When the energy / force responsible for accelerating an object stops pushing an object forward, the object must decelerate. As this is a universal law of nature, all orbits are affected. We have recently discovered several space probe anomalies, some decelerating and some accelerating. The biggest mystery related to that has been why only small objects were affected and apparently not bigger objects such as astronomic objects. The secret is that all objects and all orbits are in fact affected, but these anomalies cancel out after a certain period. Even the Earth is always affected too. Think about the ice ages. Only 2 million years ago, there were no ice ages. After that, the cycle duration only took 41,000 years, and even the 100,000 year cycles nowadays are not strong enough to explain the cause of ice-ages. On the biggest scale, galaxies and clusters of galaxies are also affected. Exactly the same law of nature is responsible for the strange orbit we believe is caused by so-called dark matter. The cause of decelerating and acceleration Space probe anomalies. The Pioneer Space Probes must have been travelling towards the RR direction. When travelling 12240 m/s (as the pioneer 10 space probe did), the deceleration can be calculated to 8.33×10-10m/s (the first second). We know that the Pioneer probes were decelerating: (8.74±1.33)×1010m/s² These values are remarkably similar. Contrary to that, when space probes move opposite the RR direction, such objects are affected by RR to a lesser degree than the Sun is. Therefore, such objects will accelerate relative to the Sun. (There could be other contributions to the Pioneer Anomaly as well) The cause of the Ice ages and Flyby Anomaly (Acc. Space probes Anomalies.) PERIOD "A" (image to above) When an orbiting object moves opposite the RR direction, it will accelerate due to less RR relative to the Sun (period "A" in the image to the right). PERIOD "B" (image to above) An object moving towards the RR direction must decelerate. However, deceleration in that period will be turned to acceleration immediately because an object will be forced closer to the Sun. During these periods where aphelion is ahead of the Sun, an orbit will be more elliptical. This influence will be cancelled out as soon as Aphelion is ahead of the Sun. This solves all the mysteries related to ice age cycles. The RR influence affecting the orbit of the Earth (based on the modified Lorentz equation shown above) is calculated to be 6.81*10-9m/s² and hence to a yearly perihelion/aphelion increment / decrement anomaly of about 97 km. Notice. Of simplicity reasons, the example above shows that RR in this case is directly towards the same direction as the Sun's motion (in the galaxy) , but because galaxies also orbits cluster, RR can be towards any direction. General Principles When the semi-major axis is almost aligned with the RR direction, this anomaly must be considered as the strongest. When the semi-major axis is more or less perpendicular, relative to the RR direction, the speed increment anomaly is proportionally reduced. A larger orbit also means larger acceleration periods and hence stronger anomalies must be expected. In addition to the speed increment anomalies, we are also to expect that space probes are affected by perigee precision anomalies (still not discovered). The RR contribution to Ice ages can either be in resonance or dissonance with the perturbation periods. This solves all ice-ages cycle mysteries. The Perigee Apogee anomaly of the Moon. This theory predicts that the Moon has an undiscovered short-term orbit anomaly. During half of the perigee precession period of the Moon, when perigee of the Moon more or less points towards the RR direction (4½ years), the orbit of the moon is forced 50 meters backwards each year (closer to the Earth). We will refer to that period as; Period "X" The "opposite" happens during the following 4½ years after which apogee points towards the RR direction. We will refer to that as; Period "Y" During Period "X", the perigee distance is therefore gradually shortened (and the apogee gradually extended) during a 4½ year period, to a total of 250 meters. During period "Y", the opposite happens, and the anomaly gradually cancels out again. Notice, - This part of the theory does not claim that the size or eccentricity of the moon's orbit is affected due to RR,- during the anomaly described below. The already known eccentricity anomaly of the Moon. *) note2 During period "X", the Moon is losing just a tiny bit of potential gravitational energy as it is gaining it back in period "Y". A similar influence of the Moon happens in these periods when the orbit of the Earth gets more elliptical. This explains the cause of the already known very weak eccentricity anomaly of the Moon. *) note2 However, this anomaly is much weaker than the perigee / apogee period still not discovered. Right now, the orbit of the Earth is getting more circular (due to RR). This means that right now, there is an opposite influence affecting the eccentricity anomaly of the Moon. The result is that the known eccentricity anomaly of the Moon is partly counteracted due to the decreasing eccentricity of the Earth. In reality, the known eccentricity anomaly of the Moon is therefore stronger than discovered so far. Why have we not discovered