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Everything posted by boris_73
its is quite hard to melt NaCl but if you add CaCl2 to it it will lower the temperature alot, or you could use a butane tourch but this could be quite dangerous basicaly if you can melt NaCl you can exctract sodium using electrolysis its the melting which is the hard part, plus the chlorine gas that would be given off will also be quite dangerous
electrolysis would get the sodium you would have to melt it first and considering it has got aluminum in it i reckon it would have a high melting point so it would be quite hard to extract the sodium
which web site is this in the UK i want to look at there prices
jdurg that is similar to the way i was going to make it except i would use a copper tube coiled as a condenser and run oxygen through it the copper coil will be in a container with a hole in the so a staight piece can be pushed through then the hole will be sealed up and you pour liquid nitrogen in the container let it cool then top the container up, the liquid oxygen should drip out of the striaght copper tube at the end into a test tube which is insulated,
i know i have had second thoughts about it i first saw it on brainiac they poured liquid oxygen onto a nappy basicaly all cotton so it holds more oxygen and they lit it with a flame on a stick and wow flames shoot into the air it coverd about 2 meter radius but if i was going to make it it would only be a very small sample not even enough to fill a test tube
yes you do need alot of oxygen an industrial grade container of oxygen well the ones used for welding. and i can quiet easily get hold of those
ok all i have got to say is ceasium is plenty powerfull on brainiac 2 1g of ceasium was droped in to a bath and it was the equivalent to a water mine those used in world war 2 the bath was blown apart
100% oxygen can kill you and i first have to get a supply of liquid nitrogen before i can do any experiments my grandpa used to be a manager of some type company that use's liquid nitrogen so he has some "contacts" maybe he could help me he should he was the one who first got me to making some black powder, and doing experiments. when i was a kid he poured some liquid nitrogen into a bottle capped it and threw it now im not going to do that because bloody hell it was loud and the force which comes of that, and even better me parents are away for two weeks so home alone with nothing to do hmmm i wounder what i will be doing anyway if i do manage to get some liquid nitrogen i will show you photos of how i will make liquid oxygen cross my fingers that i will get my liquid nitrogen, and my other experiments
look at this spud gun a bit over the top if you ask me you could probably shoot down aircraft with that an (anti aircraft spud gun) http://www.spudtech.com/detail.asp?id=51
i thought it was ivory out of hippos teeth, or some animal
i have made a few before they are very loud and have a very big recoil depending on how much gas you use or oxygen/propane mixture but they are a lot of fun,
well heres a link on how to make one any way http://www.spudtech.com/content.asp?id=5
i have the plans some where ill look on my computer if i carnt find them ill find a link there are hundreds of them out there
i thought it came from alice in wonder land mad hatter thats was a slight joke just in case you were wondering
thats basicly it except with out the use of black powder or a fuse and i am quiet sure the gas one is more powerful i mean 50% of black powder turns to gas where as propane is already a gas so a better explosion to force out the projectile
this mini cannon is it one where you spray deodrrant into the back and fire it with an electric igntion if so use oxygen and propane it will have a much greater velocity but it will also nock you on your arse
no its not glass it is a polycarb compound they just look like sun glasses there is no elastic back holding them to your head you put them on like glasses, sorry i just i have just seen where put glass instead of glasses
and in fact you can get cardboard tube free there is a shop called CPS (culcheth provisional store) near me about 2 miles away its a big local shop for people to get there food and at the top the are loads of differnt small shops which sell videos to herbal medicine anyway i was going around to any shops asking if they sold cardboard tubing for a "school project" and i came to a material shop and i asked them if they new any where which sold it so she went to the back came out and had about 10 roll's 1 1/2 meters long each and she just gave me them for free so thats basicaly it just ask and if you get lucky you get them free but just ask politely
i have one dewer flask's i got it of ebay for £25 1ltr and in good condition as for ventilation i can do it outside and i have thick rubber gloves, goggles/glasses they look like sun glasses and a lab coat i have this because of school you were told to buy them for the chemicals which we use
instead of using steel which might just basicaly turn into a pipe bomb why dont you use thick cardboard tubing which is alot safer and works
i know i only do it if it can be safely done but when doing things i like a challenge instead of going and getting it done for me unless it is absolutly dangerous
sorry i didnt mean to sound rude but you must admit making your own is so much more fun you get the knowledge of how to make it and you get to view your end product in its glorious blue form, and i mean it does look a bit suspicious liquid nitrogen ok thats fine but a rocket propellant buying that would turn heads
Gilded is right its more fun but also it will be harder to get Liquid oxygen then liquid nitrogen
yes thats where i have just heard it on channel 4 news
wow i have just heard that you could buy guns on ebay how bad is that one came with a silencer, thats bad they also can be sold to under 18's you buy say a bag and you get a free prizes which is a gun