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Everything posted by boris_73

  1. ok i have just opend a battery and its got a lot of silvery soft metal paste inside what is it its one of those big D batteries Edit: also inside the zinc cup there is a black casing im guessing this is manganese dioxide if so what can you do with manganese dioxide Edit 2: also how dangerous is manganese dioxide because i have just read it is severly dangerous if inhaled ect
  2. is the casing on a duracell alkaline battery zinc or another metal because i am not sure about the duracell ones and i dont want to take it apart if it is not, also is it safe to take a battery apart
  3. what do you mean the chemicals to make the smoke bomb if so then goto here http://www.unitednuclear.com/smoke.htm
  4. Damn thats not the worse part, because it can be kept safely i decided to make another batch and find an excuse to set it off probably down at my grandpa's end, he was the one who got me into things like this and helps me get my chemicals, anyway if it is true what you say total volume of 54000 will be coverd with smoke it best not go off in my bloody house Edit: today i am not at my brightest, days like these you know i am tired without me even telling you Edit 2: united nuclear has irritated me a bit because they said it was a small batch.... Small indeed ill set these two off in there office and we'll see what a small batch it is anyway if i am ever in danger i can light these and disapear
  5. boris_73


    damn i just thought while the mixture for the smoke bomb is still a liquid i could run a pieace of string through to creat a fuse, a simple easy and probably effective fuse
  6. boris_73


    yes what else can KNO3 be used in we have gun powder, a rocket propellant, smoke bombs, anything else because i would'nt mind using some of my potassium nitrate up Edit: i've had enough of making black powder mine never seems to work poperly
  7. where did you find the commercial smoke bombs from i was going to ask what they used in them next
  8. boris_73


    LOL, see i told its something you dont need to know after all who wants peace life would just be boring then:)))
  9. boris_73


    something you dont need to know )
  10. can you buy copper oxide wire if so then i could use copper oxide wire plus aluminium wire Edit: or is there a quick way of turning copper wire in to copper oxide wire
  11. actualy i wounder if that would work i dont think that is it but i wounder if that would actually work all i need now is iron oxide anybody know how to get it, one method i have heard is to burn steel wool in a tube that is ment to produce iron oxide
  12. the fuse is just a general fuse well an exotic fuse it can be used to ignite most things i only put it in the thermite section because it uses metals and is supposse to react like thermite
  13. what chemicals can you add to give the smoke bomb coloured smoke
  14. i dont think it is this one you light like a normal fuse and it gives a reaction like thermite sparks fly of ect
  15. are there any two wires which you can twist together to act like a fuse say aluminum and another metal, im sure i have heard of something like it i think its called a thermite fuse
  16. boris_73


    LOL, i hope he does leave in a way that will get him a Darwin award, at least he will be a president you can remember
  17. Lol
  18. bloody hell and damit gilded 1.) i car'nt stop playing that elements song 2.) its now stuck in my head and i just keep repeating it over and over again just singing the few words which i can remember so most of its just mumbles, in the sound of the tune
  19. yeeesss thats it Edit: not the same video but i am pretty sure thats it
  20. its very brittle and hard once it has set but its very easy to make it only takes a few minutes
  21. where can you buy potassium carbonate or what is it used in
  22. boris_73


    see thats why i just prefer to buy what i need except for iodine, or potassium nitrate ect where you can have experience making them, and fun
  23. that's brilliant news this way i can keep it for as long as i want and be able to go to sleep with out fear im going to wake up with a house full of smoke and my parents looking over as if they had an intenton to kill me
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