the hereby claimed Perigee / Apogee anomaly of the Moon? During the half of an orbit period when the moon moves towards the RR direction (period "B" - image above), it will decelerate. As the Moon in that process will approach the Earth, deceleration will be turned to acceleration. However, during the period when the Moon moves opposite the RR direction (period "A"), it will accelerate (due to less RR in that direction), so in that period, the Moon will gain back the kinetic energy lost in the first half of the orbit. This means that the size of the orbit is not affected due to the relatively large displacement of perigee and apogee. Neither is the eccentricity affected due to RR. There is no guarantee that we already should have discovered such relative large perigee / apogee anomaly. Neither did we discover the long-term (weak) anomaly, even though it has been increasing for decades. *) note2 Of course, we can easily confirm whether this anomaly is real or not, but that will require very complex calculations compared to the analysing of old LLR (Lunar Laser Ranging experiment) data. The purpose of the LLR is to monitor the size and eccentricity of the Moon's orbit (and much more), and not to analyse whether apogee and apogee happen exactly where these "must" happen. So far, we simply have not had any reason to be suspicious; this is why such a relatively large anomaly could have remained undiscovered for this long. The Moon therefore holds the key to understanding the true cause of so-called dark matter, and much more. Cluster & Galaxy Dynamics On the one hand, acceleration towards any peripheral absolute motion direction will always "hit the RR wall", but on the other hand, it will also always be accompanied with the fact that opposite motion is always resistance free - but only for a while - until motion towards the opposite direction becomes absolute. Therefore, orbiting galaxies in any position will naturally always change direction towards a direction with less RR which means that they are trapped in orbits by RR, constantly seeking a way to escape. It is the exact same principle that applies to the 'strange' motion of stars of galaxies. RR is responsible for trapping stars, clusters, gasses etc. and forces it to constantly change direction. Therefore, we have no reason to maintain the so called Dark Matter paradigm. Mass attraction of clusters and galaxies must be understood as based on visible matter only, and therefore, these are very weak forces. This new understanding also implies that certain circumstances can lead to situations where galaxies can split apart. Seen from a local perspective, RR does not always have the same magnitude all around a system; this will lead to a different motion pattern, but this will mainly affect planets and moons as described above. Seen from an absolute perspective, the magnitude of RR is the same in any absolute and peripheral direction. This theory is not only hypothetical, - but already supported by observation. Example 1. We already know that so called dark matter, not behave as expected, a growing numbers of astrophysicist are therefore sceptical. The following articles can be Google translated, from Danish *) note7, 8 and 9 (Are also to be found in english) Example 2. A growing number of astrophysicist claims that galaxies can split apart. Under certain circumstances, this is exactly what we are to expect can happen according to this theory (for example NGC7603). *) note6 The Lorentz Equation (already mentioned in the introduction) can off course very easy be adapted, and does already mathematically prove any aspect of the theory. This theory is therefore consistence with both observation and mathematical. The real challenge is; - to prove the claimed perigee, apogee anomaly of the Moon, - (also already mentioned in the introduction). If we seriously want to crack the dark matter mystery, this is certainly a way to get the job done. *) note1 http://translate.goo...06/27105328.htm *) note2 http://arxiv.org/PS_...1102.0212v3.pdf *) note3 http://en.wikipedia....nkovitch_cycles *) note4 http://esciencenews....mystery.deepens *) note5 http://science.nasa....04/16mar_sedna/ *) note6 http://www.youtube.c...h?v=98QoBf8Z_ms *) note7 http://ing.dk/artike...-om-moerkt-stof *) note8 http://natgeo.dk/vid...-om-maelkevejen *) note9 http://www.youtube.c...h?v=KKURkavlG6E
  5. I am Bjarne from Denmark. I hope to be able to find a specialist in Lagrange'splanetary equations. The reason is that I for several years have been researching gravity anomalies. But I am not a good mathematician, - and now I need to have a mathematical job done. I am willing to reward some hours help. Attached file Paper ed.pdf
  6. Let's say that a space probe orbiting the Sun in an elliptical orbit would emit heat towards the motion direction., and hence causing resistance against motion. Let's say it would happen exactly half of its orbit, - and that the motion resistanceis 1E-9 m/s. The other half of the orbit the heat escape would be turned to acceleration instead, also 1E-9 m/s. I believe this would cause the space prove to get its own perihelion precession anomaly. I know I must use Lagrange's planetary equations, but this is above my head. How can such be calculated? (Thisis not homework)
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