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Everything posted by JHAQ

  1. If you mean the supernatural type -- No
  2. Drain cleaner is usually caustic soda ( NaOH) ( lye ) ; KOH is even better -- a conc solution of either in water . The best is conc H2SO4 which due to manufacturing process is usually 96 % H2SO4 in water . It is claimed ( though I know of some exceptions that conc H2SO4 ( better 100% H2SO4 )will dissolve any organic compound whch contains oxygen --- including terephthallic acid which is why it is such a good drain cleaner .
  3. Q= UA delta T ; the lower the delta T anywhere the lower the heat the heat radiated .
  4. I am Homo subsapiens , closely related to Pan troglotydes & descended from H. cryptosapiens
  5. Photosynthesis does not generate energy -- it traps light & stores its energy content , generally as metabollisable sugars of various types . This stored energy is the foundation of all life on earth except those forms able to metabolise other forms of chemical energy-- such as some inorganic chemicals in ocean vents --- by different metabolic pathways . The chemicals invoved must contain releasable energy of some sort locked up in its chemical bonding .
  6. Read Dr Tatiana-- Sex for all Creation by Julia Judson . I am sure you will find it there somewhere . Maybe Mole rats ? Would such an omni - benevolent God have created narural selection as the mechanism of natural selection ?
  7. Also look under GOOGLE using terms <science search engines > ; a whole lot come up
  8. Not a search engine but http://www.howstuffworks.com is an excelleny site . It covers a wide variety of topics .
  9. Random initial steps in speciation
  10. If they are that far advanced , why would they need us as objects of exploitation ?
  11. Read up on the JBS Haldane hypothesis . If by ( moralistic ) sacrifice of ones own life one can perpetuate the lives of 2 parents or siblings , 4 & reproducing ) grand parents , 8 uncles or aunts 16 cousins , one has assisted in the transfer of his genomic complement into the next generation & is thus a biological success . ( I may have the numbers off a bit but the principle stands )
  12. JHAQ


    Read up on osmosis , osmotic pressure & membranes
  13. An excellent book which poses many questions - even if some are a trifle esoteric .
  14. JHAQ

    Racial differences.

    Different human races were ( before intermixing ) the first step towards speciation . We all are however the same species as all races can interbreed . Sure there are minor genetic differences & just as there are between different breeds of dogs ( all the same species ). They have different attributes & temperaments so one could expect different "varieties " of H.sapiens to have the same .
  15. To me "life" began about 3.5 million years ago. Individual specific life in sexual organisms at the moment of conception . -- Excuse me - 3.5 billion years ago ---
  16. Check out http://www.mentalhealthweb.org/sociopath/?gclid=CI_utKizuooCFQFUgQodblBdQA or other sites under <living with sociopaths> in GOOGLE
  17. That no mutational change confers any further advantage in replication & survivablity ? Class Chelonia is almost in that category due to great advantages of having a carapace .
  18. I accept global warming is real but it & its opposite have happened many times in the past . I have difficulty separation man made effects from natural cyclic phenomena . PS I AM a scientist ( or was before retirement ) with degrees in both physical & life sciences .
  19. Do what the Roman legions ( like at Carthage ), Ivan the Terrble & men like Alexander the "great " did . The US military fights with one (non- PC ) hand tied behind its back
  20. Unfortunately it take a man like him to hold together a divisive contentious country with so many factions to deal with . Maybe he should have been reinstated with his wings clipped .Look what happened to Jugoslavia when Tito died . If he had not engaged in international exusrsions he would still be there . It is a tragedy compounded by the near total ignorance of our International disaster of a President who had no historical perspective , understanding & acted as he did with trumped up half baked reasons
  21. Anybody familiar withe Umma should be very wary . It is a system which has no tolerance of the infidel & which teaches exaction of all sorts of penalties from unbelievers in Islam -- including death .
  22. Who wants to elect a shyster lawyer who made a fortune pursuing tort law & exploiting ignorant emotionally susceptable jurors against the medical profession & distorting all that is the worst in such a "legal" system
  23. Europe in general has sown the seeds of its own destruction by allowing so much non - assimiltable absolutist Islamic immigration already . Demographically , they will have outbred native europeans & according to Islamic fundamentalism consider their hosts as non - Muslim & vassals of true believers . exploitable . expendable etc according to the dictates of the Koran .
  24. JHAQ

    High Noon

    I understand all international navigational travel uses Zulu ( UTC , GMT ) time but does air travel in continental US do the same ?
  25. I think human evolution is retrograde as the normal processes of natural selection no longer exist . Modern medicine allows perpetuation of defectiver genes .
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