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Everything posted by genuresilience

  1. Thanks for the answer
  2. Thanks for that, it makes sense
  3. Does anyone know how incomplete dominance works in inheritance and what traits does it usually effect?
  4. Does anyone have an idea as to how many people (worldwide) are effected by disorders resulting from a misfunction of the ribosomes?
  5. Thanks all for the help. This was actually an idea I was pondering. I was thinking about how in cystic fibrosis, chloride ions build up in the cell membrane, and they combine with sodium in the extracelluar fluid. The salt created then fills in the lungs, providing for a very muscous filled environment. I was wondering if it was possible to stop that reaction. Apparently there is not.
  6. I think this is the answer. Guy 1: red-black Guy 2: red-black Blind : black The biggest hints are that, according to the wording of the question, each hat is black, but two of them are red. (At first I thought each two of the hats were just red.) Second of all, the blind man says "I know which color my hat is." If he is right, he can't possibly have one of the multi-colored hats. The others must have the red-black hats.
  7. Is there a way to keep sodium and chlorine from reacting with one another? Is there another chemical that can be added, or maybe alter the reaction conditions?
  8. hi I'm genuresilience, i'm new here. I am a high school student who plans to major in biochemistry or molecular biology, and i am just truly fascinated by science. I also like to pretend I have a sense of humor. I also enjoy long walks on the beach, and.........sorry, wrong website.
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