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Everything posted by boris_73

  1. how well is it for learning languages as it helped you alot
  2. yes well...... i think i'll leave that language alone i hope Russian is reasonably easy
  3. i like vanilla coke/cocal cola or Dr pepper
  4. if i lived i a house of the stuff i wouldnt go near the house especially if it started to rain:)
  5. so dont buy a lot, thats all that had to be mentiond
  6. so its fine if its in an ampoule
  7. plus most probably increadably dangerous all organic explosives or oxidisers are dangerous. well why on earth do they sell it if it would decay before it got to my house
  8. yes money is the problem here as well i have spent most of mine on glassware, driving lessons, etc and soon its all going to go on elements if i buy some mercury or francium, i need a job
  9. what would you store francium in because there its been stored in a glass vial but if its so radioactive surley you would store it in a lead container
  10. still you carnt beat the price of francium 1g for £30
  11. yes i was on about ceasium at the start but they didnt sell it but then i saw mercury sorry for the confusion
  12. go to elements then click on the HG symbol and it says 140g for 140 euros which is £96.81
  13. the website which you posted
  14. and its only about £30 per g i definatley want some
  15. holy wept they sell francium, i want some
  16. thats even worse gilded i can get 140g for £96 at 99.9999% or 20g for £190 i think the £96 is much better value
  17. bloody hell up to £1114 i think thats a little expensive for a hot plate what do you use
  18. they dont have ceasium thats a shame, but they do have merucury at 140 euros for 140g thats £96.81p im not sure if that is good value
  19. how much do hot plate's cost because i wouldnt mind getting one and where do you get them from the best thing i have to an heat source which i could use out side is a gas burner those used in camping so you could put a frying pan on there
  20. why would that make pentafluoroantimonic acid
  21. i looked on the website which you posted it does'nt look that bad, the words seem easy enough to pronounce
  22. could you use an extraction fan instead of a fume cuboard because i have one of those in my kitchen its just a thought but its basically the same concept except of course not having a cuboard
  23. i know what he was on about i carnt say i found it amusing, and im glad our currency has'nt changed yet, hope it never will that means we can still get good deals in europe
  24. ok generally i do not do anything from totse.com but this method does work it is basically the same as what bud said Ok, lets see an easy experiment supposing you want to prepare the Iodine first. You will need: Bunsen burner and asbestos square (or a hot plate) Tripod and tin lid Beaker, 250 ml Separating funnel 100ml Evaporating dish Hydrogen peroxide 20 volume Tetrachloromethane or dichloromethane Distilled water 1M solution of Sulphuric acid Supply of ribbon seaweed(Laminaria) - that you can obtain a a biological supply store or from the sea shore Procedure (You must work at a fume cupboard) Collect and dry about a dozen 50cm lenghts of the seaweed and heat them strongly on a tin recipient until they are reduced to ash; probably it will reduce a quite small quantity, about a spoonful. Add to the ash 20 ml of distilled water in a beaker, and heat the suspension until it boils. Filter the suspension Acidify the filtered with Sulphuric acid solution Add then the hydrogen peroxide solution. You will observe the formation of a brown colour due the iodine liberation from the iodine ions present. Transfer the mixture to a separating funnel Extract the Iodine with tetrachloro methane or other solvent. The result is an organic solution of iodine. In order to obtain crystals , the solvent may be allowed to evaporate at room temperature, by placing it in an evaporating dish in a fume cupboard. It will result crystals of iodine or rather gray-black brilliant flakes.
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