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Everything posted by CarolAlynn
Whats bad about it is that the United States thinks that Canada would want to join them no matter what and most of us Dont really want that. The amero would be our currency and knowing the united states it would just be their currency renamed, which sucks because the canadian dollar is worth so much more right now. Not to mention If the U.S takes control of the Canadian and Mexican armies they have that many more people at their disposal to send to their death for pure profit.(sorry about the long sentences this topic gets to me)
oh and i did read the links thanks, they were great and completly missing the point! well that was a mind blowing insight matter had to be created i couldnt have guessed, if you have no interest in what i was actually talking about why are you posting
ok well then if you know everything in ID is flawed maybe you can clear some things up for me. some scientists who have studied the cell call the parts of the cell machines because they work just as human machines do, how do you understand such things as the flagellum motor? I just want to understand these things The debate wasnt about whether ID was science or not is was about the fact that it doesnt necesarily have to disprove evolution. even if its not real and its some guys imagination of Jesus in the clouds, it still doesnt have to disprove evolution. that was my main point and what i wanted to discuss. although no one would discuss it with me so i guess i will just have to give up.
that last post was a joke i dont think we were just hairy humans , i was trying to have a friendly what if conversation to begin with and every single person attacked me. People Can Stop Telling Me That Id Isnt Science I Already Said That Myself Oh and to the question about the pole im sorry about that, i was just playing around and trying to figure out how everything here works, im new so... sorry again.
What if humans never were part of the ape family, we were just really hairy humans who looked as apes do now. your a moron if you think that just because science can prove it means its not real.
maybe you should read a bit i already said i was no longer going to even call what im talking about intelligent design, its not a science it cant be tested in the lab but that doesnt mean it cant be real I agree the theory of evolution, if we can even call it a theory anymore, should be seperate from the origin of life. Darwin himself admitted he was never really sure about how life began and that he was merely speculating about the subject. Darwin as many dont know in private letters wrote that he would be very open to any proof that would suggest design.
I wouldnt worry about global warming if i were you, the earth has been warming and cooling since it began and this time is no different. I would be more worried about an accidental nuclear war, which is actually man made. There are enough nukes in the world to kill every single person on earth 80 times. I totally agree with you on the corporations supressing technology and development. And the iraq war is obviously about oil and not osama and saddam. I think world war three will probably be over the last few drops of oil the world has left.
Does anyone else see the signs of a north american union that is going to form, or am i just crazy?
they willingly joined the european economic community (the name was coined by Hitler) which was what nafta is, an open border free trade agreement, which then turned into the European union, there wasnt even a referendum or a vote.
I think it is a rather depressing view that nothing comes after death. My perfect after life, i would be a ball of floating energy capable of travel throughout the universe. My only real hope is that when im dead i get to continue to follow the story of earth, i would be very disapointed if i didnt get to see where humans and all the rest of life on earth goes in the next couple million years. I also think that all life forms have an energy which continues, how it continues or where it goes i have not a clue.
Well no one in Europe believed they would form a European Union, but they did and they did it with no support from any of the countries it eliminated. Why is it so hard to believe it could happen in North America?
no it doesnt mean that, i think neanderthals are no longer with us for many reaons and interbreeding is only a small part. Other things took effect on their existance such as the end of the ice age for which they were well adapted. Modern humans were better at hunting on the open plains, and the neanderthal hunting grounds starting disapearing with the end of the ice age. I had never heard about the skulls in the middle east, i will definitly do some reading on those, and thanks for pointing out who it was who discovered the skeleton, i was really just trying to remember it from a long time ago.
I would never try to disprove evolution, My point was actually directed more to those who theorize about intelligent design and the fact that if they choose to believe it it doesnt mean they cant also accept evolution.
my sources are various documentaries, some with more evidence than others, and my own research, they dont really write text books on this stuff, i just see what is going on in world governments and it points me to a certain conclusion. All of this is kept very quite, but Canadian news has reported it very often, The builderburg meetings have taken place in many countries, one was in Canada in ottowa, its a meeting of the richest people in the world who have power. I have seen the live coverage of these meetings and seen the people at them, yet if asked all of these people would deny being there. PEople such sa Hilary Clinton, Stephen Harper the queen of the netherlands and the entire banking cartel of america... The media in the united states is controlled by corporation and the banking elites who favour a world government. This is a discussion of world events, if you choose to live in an ignorant bubble thats fine. Just remember they have already required all new american passports to carry id chips with all you information on it, and many families are buying into the idea of micro chipping their children so they can be tracked and identified anywhere in the world.
