My general idea is simple! Is it not possible that Intelligent design, that is the creation of life by intelligent means ( I have no idea what it is or could be, the possibilities are endless and mind boggling ) could incorporate evolutionary process. In other words life was created and meant to evolve and form on its own.
While i already understand that intelligent design theory has not been able to produce lab results, I also know that mathematics is a very real thing, and Intelligent Design theory definitly has the mathmatical evidence.
I also know that Evolution leaves behind some very real evidence, and i believe it happens every day.
Science today has become somewhat clouded, When people present theories, the think for some reason that it must mean the previous explanation was wrong. Science needs to follow the evidence and be open minded to wherever that evidence may take them. To see the whole picture we need to include every bit of evidence we know of.
On the topic of Evolution, I do not know if man came from apes or not, it seems likely but the fact is that the australopithecines have never been proven to be any more than ape. We have never found evidence of that ancestor the theory proposes we had. Also there has been much evidence that humans have appeared on the earth much earlier than previous expected.
Im not saying i understand the answers to all these thoughts, but i do know that often when evidence comes up that threatens a popular theory, people will go to great lengths to discredit it.
The only thoughts Darwin ever gave on intelligent design theory (or what it was called in his day) He saw no evidence of intelligent design, yet he did not rule it out. He also commented that if there was evidence of intelligent design his theory of life coming from one simple organism would break down.
Darwin was a true scientist, he looked at evidence and followed it, and as a scientist always does he also speculated things. We shouldnt take darwins entire writings as the bible of life, we should look at his evidence critically, and over time and keep what remains applicable.
By the way, i just wanted to let every one know that i dont really see myself as part of any organized religion that i have ever heard of. I know that many people see those who believe in Design theory as agenda pushing christians, but the majority of them arent. That doesnt mean of course that the Agenda pushing Christians in the U.S political realm arent loving the theory and how they can use it!