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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I have been interested in a self powered magnet motor for some time. I am trying to get a good base plan but I am a little weak in the math of physics department. my concept idea is a pull pull push idea using a triangle with unequal sides that spins in a circle and is gravity assisted gravity would help with the longest arm which would be push pull would assist the pendulum motion on the smaller sides with magnets on the up swing to get the magnet past the gate which would prevent the magnet from pushing again. the shorter side would be just long enough to pull on the magnet and give the longer arm enough force to whip past and be pushed again. I was also thinking if centrifical force can be applied to have the magnet bypass the attract side and get pulled back in with a spring to the push side ps pardon spelling
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