Did neanderthals really disapear, or did they just breed with modern humans to the point where they were one and the same once again. I read that scientists found a skeleton of a neanderthal that had modern human characteristics??? Also i dont think that neanderthals were a dim species compared to modern humans. They buried their dead with ritual, which is evidence of culture. I think that if your of european descent you probably have a bit of neandethal in your genes, but hey thats just my own personal thought.
I know i already said that! Anyone posting you dont need to explain the theory of evolution to me . I UNDERSTAND IT AND BELIEVE IT.
I dont live in the states so no they dont but your all missing my main point and that is that the American people are constantly bombarded by misinformation to keep them from realizing what is going on. If you go to downtown ottowa over 50% of the population is aware of the North American Union, if you go to Texas where the trans texas corridor ( a highway that will be tolled even though american tax dollars have already paid for it) almost none of the citizens have heard of the North American Union. Research the Builderburg group, you may be suprised at how many elected officials are supported by them. Bush didnt win, Builderburg got him into the white house.
Exactly that is my point we dont know, which means we should not rule out any possiblity unless conclusive evidence can disprove it.
Gore had it backwards. His entire movie (and it was a movie produced to make him money) relys on the fact that as co2 rises so does temperature. The truth is when the sun heats the earth, the ocean (which is the biggest contributer of co2 on earth) slowly heats up and then releases more co2 into the atmosphere. There is an 800 period gap between when the earth starts to heat up and when the ocean starts to release more co2. The earth is normally much colder than this. We call the period we are living in right now an interglacial period, and they tend to be much shorter warming periods between long ice ages. I would be more worried about an ice age than runaway global warming. Although i try not to worry to much about that either as it will happen no matter what we think about it or try to do. The earth is more powerful than us!!!
global warming: salvaging fact from heaps of BS
CarolAlynn replied to gib65's topic in Ecology and the Environment
I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but i think that global warming was put on the political agenda to push a world wide carbon tax, which would go to fund a world government, also global warming is a scare tactic just like 911, used to take away freedoms from people. -
Humans no doubt have intelligence, and sometimes we even create little micro worlds in a little dish. If this is possible that we could recreate life in a dish is it not possible that life on earth could have been created by an intelligent form? Im not saying intelligent design is how it is and evolution is wrong, im just saying its a possiblitity!
Nafta, GATT, Builderburg meetings, the Trans texas corridorr. The european Union formed literally with no input from citizens and the same thing is happening in north america. Its not conspiracy its real life. There is even talks of putting a one child policy in north america as Chinas was such a huge success in controlling the population. Many of the IRS employees have quit and stopped filing tax returns because it is unconstitutional. Its the American people who allow the IRS to be bigger than them.
Did you know that it is not law in the United States to file a tax return, thats because in the constitution it states that an unproportional tax on all people is illegal. The IRS is a scam! And this proposed world Carbon Tax is also a scam, Carbon dioxide is a natural part of the atmosphere, and humans only acount for something like .01 percent of all the carbon put into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide itself is only .43 percent of the greenhouse gases. The ocean is the biggest contributer and when the sun heats up the earth the ocean emits more co2 into the atmosphere. WAKE UP AMERICA, you are being controlled!
Ok i will no longer call my idea part of Intelligent design theory then since the name carries so much controversy. My questions are mainly about DNA and how specificically coded it is, How is DNA the process of evolution? I know evolution answers a lot of questions and is a very real process, it happens every day, but i am trying to point out that there could be other explanations as to the development of life on earth.
I find your theory fascinating and i find it disconcerning that people here are always willing to rule out something they dont understand. Anything is a possibility and even if you cant back it up, it is still intersting to think about the many options that could be real.