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Everything posted by boris_73

  1. did you get your conical flask from scichem.co.uk if so how much did it cost
  2. ok then where could i find some old cheap batterys
  3. damn its back to finding some old car batterys or a company that service batteries which is probably near impossible
  4. do you know any brand name drain cleaners in england which contain sulphuric acid
  5. sorry about calling you an american i know how pissed of canadians can get we people call them american and how did you make your own
  6. he could be american he could have moved to england, and if you want aluminium powder, sodium, potassium, ammonia, sodium chlorate/perchlorate etc go to http://www.kno3.com tell me if its of any use
  7. i just thought as well... are you american because in one of your old posts you spelt colour color
  8. where did you get that and the rest of your equipment eg.condenser if i could get them cheap it would be great
  9. yt do you live in england if so where did you get your sulphuric acid from because car batterys seem's to be an expensive idea i can only find new ones not used ones and what type of condensor should i use to make nitric acid and where could i buy cheap glassware i have beakers, filtering flasks, and a few chemicals but i now want to buy distilling equipment to make the nitric acid
  10. i know all that i was just joking did you not see my face anyway the point is you really should not mess with either element
  11. "Ahh cesium, the king of elements" actually francium is the "king" of elements and has anybody seen brainiac 2 on sky one thursdays 8.00pm they set of about 2-5g of rubidium and caesium in a bath rubidium blew the bath apart and ceasium completly distroyed it full size baths as well not water baths baths which humans go in. they are elements you really should not mess with
  12. sorry i am very persistant and thank you now then when you say parts do you mean work out the moles then grames again or just volume eg ml
  13. ok thanks ill work it that way i all ways seem to go around the houses when it comes to things like these one more thing how could you figure out the concentration of an acid with out using a titration
  14. you are correct about the molarity but what i am stuck at is the molarity of 70% concentrated because you now have the addition of water as well as your other compounds so how would you work it out, you have H2SO4 and H2O, h*4, o*5 s*1 then add them together which is 117 so thats one mole of sulphuric acid and one mole of water this is what i reckon then you have to figure out the additon of the 30% water in the sulphuric acid thats what i can not figure out
  15. would 70% sulphuric acid give out 70% nitric acid because thats all the concentration i want, and also how would i know if the sulphuric acid is about 70% concentrated if i concentrate it my self from a car battery.
  16. just to clarify should i add say 200g of potassium nitrate to 100ml of sulphuric acid and how strong should the sulphuric acid be and will the nitric acid be as strong as the sulphuric acid i have added
  17. brooks pharmacy is a american ferm we do not get brooks pharmacy in england. thank you anyway
  18. YT2095 when distilling could i just use a distilling beaker leading of into a flask or should i use a condenser as well leading it off into a flask, and also how much potassium nitrate and sulphuric acid should i add to make about 500ml or 2.5ltr any will do thank you
  19. also if you distill the sulphuric acid you will have a concentration of about 98%
  20. LANCE how did you create it from NO2 i know if i distill the nitric acid i have got from the NO2 it will be 70% max as it forms a azeotrope with water at 70%
  21. that ways fine but it does not go in too any real detail i am really greatful though, i want to make about 500ml min 2.5ltr max at about 70% concentrated. so if anybody could give me detail that would be great, or even better again if someone could tell me where to buy the nitric acid in england that would help.
  22. there appers to be some method behinde you madness(sorry its just something my old teacher used to say) but there all so seems to be a few flaws such as how much nitrate to add how much sulphuric acid to add ect
  23. in fact if someone could tell me where to buy it that would do just fine as well i live in england, manchester
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