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Everything posted by boris_73

  1. right you've got me there
  2. yes but you also might lose alot of the oxygen as well that way and its time consuming plus you wont get that much oxygen, and my method fairly enviromently friendly except for the hydrogen peroxide and you can always get a lot of liver even if it is gross
  3. i have to add the H2SO4 i thought i could just distill it with out H2SO4 because i thought it forms a azeotrope with water at 70% which is the conc i want and adding H2SO4 dehydrates it and is able to get the concentration around 98% and also if i order 2 bottles i reckon it will tell me the ingridents. it should do should'nt it if not how could i tell if it does have impurities
  4. sorry one more thing how many times would i have to distill it to get pure or purish i mean no impurites at 70% concentrated
  5. thank you once more
  6. also if you get hydrogen peroxide and add piece's of liver to it you get alot of oxygen produced as well which is much simpler easer to get hold of and quicker
  7. does'nt that give you a concentration of about 98% because i only want 70% 98% is way to concentrated, couldnt i just boil it. and won't that nitric acid from the ph down have impurities or would it just be nitric acid and water
  8. lol. nice someone who's addicted to the smell of 98% nitric acid
  9. so how would i concentrate 38% nitric acid to 70% would i just boil it or would i distill it and that nitric acid i mentiond would it have some impurites
  10. it depends on what explosive you wish to make if its something like nitrocellulose or mercury fuliment then it has to be 70% if you want to make a high explosive like RDX or petn then it has to be about 98% Why?
  11. i am really sorry but like i said in the H2O2 post i thought it would have some really bad impurites to concentrate it though could i just boil it or would i have to distill it and besides i have learnd something from it one how to make nitric acid from potassium nitrate and sulphuric acid and two if i know of a link mention it at the start
  12. sorry i thought it would have some major impurites and i still do beleave that and to concentrate it to 70% could you just boil it or would you have to distill it
  13. have you looked at http://www.growell.co.uk and typed in nitric acid in the search button
  14. or right yes i will look around for some
  15. sorry its 38% concentrated
  16. i think the web sites called http://www.growell.co.uk under the search button type in nitric acid
  17. which acid the one i posted in H2O2
  18. lol yes nitric acid is used as a ph down for when plants are just starting to grow when they are buds its genrally around 30% ive seen a 1ltr for £4.50 but it might have some impurites such as phosphate
  19. you need three A's to get into oxford have you got three A's
  20. i see where you are coming from thats brilliant thank you now all i need is the sulphuric acid
  21. its not good enough again back to the distilling the long tube you made(condensor) did you put it through the cork because thats what i will do and why did you put the tube in the acid not above the acid
  22. "i saw cleveland" but still the currancey would have given the country away nevermind ill let you off and we dont have states we have countys i i was thinking that but £40 for the ammonia im sure you can get it cheaper else where
  23. no its not in the USA did you not look at the prices there in pounds£ not dollars$ which means its in england
  24. i forgot to ask as well your condenser which you made do you push it through your cork, most probably do thats what i am going to do and also why do you put you tube which is bent into the acid i thought it would be placed just above it
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