This exercise is from chapter 5 of A Book Of Abstract Algebra.
I've been studying this book by reading, so this is not homework. Please help. Here is my attempt:
If C' is a subgroup,
for every [math]a[/math] and [math]b[/math] in [math]C'[/math].
It is obvious that [math]Z(G)[/math] is included in [math]C'[/math]. If we have a group [math]K=\{a,b \in K: a=a^{-1}, ab \neq ba \}[/math],
then [math]Z(K)=\emptyset[/math] even though [math](ab)^{2}=(ba)^{2}[/math] for every element in [math]K[/math]. Thus [math]C'[/math] is not necessarily Abelian.