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Lepton (1/13)



  1. thank you so much do you know where i might be able to find one of thoes journals?
  2. its not procrastination thanks, i just got it yesterday so its not my fault. why is it all answeres are BS and not real answers ? i thought you people were supposed to be intelligent
  3. my question is located here link removed but no one will help me and i need an answer for tmr thank you
  4. its not my neighbor's blood its mine
  5. hi guys i was reading around and found that edta can prevent clotting of blood. i have a glass vial that holds 6mm and i want to fill it with human blood but i do not want it to clot so i got tertasodium edta hoping to prevent it from clotting . can anyone tell me if it will work or how much edta i should add to keep the blood from clotting as long as possible? thanks for the help
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