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Everything posted by JHAQ

  1. See < http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/03/4/l_034_02.html >. This site may throw some light on the Cambrian exposion -----it seems maybe that it followed the Edicarian explosion but evolved animals with more fossilizable hard parts .
  2. Humans are NOT descended from monkeys & Darwin never said that . Humans & present day monkeys had a COMMON ancestor ; a BIG difference when you think about it .
  3. Maybe just an emergent property of matter ? So the universe can observe it self ? So an entity with God like powers can evolve ( to compete with "God " ) ? To me the biggest mystery is why is there an universe there in the first place --- vast , indifferent & dispassionate .
  4. Human life or all individual species life at conception ( unless via cloning ); all biological life began when the molecule capable of metabolism & self replication came to be ( about 4 billion years ago ) . Prokaryotes the eukaryotes ---- protozoa then metazoa --------
  5. To me the following argument seems air tight logical but I never seem able to convince anybody as to is correctness . Any inputs from readers would be most appreciated . I tend to be pro choice on the abortion issue because I feel the act of termination in a sudden & painless manner and w/o anticipatory FOREKNOWLEDGE on the part of the victim does in fact do no harm or cause any suffering to that victim . Even if somebody suddenly killed me in a similar manner , they would have done no harm to ME . To believe otherwise is to ASSUME that one enters another realm of conciousness wherein one experiences everlasting regret at having been deprived of life . They may have hurt those who care for me , offended society at large & created a precedent of sorts but no harm or hurt to ME . As Samuel Johnson said -- If a man KNOWS he is going to be hanged on the morrow , it fixes his attention wonderfully .
  6. I think the statement "beyond a reasonable doubt " as in criminal trials is persuasive .
  7. Unless there is a theory defining how much mass is in the universe , then the answer is no . Above a certain mass in one location , a singularity , namely a black hole forms .
  8. What about the EPR paradox? This has been shown to exist but I have never seen a rationalisation as to why or how .
  9. JHAQ

    Minus 273.15K

    Absolute zero is when all atomic or molecular motion stops & I understand it can never quite be reached as per the third law of thermodynamics. Even so , at absolute zero does all electron orbital motion also stop ( or can it ) . also what about the motion of the chilled mass thru space & around the sun or the galaxy ? Is this not motion too ?
  10. ALL science is important to me because I feel it is the only objective rational way to real truth & never forecloses .Religion requires the affirmation of a subjective act of faith , invests in dogma & forecloses on any truth that tends to question it .
  11. JHAQ


    Try <www.howstuffworks.com> . This is a very useful sight on a vast variety of topics & also with animation
  12. No & it is not in Chem Abstacts either -- Cyanuric acid & isocyanuric acid , yes
  13. I would add Edward O Wilson & Stephen J Gould to the reading list . All genes are indifferent & have no concious direction . The only test is their final morphological / behavioural expression can survive long enough to replicate itself into the next generation . The ultimate definition of bilogical success .
  14. JHAQ

    Why ?

    If ANY mass crosses the event horizon of a black hole , it is accelerated to c ( light speed ) . The mass becomes infinite & hence the energy release becomes infinite ( even if time ( to an outside observer ) stops . Yet black holes seem to exist & must have accreted mass ( maybe the source of energy for quasars ? ). Infinite is infinite so how come the universe is still here ? Is Einstein only approximately correct ?
  15. JHAQ

    E = mc EE 2 ?

    I know electrons have wave-particle duality but they also have mass , even if very small . When one generates electricity , is one actually doing the reverse of E = mc EE 2 & generating mass ?
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