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  • Location
    In the clouds
  • Interests
    Research and Investigation
  • College Major/Degree
    i R StOOpid
  • Favorite Area of Science
    The Next Frontier
  • Biography
    I like long walks on the hallodeck
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  • Lepton

fatter.than.air's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Here is a site I often reference in such situations: http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/ It's more of a textbook, but I've found it quite usefull.
  2. If you were to build a ring, inset that ring with another ring set on foil bearings, rotate the inner ring at an extreme speeds - assuming the outter ring remains fixed - would that structure in it's entirety have a greater compressive strength than the same structure in an immobile state? Constructed entirely (mind the foil) of epoxied carbon fiber, where the extreme strength is tensile, could it be a super light circular structure capable of withstanding extreme pressure (to the tensile strength of the fiber)? (putting aside the obvious energy needs for the moment) Thanks, Bobby
  3. Hey, I just made a thread in the Astronomy and Cosmology section of the forum, and figured I should introduce myself... Since I was five or so, I've been armed with a screwdriver in front of a heavy-as-hell wood grain console TV. Wondering what the glowee thing in the back does - is that where 'the people' rehearse for the next scene? Now, I know it's all about the electrons and the attraction... of the forces... and the WHOO HAH! All while holding a stable magnetic field! But no matter how much of that TV's science I keep myself learning, I'm still five, and it's still magic that makes it all glow. And that's why I love science... I'm the new guy ("Awww Geeez... am I noivous or what"), Bobby.
  4. Firstly, I do have a new theory, but I'm not here to peddle it per se. Secondly, I am not formally educated... As I believe I can find the education I need among people such as yourselves. A discussion online is never good until it gets good and heated. Currently, I believe I have developed a theory for an efficient Vacuum Sustainable Dirigible (a Vacuum Blimp by any other name). Scoffed at since the early sixteenth century; the sheer efficiency of this ludacris idea creates doubt in any of Newton's followers. If realized, a Vacuum Sustainable Dirigible could revolutionize the ideas of Space Travel, by simply being the simplest way to 'cheat' gravity clear of our atmosphere, whilst carrying a payload far surpassing that of the Exclusive space nations capacities. But, alas, the internet is chock full of discussion on why it will never work. Yet, so many have done the math and drawn up the designs. I, still don’t have my multiplication table memorized, and my damn Compass flops around. So, as the new guy pushing his luck and probably re-hashing an old topic, I hereby open the discussion to all the skepticism and ideas possible, because I know it will work.
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